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Posts posted by Marianne84

  1. Great doll!


    I wish I had a Mika Ken when I was a little girl!! I hated Ken, his fake tan and blond hair...


    You'll just have to promise you won't stick voodoo pins in it!


    Ha ha! I can promise I won't. I don't think I'll ever see Mini Mika again as he's living with Mika now! :wink2::biggrin2:

  2. I have to say, I do agree actually. I'm also quite touchy feely (not in a pervy way lol) and I am a VERY huggy person. I just love hugs. But when I hug someone, I don't do it halfheartedly. When I hug someone I mean it - tight, close bond and usually they're a good few seconds, not like a nanosecond.


    Cuddles release endorphins, which are feel good hormones. You only get these from a really good hug. They make you feel all warm, fuzzy and loved inside. The reason why people get so ecstatic - in my opinion - when they hug Mika is because they've just hugged or had close contact with someone they admire, not because of the hug itself. And to me, personally, hugs are important because it shows you really care about the person. Of course I'd love to hug Mika because I DO care about him, but I'm just a stranger to Mika and although I'm sure he cares about his fans he probably doesn't care about us in the same way we do about him, y'know?


    I wanted to ask for a hug when I met him at Sadler's Wells but I just felt I shouldn't. I mean, he was going down the line quickly because there were several people there and I didn't want to keep him, but I just felt greedy because I had received an autograph and felt like it would have been a bit too much or fangurly. I also was wondering whether or not I should ask him for one at the pub, as MY way of saying thank you for doing such a thing (even though I said it to his face, twice :aah:) but felt as though it was the wrong place. (He did touch my shoulder though :aah:) People can vouch for me when I say I haven't acted hysterical around him, because I haven't, nor have I felt the need to. He's a normal human being just like the rest of us and Mika has openly stated that he doesn't trust people easily, so to even get a quick hug from him - whether he really means it or not - I'd say is quite enough. (Not saying people have been requesting more - heaven forbid! I haven't actually read the whole thread and wanted to comment on the hugging shizzle but I think I've gone a bit too far into it without knowing full details :aah:)



    I actually think that you are one of the most sane fans here, not fangurly at all. :thumb_yello: It's good to know that it meant something when Mika hugged me in Stockholm. I was surprised when he did it. :wub2: I would never ask him for a hug.

  3. My bet is it's Albert. I mean they have these public tiffs and Albert gets locked in cupboards...sounds like a typical celeb relationship to me!!! :roftl:


    Wether he's in a relationship with Albert, Lady Gaga (who recently sat on his face don't forget!) or Prince Harry so long as he's happy then that's all that I care about. And he has seemed really happy lately.


    Gay, straight, bi, into gerbils, single, divorced...it makes not difference to me, I'll still happily drool over him!:blush-anim-cl:


    I thought he was into hamsters? :shocked:


    My world is crushed. :crybaby:

  4. I am at our summer cottage right now (lots of those in Finland), and my internet connection is lousy, so I haven't read back everything. Just want to say that I'm not going to moan, I think he is kind and generous doing this, and I'm doing everything I can to be there tomorrow.


    This is not easy, I'm putting a lot of effort and organizing to this! I can tell you that short notice flights from Finland are quite expensive! And I don't have too much money! This means that there are many things I cannot afford in future. And the problem is that I cannot buy the cheapest option, I need to buy the tickets that fit to my family schedule. I'm not young free and single, lol! I have a house full of kids and dogs, and my husband has to take two days off from work so I can make this... (well, he is willing to do it, so I guess I'm quite lucky too!).


    To tell the trouth I'm really afraid that I'm not going to get tickets :blink: I don't know London well, and there will be so many people... But I'm going to take a risk. You remember his promote gigs after LICM came out? There are many vids in youtube. Every time I watch them I think, OMG how I wish I had been there! This time I'm going to be there. At least I try...


    And if I will not get those tickets I will be so disappointed I can't describe it. But that's life I guess? I will survive eventually... And maybe it will cure me. I will never be addicted to anything in my life again! :biggrin2: Well, if I can get tickets I will give another one to someone from MFC.




    As everyone can see Tiibet has to go through a lot to even get to London, and then find the venue to get a ticket and queue for it. So I think it would be fair if someone with a spare ticket will give it to Tiibet and make sure she won't go to London only to find out that she can't get to the gig. :wink2:


    Have fun everyone! I'll be reading all the reports and living it through them. :thumb_yello:

  5. Funny--the reviews are a lot more calm and positive this time around. Makes me think that the initial marmite reaction has worked out of people's systems, and now they can listen to this album already knowing what Mika is and isn't, and appreciate it for what it is rather than what they think it maybe should be. The backlash that always comes with being an out-of-nowhere pop sensation has worn off, and people can just say "yes I like it" and not worry about it. It's interesting, because this lets us have the first glimpse of where Mika will actually stand in the pop echelon years on, and how he will be regarded.




    Good observation! That's what I've been thinking too, but I just couldn't put it into words that well. :thumb_yello:



    Chickadee, haven't you watched videos of him performing Grace Kelly? He usually does this jazz hands thing just before karchinga - and makes the audience do it as well. :biggrin2:

  6. Kiitos vinkistä! Osallistuin vaikka mun kopio on matkalla Play.comista. Jos voitan niin löytyy aina joku värvätty fani joka ei vaivaudu ostamaan tuota albumia mutta joka tahtoo sen kuitenkin .:naughty:


    Mä oon yrittäny googlettaa suomenkielistä tietoa Mikan uudesta albumista, mutta mitään ei löytyny - ainoastaan pari nettikauppaa joiden mukaan se ilmestyy Suomessa 23. päivä.


    Musta tuntuu, että Suomenkin lehdistö alkaa pikkuhiljaa kiinnostua Mikasta nyt kun toinen albumi tulee ulos. Ehkä meillä on jo ensi vuonna mahkuja nähdä Mika Suomessa! :thumb_yello:


    Pitäisköhän meidän viestittää radioasemille että tällainenkin lahjakas muusikko on olemassa? Musta se olis hyvä idea. Mä en kuuntele paljon radiota, mutta sitä kautta Mika sais lisää faneja. Aika huvittavaa miten tuolla Suosikin nettisivulla sanotaan "pari vuotta sitten hurmannut". Ihan kuin Mika olis hävinny johonkin ja tekis nyt paluun. Näin varmaan suomalaiset sen näkee, koska Mikahan on pääasiassa hurmannu suomalaisia vain debyyttilevyllään.

  7. Hi Marianne. I'm really sorry about my post last night. I acted when I was angry and in the heat of the moment, and I guess that it all came out very wrong and sounded like I was participating in some sort of social crucifixion. I apologise for that. I didn't mean (or think, in reality) that you did this with a mean intention, and it was the fact that I read (misread?) your post as if it was cocky and saying something like "ok, so I did it, and so what?" and this is why I got all enraged.

    I should have waited and calmed down before I posted, but I just did it there and then, and if I hurt you I am genuinely sorry for that.

    In my defence, or as some form of explanation as to where I was coming from, the reason why I reacted like this is that I am a person who has very firm ideals and I am getting really annoyed with the strings of lies and deceits that I am seeing in the context of some of these gigs/competitions, and this felt like the straw that broke the camel's back, hence my (probably too strong and out of the blue to you) reaction. I don't know if this will make any sort of ammends, and you may just think that I am an evil bitch, but I wanted to say it. I am honestly ashamed and feel like a bit of an idiot today thinking of how it may have looked. I promise that I didn't act out of malice or that I wasn't trying to be mean, but merely that I felt really aggraviated with the whole thing and you happened to be there.

    Anyway, I just keep rambling now, and you probably will think that this is all a pile of sheit, but I thought that I would say it. I'm sorry.


    All right. No harm done, really. :)



    Prize is a pair of tickets to see and meet Mika at an exclusive gig in London on 18th November 2009, meet and greet subject to availability.


    Did anyone notice this one of the T&C's???


    Made me :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    I noticed that afterwards... Made me laugh as well. :teehee:

  8. Andy promised Rose she'd be a martian on stage but it never happened.


    So really, it's Andy Rose needs to take it up with, not Mika lol :roftl:




    Ah, it was Rose! I did wonder why Mika didn't have martians on stage. Not that I was there to see, but I would have seen pictures.


    Had I won a ticket to Paul O'Grady I would be in London on Monday and could attend this gig, but it's not going to happen now. :(

  9. Hi Guy, I don't mean that the forum "officially" does it, but members. I can possibly understand someone entering by mistake, although if you want my honest opinion I think that, at this stage after all the "certain country/area only" comps that we've had, one not "noticing" the rules before they apply is IMHO a bit dodgy.

    So when this person goes from apologetic ("i didn't notice!") to defiant and cocky ("i don't see how this would affect anyone if i won!" and rosetinted glasses, I get angry.

    The bbc were adamant that they hadn't knowingly picked foreign winners, but the system was automated and they expected people to only apply if they qualified. I think that people saying that it's up to play and that they will just try their luck coz the entries should be checked is a major copout.


    What? Defiant and cocky? I was never like that! I just pointed out that I'm not likely to win if Play are looking for a UK winner. They must notice that I'm not from the UK, especially because I'm their registered customer, and they can give the prize to someone else if they want to. It's not like someone has been robbed.


    I got excited and read the rules and regulations hastily, which I admitted. People make mistakes. I made one, and I'm now being publicly slaughtered for it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, other people just didn't admit it. I wish I had kept my mouth shut now. I didn't realize it was a matter of life and death.


    And as for the rosetinted glasses smiley... I use it when I'm sick of reading how people overreact to little things, I didn't try to play defiant and I'm sorry if you got that impression.


    Give me a break already, everybody. People do far worse things in this world and on purpose.

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