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Posts posted by BrendaLovesMika!

  1. I think MFC Should have something like this in the front page :

    "Warning: This Space can seriously turn you into an addicted!"


    (Or somenthing with a better English, of course)


    agreed. considering the fact that i joined like 5 days ago, and i'm already addicted.

  2. lol yeah

    aw the lady that we thought was her isn't her :[

    lol i really want 2 go 2 a concert!

    i saw the z100 people too there but we were too anxious to pay attention to them.

    if mika gets on z100 i will scream because z100 kills every band they put on it lol

  3. haha i love that picture of perez! and yes i remember i was roasting there. lol you are so lucky you met Martin too! I met his sister who drew all of the album art work, she took our picture for us, the one of me and my 2 friends with mika. she was really nice! did you meet her too?

  4. Omgosh!!! Thats AMAZING! He knows you <3


    Well the first hand squeeze was during the gramercy concert. He reached out to the crowd and felt up my arm and hand. I like DIED <3 His hand was sweaty. The second time was at Borders when he was walking to start signing after he preformed. My friend and I were right up front where he was passing and she said "Mika! High five!" and he didn't know who was talking so he paused and looked for her then made a cute face and high fived. Then he went right from her high five to a good 3 second hand squeeze for meee <3 It was weird! He was in the middle of walking and just paused to high five and hand squeeze<3 His hand was really warm and really soft! The third time was when he shook my hand after signing my shirt/CD <3


    I've told this story so many times lol I LOVE IT!


    haha that is a really good story!

    you were at borders? so was i.

    your lucky.. um 3 times squeezing from mika.

    LUCKY. lol.

    did u get to meet perez? i was upset because iw as on the right closer to the paparazzi and he was on the other side :(

  5. haha well i went up to him at borders and i previously talked to him when i was on the line, and then when i went up i was like OMG and he was like so you're brenda love? and held out his hand and shook mine and squeezed it :D then i got his autograph chatted some more, etc.


    whats yours?

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