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Posts posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. Hello everyone, how are you guys?


    A lot of the new members who have joined in the past few months probably don't know who I am, but I used to be very into Mika.


    Recently, my conscience bothered me because I hadn't replied to some of my private messages (PMs) and since I'm not logging in regularly to check, I feel like it's wrong to keep this account and not keep track of it. Plus, I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and since in the Bible it reads that anything of doubt is sin, so I feel I should terminate my account.


    Could someone please help me to do that (terminate my account)? Or can I at least change my settings so that I don't receive any messages?--Please pm me if you are willing and able!


    I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I hope you guys continue to have fun here, good moral fun of course, nothing that goes against the Bible. ^_^


    Wishing you guys more Mika goodness,



    P.S. Please forgive me for not writing "Good-Bye" properly. I should have been more careful. U_U I'll try my best next time.

  2. I don't care, I like his style anyway! you know those skinny jeans :naughty: who would not like them? but we're different so...


    You're completely missing my point, which is that, it's these "fashion people" who decide "the look" and what is "good dress" and "bad dress." Obviously from their point of view, Mika falls into the worst dressed category, regardless of whether or not Mika fans like it.

  3. Hmm... As much as I admire Mika for having the guts to wear the bright, colorful clothes he does wear, I have to say that simply, Mika's sense of dress is not what--how do I say it--the people in the fashion industry would consider to be "good," Like, there's a public widespread idea of what is good fashion sense and what isn't and Mika falls into what is not good and what they say goes.


    I don't really know how the other people nominated for that category dress, since I don't hear/read much about them, but I did once see Pete Doherty... Based on that outfit alone, I think he deserves the Worst Dressed award. But if he dresses much better than that on a regular basis, I don't know. I guess he wouldn't.


    I hope you guys don't bite my head off for this, but I can see why Mika would be among those nominated for Worst Dressed.

  4. Awww, damn! (Sorry, am I allowed to curse? Cuz I can edit this. :bleh: )


    I mean, there, there, phunk gal. :huglove: Surely Ioana will be back on before you know it!


    That's a shame Ioana hasn't been on. It figures the one day I would be on, she wouldn't be!


    Anyway, how are you doing phunky gal? I haven't spoke to you in ages!

  5. lol.. ah the boy's looks can be very deceiving :fisch::bleh:.. my dad's side of the family seem to like him very much.. so thats pretty good ;)


    maybe he just wanted to tease his fans yet again.. be like .. look what i can do :das: lol.. or he could've been forced into it :fisch: ah i give up i don't know lol




    I think it's as you wrote, "be like .. look what i can do :das:" :roftl: It just seems more Mika to me.


    My mother and I have more of a "friend" relationship. Seriously, I'll be watching a Mika video on the computer or something while my mom's in the room and I'll be like, "This is so hot," and I'll lean over and show my mom Mika dancing around half-naked and beating on the drum. She'll just roll her eyes at me.


    Your mom sounds cool, Hannah!

  6. lmao :roftl:


    my dad thinks he seems like a nice genuine guy :fisch: .. maybe for him its more understandable why he'd put his head between a girl's legs .. or not.. lol


    My mom thinks the same thing of Mika! Actually, she thinks he's *really* genuine, more than most people and definitely really nice! My grandma loves him, too.


    Maybe it is to him, but I still don't understand it and find it odd. :naughty: I just don't see the point of it.

  7. there are more on gettyimages now!

    +some at wireimage.com -see later in the thread pg5 (thanks Titania!)





    AND [offtopic!!!! :0)] : regarding the color - I HAVE to post this :bleh:






    Oh! Violet jeans! :wub2:


    Thank you for posting this! :biggrin2: Damn, those violet jeans are looking mighty fine...

  8. This will probably be a little long, but please, if you feel the same way and have some time on your hands, read on..


    The other night I started thinking about a lot of things..(mostly Mika, of course). After a while, I thought about something I read on the GMA thread which bothered me a little. Someone made a comment about these girls who would shout things to Mika while he was on stage like, "Take your clothes off!" or "Get naked!"

    This really bothered me because I know if someone shouted these things at me, I wouldn't like it and I'd think that person was disgusting. It also bothered me because Mika's family was in the audience, including his young cousins, and they all could have heard what these girls were shouting.

    I remember the uncomfortable look on Mika's face as they shouted this and felt pity toward him and could only imagine how awkward he felt. I remember thinking, "They are so rude! Mika's not a piece of meat!"

    Then it hit me, I was being a major hypocrit. I have been involved in discussions and in threads talking about Mika as if that's all he is, a piece of meat. I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I felt so shallow. I also felt extremely horrible because of this.

    When I first started posting on the MFC, I tried to stay away from dirty threads, but as I posted more and more, and started reading these threads more, I started thinking it was okay and fun to talk about Mika like this.

    Now, I realize Mika is EXTREMELY attractive, but he is so much more than a gorgeous exterior.There are so many more things I love about him on the INSIDE and I respect him so much for so many reasons. I honestly think his inner beauty radiates more brightly than his outer beauty.

    I don't mean to offend anyone who reads this in any way, shape, or form. I was actually very nervous about starting this thread for that very reason. I love you all so much and love talking with each of you! You're all such great friends, and great people, and so much fun to talk to! Please, don't take anything at all I say offensively, because the last thing I want is to hurt your feelings or to lose such great friends. I don't mean to attack anyone, single them out, or make anybody feel angry, hurt, or as if they're a bad person.

    We're all human and we all have our weaknesses, and I have fallen into that sort of temptation in the past, which I'm a bit ashamed of admitting now, and after I realized I was being hypocritical, I don't have any negative or different views of any of you.

    I ask all of you to join this thread if you respect Mika for the beautiful person he is on the inside. Think about it, Mika has done SO MUCH for us, the least we can do is show him some respect.

    Thank you all for your time. Again, I started this thread as a POSITIVE thing, not to bring anyone down.


    And I promise, if I talk about Mika as if he were a piece of meat or in a dirty way, I'll confess to Holy Johnny ASAP.


    What do all of you say, should we make a little I.R.M. (I Respect Mika) group? Yay or neigh?



    IRM (I Respect Mika)

    #1. Finkster

    #2. BonjourMika1990

    #3. AKatieisaKate

    #4. Lucy

    #5. Soon-to-bemrs.penniman

    #6. Hannah

    #7. Ghostintheradio

    #8. sara101

    #9. ohwowitsnicka

    #10. purplegrape

    #11. backflip_76

    #12. findingmywords

    #13. LittleTechieShelina

    #14. DS Nightly

    #15. elanorelle

    #16. mikaluvr

    #17. Cynthia Mulat

    #18. vanessa

    #19. Kates

    #20. Petra

    #21. femifrosk

    #22. sesil17aa

    #23. sonjalovestoday

    #24. mikas_gal07

    #25. crina

    #26. lollipopski

    #27. lindemfc

    #28. Ssnakey

    #29. HollyD

    #30. veroMica

    #31. Mika_Special

    #32. CaroLollipop

    #33. Mika_USA_Fan

    #34. cath85

    #35. ella

    #36. Posterofagirl

    #37. buttnugget040

    #38. xlindee

    #39. mercurygirl

    #40. sheik

    #41. Lollipop- kid

    #42. phunkygal


    #44. orangepag

    #45. Mika_forever

    #46. 1kiwiabroad

    #47. Kachinga!

    #48. CazGirl


    Well put! I'd like to join, as well.


    Your post made me feel convicted of some things... Even though I would've never seriously considered yelling "Take your clothes off!" or "Get naked!" to Mika, ever. (That's quite despicable.)


    From now on, I will do my best to respect Mika.


    Thank you for having the courage to post this. :huglove:

  9. okay this is the whole story i've always seen behind it, it's a bit funny in the end, don't take it seriously please....


    So someone broke his heart (crying heart), because of that he turned to drinking (bottle), because of the stabbing in the back that occured by the one he loved ( arrow near his back, and looks like a cupid arrow), he decided to let out his naughty side, and he killed that person, hence the RIP sign and the "shhhhhhhhh" :biggrin2:




    I love this interpretation! :biggrin2::roftl:


    I am sure he has not killed anyone like that.

  10. Hey gang!


    You've all been on Mika's MySpace, so no doubt you've seen this picture:






    but what do you think it signifies?


    I think the luggage is easy to understand...


    could the R.I.P link with "any other world"?

    the heart with the tear drops link with "my happy ending"?


    or not?


    what do you guys think? i just found it interesting lol..


    I think...


    Heart with tears coming out of it: Means a tear-ing or crying heart from broken-heartedness. Not sure of the authenticity of this report, but there was a quote from Mika "I've been in love once. It was awful. I had my heart broken" or something like that.


    Curiously, there are three tears. If what Mika said is true, then it can't be three people that had broken his heart...


    The three (3) tears remind me of Mika when he said he likes to buy more than one thing, like 3 jackets and that he wears three watches. Three (3) is probably his favorite number. So, maybe three tears just because he likes that number.


    RIP Well, Raffa didn't die, but maybe for the people who did die in the war in Lebanon or a family member. The cross because of his religious background (Catholicism). It's curious there's a red flower on it. He really seems to like the color red. Red often signifying blood/life/power. So a dying flower=dying/dead life.


    Bottle with red liquid in it and splash: It looks like a liquor bottle to me, and almost finished. The red, again, perhaps signifies blood. Life is in the blood, hence all the drinking to get more life in him..? Some is spilled, presumably from getting drunk on so much of it and being clumsy about it.


    Of course, it could just be red wine. :bleh: (But that's not a fun interpretation to me. :naughty: )


    The man with horns and curly hair and the arrow seemingly directed into his back Looks like the devil to me. He's making the "Shhh, be quiet," motion. I notice he has curly hair like Mika.


    Perhaps Mika sees himself as a bit of a devil (not good person)?


    Mika has said once that when he was trying to get signed, the record companies tried to change him, to make his first record like everyone else and then on the second that he could do whatever he wanted and "I knew that was the devil speaking." Here, the devil's not, perhaps he's sshushing Mika... But there's an arrow aimed at his back so as to kill him, perhaps.


    I may edit this post if other things occur to me and/or I change my mind about their meaning. Plus, I think I missed a symbol.


    Caz, thank you so much for making a post about this. Believe it or not, I had really been wanting to talk about the meaning of his drawings, but I hesitated to post because no one seemed interested. Clearly, they are because of all the replies! :biggrin2:

  11. Thank you very much for your report, Cynthia! :huglove: It's so detailed, long (a very good thing) and sounds so honest. I'm sorry you guys seemed kind of let down afterward. I think I know what you mean by the strange/intense look, I've gotten that from a guy, too. I am not sure what to make of it or what it means, except I think it's when he's trying to figure me out or thinks I'm weird.


    As about the feeling that he would be happy whether or not you guys were there and it not being a nice feeling, I guess that means he would be happy to get the gifts regardless, I wouldn't hold it against him.


    But then you said he seemed stand-offish (sp?) and wasn't truly happy to get his gifts, but pretending? If so, I'm sure he has his reasons and good ones at that. :-)

  12. Hello!


    I don't Know if i can write this here cause what happen was not in a dream...


    I will tell it anyway. It happend 2 weeks ago on the night of my bday. I was in the old Quebec city with my familly. Lucky for me i live there and it look a lot like europe. So i was walking in the street in the oldess part of the city and suddently i see a boy that was seem to be lost and when i pass near him he ask me if i know the city. I tell him yes. Then i realise that he is looking so much like Mika. I almost get scared.


    He ask me if i can show him the place near where we are. I say yes and for a fews hours we walk togther. near 11:00pm he tell me good bye and live to go back to is Hotel.


    Please tell me what you think about it.




    Hello :biggrin2: I noticed you have 12 posts, so I'm guessing that you're new. Welcome to the MFC!


    Back to topic, :sorry: It isn't likely that it was him.


    I don't know if Mika was in Quebec/Canada at that time, but there are some fans would really follow his tour schedule and would know. I'd ask them. Was he really tall (about 6'3'') and very slight? Because Mika is. It's also unlikely because I imagine he would be with friends or family or both and not travel alone, especially so late and when he's on tour and had a gig almost every day. I may be mistaken, but I think he was in Montreal awhile back... I don'd know about Quebec, does anyone know?


    He was probably just a traveler look-a-like.

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