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Posts posted by nikjass

  1. What a great idea!!! I love it.. I prefer the e-zine idea in comparison to the printed version .. it takes a lot to run a magazine, to get it printed and circulated all over is a huge huge task. Plus, these days i try to limit the usage of paper..and try to encourage others to think more about climate change and all that...


    I love the pic caption thread and would love to see more of it, but if we are serious about making it a proper entity, then i think we must firstly clear all copyright issues... just in case.


    I would help however i can.. no good in designing, but can write :biggrin2:


    Well done femifrosk and Bexxy!!!!:punk:

  2. It's kind of strange that Universal Spain can't help you, cause Universal Malaysia has direct contact with Universal everywhere, the regional for asia is hong kong.. i'm sure they have a regional europe as well.. surely, they will be able to help... just try harder... Good Luck!!:thumb_yello:

  3. No but i really wanna see it :crybaby:


    You should ... it's really exciting.... i'm sure you know what it's about...


    They are having a tour a round the world.. the cast i mean, but their not stopping here.. the closest they're coming to is Singapore and unfortunately their appearance is completely wrong timing for me.. so no way i can go...

  4. Honestly, I don't care whether he really has pneumonia or if it's "just" exhaustion. I really hope the weekend gigs are cancelled/postponed to give him some kind of real chance to recuperate. He seriously, seriously needs a rest.





    I agree completely that he needs to recuperate until he is completely well... it will only get worst if he pushes himself...


    Everywhere i go in here seems to have the same topic on today.


    Btw I love HEROES... does anyone follow Heroes in here???

  5. This is to everybody.

    The day after the Birmingham gig, I was told one of my best friends had died, which came as a big shock to me as I thought she wasn't too bad.

    It was one of the hardest days of my life, and I'd like to personally thank Cathi and Nel for their support that day, it really did mean a lot to me.

    I came on to the site a couple of times during the week between that day and the funeral the week after and felt some comfort being on here amongst my friends here, even though no one on here knew about it. You don't know what it meant being able to touch base with you all during that week.

    So this is a big thanks to all of you on here, for just being here.


    It's hard when you lose someone, but it's good that you have the MFC to help you to go on... sorry for your loss...

  6. I was kind of concerned this would happen, with the amount of work he was doing, and after reading the interview in Q magazine last night when the interviewer mentioned that he was struggling with a sore throat.

    Pneumonia is very nasty and he should be getting plenty of bed rest and fluids (lots of lovely Ribena). My friend had it and my brother in laws friend has had it and he had to go to hospital. So Mika really does need be very careful and take it easy.


    Yeah, Mika relax.....TAKE IT EASY!!!.. get properly well and then continue working...

  7. I made him a beautiful ambiguously gay bracelet... he hasn't worn it. :no:




    I made Mika a girly bracelet... when i met him i said i made you this not sure if you'd wear it cause it's so girly.. he asked me to put it on his wrist... not sure what that really says...but more than anything he was just being polite..

  8. well we knew it would end like this-too many gigs! He needs plenty of rest now,I am afraid more things will get cancelled;(


    Agree.. i kind a know that there will be cancellations due to lethargy or illnesses, tha schedule he's got can kill, but didn't expect something like the nibes and secret gig issue... i think if he is really sick... they/he should just take proper rest and care before going on the road again... and not contradict themselves and make loyal fans out on the lurch and playing unhealthy guessing games as we are doing now...

  9. He wasn't double-booked : he cancelled Nibe then had the secret gig in the evening. But he was supposed to be at Nibe the day after. It could have been done. It's not like it would have been the first time he has 2 gigs one day after another :wink2:


    And for those who think i'm heartless and sarcastic beyond measures : i do think he's exhausted and he needs to rest. What i do not accept is that his management think we're all too stupid to realize that something is going wrong and that they're fooling us.


    Right, sorry for my mistake:boxed: ... so he wasn't double booked...i thought it was on the same day as Nibes, and thought how could they have arranged for him to be in two countries on the same day. but, i'm with you, i think his management is doing an awful job when it comes to this and this may cost them.

  10. Wow, I take a day off from MFC and it seems like drama's exploded in the meanwhile...


    Now I feel rather guilty for being so cynical initially about the Reading gig and Nibe's cancellation (and also about the joking about him "running away" after shows!). I guess Kata's right and we should wait till the weekend to really see, but I do think pneumonia is too serious an issue to lie about. Not only would that be quite low, but it would also be unbelievably stupid, since it would be proven false if he made an unexpectedly quick recovery, and would garner him tons of bad press and ill will. If it's just that he's exhausted and feels unable to fill his contractual obligations, I should think (or hope, even!) they'd be able to come up with a less problematic story.


    I should also say that I'm inclined to believe about the pneumonia, because it makes sense to me that his chest infection could develop into it since he never did take the time to properly recover. And I have other personal reasons to believe it as well. As for the secret gig, here's my possible explanation--when they said he "lost his voice," maybe they didn't mean to the point of being unable to speak completely, but just that he had a very sore throat and was hoarse and was feeling like crap, and didn't feel up to going to Denmark, but he felt better in the evening and decided to carry through with Reading since it was local and small and he thought he could handle it. But then pushing himself to do even that show just made it worse and his condition escalated into pneumonia. Because even if we were being cynical, it was always weird that he'd cancel Nibe for Reading, since in this case, Reading was the far less commercial show, and could probably have been rescheduled.





    I for one still don't buy the lost his voice excuse, for one the secret gig was pre-planned, it wasn't something that they decided to have just because he cancelled Nibes.... i really believe that it's management error, there's a huge possibility that they've double booked him... i'm feeling less angry today, but his management has got to sort it out... and Mika's got to know his limits and not to drive himself to the hospital...

  11. Originally Posted by BathtubsAndIcecream:

    "I hate how every time I ask a new friend if they like Mika, they always reply with a "y'know he's gay, don't you?"


    Pfff...! I think I would ask back:

    "No, I don't, because he has never talked talked about it in any interview, and nowhere. When did he told you?"


    "No, I don't, but what the hell does it have to do with his music?"

    or in my crazy/naughty mood:

    "No, usually we have more interesting topics to talk about." (We = Mika & me... yeah, unfortunately only a day dream :blush-anim-cl: )


    People tend to do that a lot don't they. I keep having to fend them off by saying that i don't intend to sleep or marry the guy, so it really doesn't matter to me...people don't buy it though... for some reason just because am a huge fan, they think i want to bed the guy... damn!! Can't I just like him... genuinely like him ..,. and it's got nothing to do with his looks...sexual attraction or anything as such....

  12. He is so insightful, and I love that he's not just like any other singer/songwriter, because he has a different view of the world. I love his style and you're right, what's not to like? Thanks. Oh, will I ever meet this amzing person??:wub2:



    Right now, what not to like is the fact that his management has overbooked him and is scheduling too many things in different countries and is unable to stick to them... it seems good for promotional purposes, but actually it's the opposite. He is losing hardcore fans and it is not at all a good thing. It is unfair to Mika lovers who have spent loads not just for tickets, but accommodation, flight tickets etc These lot they travel from various countries just to see him... i really hope they'd start planning smart and making wise deicisions soon... if he is really unwell it's inevitable...any human being would if is put in his shoes... Mika stand up and say something Boy!


    Sorry folks, just letting off steam...



    Fazillah is is a freelance writer from Singapore. I actually know her personally, will ask her permission if i can upload her photo taken with Mika here...

  13. The project is dead???:shocked: I was so looking forward to watching the end product, would love to contribute if i had more time on my hands... enfa hang on to the vids and idea... maybe there are ways to persuade others... You have to finish it... especially after all the efforts... you go girl!!!

  14. We will love him when he makes us the OFFICIAL MFC!!! :biggrin2: :biggrin2: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:


    I'd say we'd love him more if he does make us official....


    sorry not in the right mood to be writing here actually, bit dissapointed with the way things were handled... in regards to Nibes vs Secret Gig... Jerry, I sure hope you had nothing to do with it...

  15. Whatever type of pneumonia or not he is having, am sure he's got the best medical help... if he is as wise as i think he is... he would already cancelled everything for the time being to get better, but no news of that yet so i think he's fine, whatever he has can't be serious. I think it's just lethargy with him, hell who wouldn't be in his shoes or his team. This one doesn't take no crap from ppl and has a mind of his own remember... unless he hasn't got a say anymore or if he doesn't care about his health ...


    whatever it is i still think the secret gig issue is cheeky and uncalled for :thumbdown:

  16. I'm actually quite angry at Mika's management right at this minute... the amount of word of mouth promotion he's got out of his fans and the cheek to actually do this... i really hope there's a miscommunication somewhere... but still, things like this shouldn't happen. They have to realise that Mika is loved not only cause of the music he makes, it's also because of his personality and how he and his team and family have responded to his fans... i for one, love him even more after realising what a nice person he is, but am an angry bear in my previous life too.. can be really nasty if am angry...grrrrrr!!!!

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