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Posts posted by RosinaKiwi

  1. 35 minutes ago, Kelzy said:

    Hello! This is Leo (the doofus formerly known as Liyonah/Lolliepop_girl who can't access the site because I'm bad at life).
    Happy anniversary! I love you all!

    love you too Leo, my fellow timelord. we should catchup IRL! :thumb_yello:


    9 minutes ago, Kelzy said:

    :naughty: now we'll wait and see if you post again to know if it's edible. 

    i guess its edible... 

    • Like 1
  2. oh hello you all i havent had time to reply much since the earthquake. none of the regular posters were in christchurch at the time but whether or not we have family there to say the whole country is effected in one way or another.


    we are ok. i dont know why i dont get emails from this thread anymore...i did create it and all...weird

  3. Nique I am, I think like you if I remember from last year, the same level as you. Sixth form.

    I RULE at unfamiliar bevause I'm a good analyst and I don't have to remember quotes.


    Who thinks I should enter that NZ singing ccontest show and sing PUOTF for my audition???


    well I passed my papers

    **happy dance**


  4. Wow, so you have a really long holiday i gather? Or are you doing something?


    And how did you manage to get out of health??? That was compulsary for us till year 10! :shocked:


    Indeed yes sort of im looking for a house 2 hours away lol so ill be traveling in between!


    oh now that would be telling!

    I swapped health as a module in order to do math tutoring in 3rd form. in 4th It was in science and my dad gave a note after hearing something about it on the news, 5th form I was having problems with my transition education teacher who taught the health so I got out of it for going against what they were teaching :naughty:

  5. LOL, I can understand getting sick of the incessant fangurling... I went through that a while ago, but I generally avoid any place where there might be fangurling (ie, 98% of the forum :lmfao:).. Occasionally I feel the need to go into the gasmics thread but it's not that often and I skip over the shirtless pics anyways)...



    I'll speak to you on FB to speak with you about NZ and such :wink2:


    I mostly postly in Ausie thread and kiwi thread now days anyway lol


    you must tell me when you guys arrive and stuff too. ive forgotten!

  6. exams? what are they?

    I had my last exam for the year on the first day of uni exams, tuesday after labour weekend! yuss!


    HAHA Im teh master of getting out of health, never had to take one class in health in all my years of highschool yep, im a genius!

  7. A very good citizen!



    Sky tower.. that's the one that you can jump off, right? :blink:






    Thanks for the suggestions... We'll def have to visit Charlie...


    Ooh, and gelato sounds awesome! :biggrin2: That reminds me, there's an awesome place just down the road from school! It's delicious! :drool:


    oh but Gianpaolo's gelatos are better than anything in the world! theyre 100% organic and taste fabulous!

  8. *sneaks into Kiwi thread*


    Hey guys, I was wondering...


    Do you know of some cool places to go in New Zealand? Bec (soangel for those who don't know) and I are invading your country in January next year and we need (okay, I need :naughty:) to know of some stuff we can do... We're looking at staying around Auckland...



    I'll come visit later and see if you have any suggestions :naughty:


    *sneaks back to Aussieland*


    I saw you sneaking this thread with your sneaky ways!


    Auckland...hmm, well if you like a hike Rangitoto island is quite amazing, its conservation land so bring a bottle there aint no running water!! if your prepared for the 365 steps to the summit its quite amazing when you get to the top! its JUST like step classes!!


    waihiki island is quite nice too, wineyards, the old village and of course, beaches.

    both are ferry trip from auckland itself and you can even book tour packages. I took the explorer tour of both but you can also take a vineyard tour of waihiki and taste wine and stuff!


    Jump off the sky tower??


    visit the waitomo caves and say hi to charlie!


    and for the love of all things kiwi you MUST visit my friend GIAPO 100% organic gelato in queen street, tell him I sent ya!

    they even have karaoki most thursday nights!:wink2:




    Hello peeps.


    I just got back from the VNZMAs, does anyone here like NZ music?

    I really like Kids of 88:wub2:, and they were amazing, really friendly too. And Gin is also quite good live. To be honest im not really too into the NZ music scene, but we definately have some good talent i reckon.

  9. Im in! :biggrin2: Something to do over the holidays..




    Thanks! Im super proud of most of them! :biggrin2:


    Wow, really? I understand most of it in class, but then i get into the exam and think..what the..? :blink:




    Did you take physics in high school, or was it part of general science?


    I took phisics! I even corrected a relief teacher to do with electicity...my daddy was an electritian LOL!

    I also took biology in 5th but it drove me mad!

  10. Aw no! I hope it went well...well ya' know, as well as a dentist can go. :wink2: I gotta go to the orthadontist tomorrow. ew.:naughty:


    Holy snap thats a good idea!..i think i shall do that! :thumb_yello:


    ooooo And i got my marks back for my mocks!! hehe, not as bad as i suspected!


    So yeah..How'd everyone else go (or suspect you went?)


    teh dentist is gonna send me bankrupt!


    congrats on the results!

    electricity is one of my strong points in highschool!



    Maybe some of our Kiwis would like to join my photo scavenger hunt. I know a few of you but would love to learn about more, and posting random photos is a fun way to learn




    im joinin!

  11. That website is very cool! It would bode well for me to save up...and then blow it all on stuff!:roftl: I love the hat too, hes so genius!:wub2:

    I WANT that neck tie..even though i would never wear it. :mf_rosetinted:


    Aw no! your right- dentists suck! I hope you feel beter soon. :)


    I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow...:blink:

    you could buy the tye and use it as a belt! :naughty::thumb_yello:

  12. Will do. I want to go to the bar that I love so much. I love how they love my voice. I got adopted into the cool people's table after my first night performing there! I want to sing my song and then record them yelling one part of my song to me and to have a kind of chior thing going.

    The only thing is that Mika is so clean cut in his chiors and it's all a bit more glitzy that I need for my own music so I think it'd be even cooler to have a bunch of drunken, out of tune non-artists sing my song like an audiance back to me :original:


    Poor RosinaKiwi! I hope you feel better soon :huglove::flowers:

    Perhaps you should get a second opinion on it if it hurts?


    you could always get the ausies to sing :naughty:

    sorry that was a bit mean, but I can say that karaoki officially sounded better at the time! *cringe*

  13. yeah, the first few days the aftershocks were really big, and devastating! my school, burnside high was one of the welfare centers but the people had to move because of cracks caused by the aftershocks. it certainly will not be forgotten, ever i dont think. i am so grateful for the help workers, they have done so much! no, although i haven't been out particularly much, i will try and sniff some out :P maybe that is from the silt that has bubbled up from under ground, a lot of people's ground has been covered with the sticky mess. perhaps? that's okay haha, sulfur :)


    my friends who are studying geology or something recon there might be some kind of volcanic activity going on in CHCH cos you have some serious volcanos around you too.

    Im not so sure, I have family down there, they are up the hill a bit I think I cant remember the suburb, but they are ok!

    mmmm yes, Liquafraction is an interesting thing!


    My mocks start tomorrow but my first is on thursday.

    I have five (Health, drama, english, art history and French) and so with my two days spare before exams, instead of studying (I'm screwed either way) I am going to take up the offer of a guy I met in a bar's offer of studio time.

    Don't worry, he's legit - I checked :D

    I'm making demos and then sending them out to peope who'll be able to tell me if I'm any good and hopefully I can make a facebook page and what not for it all.


    Yeah, I am serious about the music thing :P


    I just met the cutest Mika guy the other day! As in, he kind of looks like him. He's very nice while most of the Mikaish guys I know are full on douches to me :roftl:


    I still havent heard you sing properly...I mean exept when you tried to sing we are golden to the Mr golden vest photobooth guy Arma '10 (good times)


    Me too! :wink2:


    We have this new teacher at our school whos really young and he looks exactly like Mika, i actually did a double take to just check..ahhh if only Mika really were at our school canteen. *sigh* haha. :roftl:


    oooo Do you mean the NCEA exams? Im not too worried about them, at least then we shouldnt be trying to learn a new topic AND revise old stuff!


    I only have physics left on wednesday, but i have absolutely given up on it! The only subject where i have failed anything this year. I decided physics are unessential to life. :naughty: Chemistry is much better. Ahhh, im such a nerd! :aah:


    I will be sure to tell everyone about whichever i choose! :P


    I love it when im on here. Its so much fun! Much better than school or whatever crap is on television.


    Good luck with NCEA all of you!

    I skipped class today to finish my essay but then I devaloped a freakin migrane :'( I hate migranes!


    I had a lectuerer that looks like Nerdy kick ass mika in his 60s

    the only photo there is of him on the uni website makes him look like he has donkey teeth. I know his wife is japanese, and shes nice, but he also sort of checks out the girls when they walk past, Ive caught him! (I shouldnt have said that):teehee:

  14. awh thankyou! the ones next term are the really important ones so i hope they go alright!

    haha! yeah i really need to start seriously studying ^-^

    we are alright! lots of homes ruined and some of our heritage buildings crumbling but we are holding up ok, the kiwi way haha! :)

    wow! i would love to go to rocky horror, i love that movie! would be pretty amazing in theatre form! i love theatre, acting and singing. you will be lucky if you get to go! :) well, if you go to either im sure you will have a fantastic time! must tell me about it hah! nice talking to you (:


    glad to know your ok!

    I hear the aftershocks are up over 400 now, which is kinda scary, can you smell sulfer where you are? aparently people can smell sulpher (sorry I cant spell lol)

  15. when im too busy to visit (which isnt as often as you might think considering im a student) ive assigned 2 people from my country thread as co-reps!


    I put that in my introduction in the thread just so everyone knows!


    so if im offline, even when im sleeping racinghorse81 or lollipop_girl will usually text me if theres a new memember or something that needs doing! :thumb_yello:

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