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Posts posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Oh gosh, I didnt' like Blane either!!!


    His design looked like she was wearing a big 'ol diaper/pad covered in black tarp. xD



    I can't think of her name, but I thought the girl who won the challenge was

    so creative! A Well deserved win.



    Wait, so who caught the previews for the next episode?

    My life is now complete after hearing Tim Gunn go "HOLLER AT YOUR BOY!" in his oh so Tim Gunn voice.

  2. Had to go through about 4 pages of a Google image search to find that:roftl:


    But you like Kary's idea? I do...I think it would be cool to simplify ALL the animals into one (shoot, what did she call it?) Chimera:wink2:


    Oh sweet, very cool.

    What else would we fill the space with though? Random circus stuff?

  3. I just wanted to say that I am very sorry if I upset anyone with what I posted- I really did NOT mean for me to come across as mean or arguementative. I think our ideas have been wonderful so far and for all of us to work together in such a productive manner is so cool



    No problemo:wink2: Good observation:naughty:






    1) Hmmm, I don't think we've talked that much about the back cover. But I think it was Melanie who suggested the drawing (that came from you I believe Kary) with the shadow of the clown on the back. I think it was her that said it should go on the back.


    2) That's a great idea!!! I'll be waiting to see my options:thumb_yello:


    3) I agree 100% Everyone's ideas, drawing, improvements and overall contributions have been ever so wonderful and helpful thus far.


    4) Oh, that's a good idea- simplifying what goes inside the crystal ball. And that link- that's cool...reminds me of a Liger from Napoleon Dynamite. And perhaps we could make it more "circusy" in some way. Like on some sort of pedestal. Imagine what's below but with more colour and personality...


    What do you think?




    LOVE the picture!

    I think I'm gunna do a sketch of it now...

    and add a mustache to the dog, haha.

    or something rediculous....

  4. you know i was thinking 'oh no this is going to break out into a big argument' but you guys are really nice to each other - not like how in school people fight for the credit etc etc... :bleh:


    ...just wanted to add my opinion ya know? :D


    Haha, no way!

    I'm really not like that, and I was coming off about this whole thing completley different than intented! I hope you guys don't think I'm a brat like that!

  5. I know, I know., I meant the crystal ball part haha But then that way he can see everyone else's brainstorming as well:biggrin2:


    Haha you seriously reminded me of times on msn with my friends with that whole, "I totally meant something different than what I I typed". One time I must have typed something and my friend was a bit offended or something and I was like "that was sarcasm" and then she was fine:roftl:


    Haha, I know, I seriously feel like I'm back in 7th grade.:blush-anim-cl:

  6. Hahaha I don't think I've had an arguement over punctutation or maybe I have, I don't know haha


    Oh and by the way, maybe there's some way of Mika being directed to this thread to see who came up with what part of the cover. And then he can see you came up with the crystal ball design and not us hehe


    woah woah woah

    seriously, NOT NECESSARY!

    haha, this is OUR cover!

  7. Okay:wink2:


    Yeah you are SO right things come off compeltely different than what you intend. Take my humour for example. On msn sometimes completely misinterpret what what I type (as sarcasm sounds very different in person than when typed):roftl:


    Haha, don't you hate when that happens?

    Now I feel like I'm back in 7th grade, fighting with people on AOL and yelling at each other over a period at the end of a sentence..where it's supposed to be? because they thought it was "bitchy" or my attitude was different or something, haha...


    you never know with the internet :P *shrug*

  8. I think everyone's name will be put in a list for those who took part in the cover, so maybe Mika won't know who did what or who came up with what, but don't worry we won't pretend we came up with it or whatnot, the proof is all in here :wink2:


    woah, no no no.

    I'm really comming off wrong.

    It's not about NAMES in the book, or anything like that..

    seriously, nevermind guys! haha


    I'm comming off like a total dousche and it's not what I mean to say or act like...

  9. We forgot who mentioned it earlier but we like the idea of everyone in the group to draw an animal or circus person and what not into the crystal ball. We think that would be so neat to do.


    That's a good idea, it'd give everyone a chance to contribute something towards the actual drawing. :thumb_yello::)

  10. I know you came up with that idea of course I did (and it was a fabulous idea)!!! But I don't know...I just think every element has become important and I think that I could have written a similar post as you did. But so could other people here.


    There's a list right? So all of our names will be on there...don't worry: Mika will see that you worked on the cover:) And if Mika really wants to know how this went down, he can come here and read it all...but only after he gets the book:naughty:


    I am really, really sorry if I made you feel bad. I really didn't mean to.:wink2:


    Oh no no no!

    really! hahahaha, I think I'm comming off totally different than how I feel.

    EVERY person who contributed ANYTHING to this is extremely important!

    Nevermind...haha,and NO NEED to apologize!

  11. We did like you idea- the idea of putting all of our ideas into one element of the design was nice.:wink2:


    thanks! hold on, I feel like there's some sort of resentment for some reason, it doesn't matter who thought of what, but I saw your previous post and you are aware that I came up with the main idea, right? :P the crystal ball,hands..



    whatever, it really doesn't matter.

  12. Okay, THESE are my ideas:


    I just thought of a way to combine all those when I read them listed like that.


    What if we had the palm of a hand (wearing a white glove) flat out with pieces of confettin in the middle, just slightly sticking out from underneath a 'cystal ball' sitting on top of it, with clouds on it, like those misty purple clouds and INSIDE the crystal ball,a circus, and just madness. It would look really cool on a black background.


    Back Cover:


    All black, at the very bottom, on each side, have one hand straight up and and slightly cupped and on the other side a hand straigh up slightly cupped facing eachother,and in the middle the words "this much."



    and for the ART SECTION:


    A "where's waldo?" type drawing, but instead "Where's Billy?" and hiding Billy Brown somewhere throughout a sea of people.






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