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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. Mika's music makes me dream. I love listening to his album. Each song has a different story. I am so glad and lucky to have MIKA is this world. Everytime, I see him smiling, he makes me smile and want to throw myself to him. I LOVE YOU MIKA WITH ALL MY HEART, BODY AND SOUL. I do believe you can love someone without knowing them personally. MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FOR MIKA. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TALENT AND SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. I completely agree with you. Lucky me I got tickets for the NY concert. He was awesome. I was in the third row. He is sooooo great. I love the way he plays with his voice. I am hoping he comes back to the USA and get tickets again. You really never know. I hope he gets big. But on the negative side, we would have less changes of meeting him. However, I want him to get big so people appreciate his talent. LOVE MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey everyone,


    I heard that Mika's first single was Relax, take it easy. I was just wondering if he ever had an official video for this awesome song, which is my favorite. Well, I love the entire album, but I hear this song more than any other.

    Well, if you have info about it, just post it or send me an email.



    Lucy (MIKAlover):mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

  4. Hey Paula,


    This Lucy. I am a huge fan of MIKA. Love everything about him. You are not the first person I hear that MIKA is so nice and sweet. Everytime I hear these comments. it makes me want to meet him so bad. I hope some day I meet him to let him know how appreciated he is to me. Well, I wanted to see what he wrote on MY SPACE, in your page, but I did not see anything. Can you please tell me where to go?? I would love to read it.




  5. Whoever wrote this review, must be crazy to say things like that about MIKA. Mika is an incredible singer. He is filled with talent and people who don't know about music should be out of opinions. I hate when people mess with MIKA. I love this guy. Leave him alone. I know that everyone has an opinion, but if is not positive, don't bring that here. LOVE MIKA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hey you were sooo lucky to meet him. He was sooo sweet to stop for you. I hope I meet him someday too. By the way my name is Lucy and I was at the concert too. I think I was the ony spanish speaking there. I love him soooo much. I can't stop talking about him with my co-worers. Unfortunately, I am working today, I won't be able to go to BORDERS because I am working too. Well hopefully I meet him someday. I can't wait for your pictures.

  7. You were soooo lucky to meet him. I was there at the concert too. This is Lucy by the way and I think I was the only spanish speaking there. I love his performing. He is awesome. I wanted to get more out of the concert (too shot), but it was worth it.

    I wanted to go to BORDERS but I am working too. Hope some day I get the chance to see him and tell him that he rocks my world.

  8. Hey Everyone who loves MIKA,

    This is LUCY.


    I just want to let everyone know that MIKA sold out the show in Gramercy Theatre, New Yokr. I am sooooooooooooo happy for him:mf_lustslow: I hope he has a lot of success in the US. I got tickets for that show and other friend tried to get but show sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink2:

  9. Hey everyone,


    It's Lucy. I have to share great news with everyone. MIKA is coming to New York and I GOT TICKETS TO SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I can't wait for March 29th. :punk::mf_lustslow: I hope I get a chance to tell him that he is a great artist and that we need more like him to make our lives easier.


    Talk to you later



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