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Posts posted by cloud

  1. Yeah, he isn't going to broadcast :sad:




    oh i guess i'm just gonna have to go to sleep then.. no reason for staying up... life over.. Oh wait! I have tickets to his show in June... Oh! Back to life !!:biggrin2:


    well at least i think i found Sivan on the Coachella forum.. Like always backing up our Beloved Mika and defending him from everyone... Might be her? (MikaFan)

    or at least it sounds like her

    check it out



  2. Okay so i'm way past my bedtime, and still waiting for something to come up at



    Hoping maybe to get a glimpse of Mika or even Sivan (since i know she's there) but nothing yet.. i think Mika was supposed to play from 12 to 1 pacific time, but he isn't on the Lineup for the Web Broadcast.. so i guess they are not featuring him... (or showing on the net) ????


    Oh well i guess im gonna miss this , too bad :(

  3. Voting like mad, I hope we will see the results tomorrow, when they refresh the page...


    gosh, I cant keep away from this page.... im going mad!

    anyway, yeah. I just had a fantasy thought: :naughty:

    when the voting comitte gets there in the morning the first thing they see is that Mika passed Johnny and is now at 75% and Johnny still at 25%:biggrin2:

    sigh! wouldn't that be nice... We Can Make it Happen!!! keep voting!! everyone!!

    make my fantasy come true..

  4. Oh dear...what can I do now?




    JOHNNY?...:blink: :blink: :blink:

    OMG what did I caught myself into?

    *thinks thinks thinks*

    I know you will hate me but...this is a tough situation! sigh..



    :bash:SNAP OUT OF IT!!! You're not thinking straight! You have to vote for Mika, He needs our support!

  5. I TRIED TO VOTE CLOUD ... ,BUT COULD NOT UNDERSTAND THE FRENCH ... maybe you could give us a translation ??? So that we may vote as well ??!!


    :sorry:I'm not french but i went crazy clicking on Mika Mika Mika and i think it worked but dont worry Mariposa has it down to the "T" and i dont think she minds giving you instructions....

    Dang it! These are the days i wish i wouldn't have ditched my French class... :naughty:

  6. According to MTV news his name is :


    Born Michael Holbrook Penniman in Beirut to a Lebanese mother and American father, Mika and his parents moved to Paris while he was still a very young child, and eventually London by the time he was nine years old.


    Other articles say Mica is the name.


    and i read somewhere that in school he called himself Mica "c" but when he did the play "Cabaret" at a school production he decided to change it to Mika "k" because it would stand out more..and besides, people always pronounced it wrong..


    :confused:Ay these media people that can't get their (shirt) together!


    I guess I'll just have to ask him personally for all of us huh? clear some things up! When i see him in June.. :woot_jump:YAY!

  7. well I just went back to the voting poll and if you notice none of the other guy's % have changed either.. so i guess we are fine for now. Just keep voting ... vote, vote, vote. and maybe dont send to all your friends, only the ones that will vote for Mika, some people dont know about this competition and they might vote for the other guys,:thumbdown: it could be harmful.. :blowup: and blow up in our faces.Any way i'll check back later on tonight when i get to work, for now i gotta get some zzzzzzzzzz's. Laters!

  8. I know! This is the first time I went RIGHT to Mika's name without even seeing Johnny Depp's. It's official.. Mika has taken over my world <333


    oh thats cause i posted the link directly to the Mika page so we wont waste time but you can go back and look at the others. it would be the first link.

  9. I found this hope no one has posted yet.. but Mika is in the Sexy man competition of 2007 against names like Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Jude Law and more.. Vote Now! :mf_lustslow:








    And our co-fan dino_gurl7189 found another link for the English Version of the Sexy Poll and Our Beloved Mika is very far behind so c'mon MFC Let's Get to Voting on this other Link as Well and Bring Our Mika to the TOP!!!

    I KNow we Can Do It..



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