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Posts posted by bee

  1. This is pretty much just a rumor, and one that I have a lot of trouble believing, but supposedly Sacha Baron Cohen is in talks to play Queen frontman Freddie Mercury in the biopic we told you about last fall. The 'news' comes from the Daily Mirror, which claims to have heard from an unidentified source that Cohen is a strong candidate for the role. The last we heard about casting ideas for the movie was that Johnny Depp was being offered the role, but it is very possible he's too busy to take it. Still, the likelihood that Cohen would be a fitting substitute is, in multiple ways, laughable.


    Mika should get that part !

  2. Right, please kill me if there is already a thread dedicated to Mika's lucious locks, but i couldn't find one! I decided to make this thread because i was watching a few videos and looking through some pics of our man when i realised... no matter how his hair looks... it's ALWAYS SEXY!!! Whether his curls are dangling over his eyes, arranged in a certain way or just not there it always looks hot!


    And so Mika's hair.. i salute you! :biggrin2:


    So who wants to join in the Official Mika's Curls thread?



    #1 Curly


    Can I , please ?? :thumb_yello:

  3. k i don't know if this has already been shown cos it's been around for a while but i finally found it on the internet and decided to put it up for everyone else to see.


    it's the capital advert and if u look well it spells out mika. I remember passing this poster in a car and i was thinking omg i love mika so much i can see trains spelling out his name!! but then i noticed it said capital fm so i figured i weren't imagining things... phew




    OMG :blink:

  4. Wow, I love them!!! :D Especially the first and the second one. Did you take them?? And where did you??


    I was serching on the web :naughty: I'm making a video

  5. [quote name='Sunny Monkey']The general buzz surround Mika in the last few weeks has jumped to super levels. Papers and music channels around the world are starting to tip Mika as becoming the hottest act of 2007!

    To get some idea of the acclaim that Mika is getting you can check [URL="http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/20070102.jsp"]BBC America[/URL], [URL="http://arts.guardian.co.uk/filmandmusic/story/0,,1982593,00.html"]The Guardian[/URL], and [URL="http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/music/features/article2114940.ece"]The Independent[/URL] which I think you will agree are some top notch sources!

    My fav quote has to be from The Independent that goes:[INDENT]“To a dollop of Elton John add a good measure of Scissor Sisters and a sprinkling of Queen. Stick it all in the blender with a dash of good looks and a spicey childhood. What have you got? Mika - the pop sensation of 2007.”
    [/INDENT]Fantastic stuff. If you spot any other press coverage be sure to send it in or add your comment. Perhaps you have written about Mika on your blog?[/QUOTE]

    I AGREE :thumb_yello:

  6. I posted these in the "I want that chain" thread, but thought these pix deserved it's own thread. I searched and don't believe they've appeared on this site otherwise, sorry if they're repeats- enjoy anyways!




    OMG , SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE :mf_lustslow:

  7. There's a local website of one radio station: http://www.m-1.fm/


    When you scroll down, you can see LICM with a stars, and it's very high-rated. But it's not enough. I want to see full 5 stars! Please help! I vote here every day, but it seems like they don't accept many votes from same computer. So...you should push on the album and then mark "5"!!


    Thank you!!! :wub2:


    THANK U , I HAVE VOTED ! :thumb_yello:

  8. mmaniacsme2.png


    So who wants to be a Mika Maniac?



    Curly #1

    Satu #2

    Mary #3

    Taysdreamgirl83 #4

    Kitty #5

    RosieLou #6

    Sou #7

    ClosetChild #8

    Ocean_Fairy #9

    xxChrystalxx #10

    My_Rainbow_Radio #11

    Arcenciel #12

    Mika_Lover #13

    Steph #14

    MikaMad #15

    Jemmalee #16

    Raha! #17

    Foxxy # 18

    Ferny #19

    xMariax #20

    Esperia75 #21

    Twinkleztar #22

    Tika_Loves_Mika #23

    Chloe #24

    Mika's Biggest Fan!!! #25

    Sasje #26

    Shezzy12 #27

    Xtrina #28

    Sinatrasdame1915 #29

    AshleyMiranda #30

    Jame1128 #31

    Mirtilla #32

    Cath85 #33

    Big Girl #34

    Lemonadelily #35

    Grace_Kelly #36

    Dee #37

    Luna #38

    AshtrayGirl!!! #39

    *Danique #40

    Jame1128 #41

    EnFa #42

    MLG4Mika #43

    Dangerous Kat #44

    Violeysky #45

    MikaRMS #46


    If you've got problem always ask yourself; What would Mika


    Meet Mini Mika: Meet Baby Mika:






    i wanna be one !

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