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Posts posted by born4mika

  1. Well, my first proper Mika dream.


    I was at work, late, doing my 4-9 shift. (I work at a supermarket) Mika was flying to Sydney for the concert but for some reason the plane was having problems and landed at Avalon 10 mins from where i work. For some reason, Mika needed a Yellow pages directory and thought where i worked would have one so he came in.


    When i saw him i didn't recognise him straight away and just served him and got the phone book, when i was watching him search through it i realsied it was Mika and asked him if he were. He said he was and we hit it off really well (it was late and nobody was in) so we stood talking for like half an hour, then i was told off for not sweeping or something like that and told Mika i had to go. He asked when i finished work, I said 9 and it must have been early cos he said he would wait for me to finish so we could talk more and i was dumb founded.


    So he went and sat on a bench outside Donut King (romantic hey- all my fantasies come true:mf_rosetinted: ) and watched me work. When i finished, i introduced him to my mum who fell in love with him (a friendly way) and he asked if he could meet my family, so he came back to our place and met my dad and brother. Then it was like a flash and i was at the beach with him on the merry-go-round having fun, and we were like really close and he said he would never leave. Aww.


    Then i heard Grace Kelly, realised it was my alarm and got up, blushing. If only it were true :blush-anim-cl:


    Interesting, if only it would happen...



  2. Oh my gosh! You poor poor dear! I feel sorry for you. I understand how you feel in a small way... Mika is coming to Aust. and i can't go to the concert... It broke my heart but i promised myself that next time Mika is in Aust. I am going no matter what my parents say! (I'll probably be old enough not to have to worry about them!)


    Hundreds of hugs from me. And keep your chip up! :huglove::flowers2:



  3. Hi Everyone.


    Not sure if anyone can help, but i am after pics where Mika is wearing the white jacket with black pin stripes (the pic i have posted is the rolling stone but i have seen pics of him wearing this jacket elsewhere), and also other photo's similar to the ones in my Avator (same day).




    Thanks heaps in advance, and btw, great thread, it really is one of a kind :wub2:



  4. Good day all:


    Many of us Mika fans have often embarrassed ourselves because of Mika, his music and other reasons, not that we mind at all :wink2:


    So here, is the Official Thread to talk about it!!


    If you want some background info of our humble beginnings, here is where it started:




    Please join and tell us your embarrasing stories!!!


    Thank You!





    Member #1: born4mika :blush-anim-cl:

    Ohwowitsnicka #2

    Haylie19 #3

    Hannah #4

    Rilo8913 #5

    Humpfree #6

    MIKAontheweb #7

    Canderson #8

    Chaosprincess #9

    Lovetoday #10

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