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Posts posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. I'll admit that I'd LOVE to see pictures of his family and childhood! Only because he's such an amazing person and I want to know all there is to know about him <3


    Me, too. I would love to see his photos from birth to now and the same goes for his family.


    But, if he doesn't want to show them or would rather not, then I would respect his decision. But, if it's a posed pic, I think it's fine to show it because I'm sure he knows or should know that it will probably end up on MFC and/or his fans would see them. But, candid photos or photos of him with his family, for instance on the street the like the paparazzi take -- those are wrong and off-limits to me. That is really and truly invasion of privacy. :thumbdown:


    So, even though I would love to see them, I would not go get them. The opera pic of little Mica is different, tho, because that's like published and so public, so that's fine to me. :biggrin2:


    I suppose it's a fine line between private/public. :bleh:

  2. Strangely, I thought it was him except for the first sentence even before hearing/reading about this interview. I really did and I still do. I say it really is him, IMHO. :thumb_yello:


    We could put the answer that it is uncertain, because he makes jokes during his interviews, but he said that it was him. I sincerely don't think he was joking about it, though. It's just not funny.

  3. And he hung it over his bed and dreams about us and and and.. oh boy:wub2:


    This is random but


    He's like leaping with his feet in the air <33


    OOOO... If I may ask, which Coachella vid on you tube was this? I would love to see it for myself and I would highly appreciate knowing...


    MIKA jumping into the air is adorable. :wub2:

  4. Wow, that cover was pure crap. :thumbdown: I agree with Perez: He butchered the song. Totally. Appalingly.


    Clearly, only Mika or someone with Mika's exact range could possibly do that song justice. But, Mika's range is so rare -- I'm sure it's one of a kind and no one in the world has his exact range and voice, so... not. gonna. happen. :naughty:



    I just came back from a LAX game, we played against our biggest rivals. We where coming out from the bathroom when these guys through A BASKETBALL AT MY FRIEND'S HEAD!!!


    They said "Oh yeah we hit her!" (NO JOKE...THATS WHAT HE SAID!)


    She was so embarrased...and picked up the ball and threw it at them...


    *warning language is bad...I'm from N.Y!!!


    I scream "WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING YOU A**HOLES!!!"


    They started to laugh...we where walking away and one guy said "What a Bitch!"


    I walked back...got right up into his face and said "What did you say?"


    He just looked at me and said "Nothing"


    I said "Didn't think so..."


    WELL MY WHOLE TEAM FLIPPED OUT!!! they where like "yeah Kelly way to show those jerks!"



    i wish guys where as nice as Mika...aw well:biggrin2: :biggrin2:



    That's so horrible to do that to your friend. :furious: I'm glad you stood up for them. You're a good friend and one I'd like to have. :thumb_yello:


    I bet they wouldn't do that to men from your school... Those wusses. They didn't have the guts to call you that name to your face either, which further proves my point.


    Yes, I agree some men act disrespectful to women to be seen as manly, but it's just plain disrespectful. A real man and a manly one would treat women with respect and decency, be courteous and all. Plus, when guys get together they can do the worst things.


    Your friend was just a pawn for whoever threw the ball to feel more masculine. It could have been anyone, but they always try to pick people who seem to be alone. I know it's happened to me, God.


    I love that Mika seems like not only a good guy, but a great one! :wub2:

  6. I think so, yes. After all, she did let him hold her hand whilst skipping. That's very telling. :roftl:


    No, seriously, it is. If you watch closely when they are together with the Kawati (sp?). Her eyes give her away. I'm sure she was referring to Mika, the curly-haired sex god. :biggrin2: I approve of her infatation. LOL. Not that she'd care.


    Oh, she also compliment him that he was "good-looking" or handsome and waited for his reaction. Usually, if the feeling is mutual, the other person says something like, "Thank you; you too." But Mika didn't directly answer. She seemed quite keen to hear his answer. LOL.

  7. I am so happy to have seen him in shorts!!! :biggrin2::wub2: It's awesome!


    He has surprisingly lovely legs. I thought they would be... not so great. I'm glad I was wrong.


    His expression is like "I wish they'd stop taking pictures of me. " LOL.

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