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Posts posted by Mirinam

  1. I really wanna know this too! (does this officially make us stalkers now?) He's definatly not heavy! Theres not much to him! But he's still gorgeous! :wub2:


    Stalkers? Hmm, Maybe? HeHe..

    But yes, he's so skinny! But GORGEOUS! <3

  2. Nice post! ;)

    hmm, what would I ask him..?




    1.What's his favorite song is?

    2.If he had to change on thing about himself, what would it be..?

    3.Is he tired of performing Grace Kelly or any other song from his album?

    4.When his second album is coming? ( If it comes one, HOPE SO)

    5.Does he like milk?




    1.Do you use womans underwear?

    2.Will you marry me? ;p

    3.Can I have your phone number?

    4.Do you like tall girls?

    5.Blonds or brunettes?


    But like Lana said, Id probably not be able to even ask a real question... Only random sounds would come out..


    Yeah, probably:p

  3. Ooh, Hard one.. I'm really not sure.. But the one i've heard the morst on my iTunes is Grace Kelly, 100 times in one week;p And many more on my iPod;)

    And after that one it have to be lollipop or love today;)

    I love all his songs, so it's hard to pick out one..


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