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Posts posted by Sara

  1. Hellooooo guys !!! :thumb_yello::wub2:


    awww tia ! fecking seetickets are a nightmare !! i have recieved my doncaster ticket and have emailed the seller to see where he ordered it from ! ive just rang seatwave to see what id happening to rose's ticket , and they are going to ring me back !


    Yo hun!!!!! :wub2:


    Soz didn't text you back - had BT man here for an hour and half!!!!! I'm still waiting for your Myspace message......:naughty:

    I haven't had my Donny ticket yet....:shocked:

  2. Yo Peeps!!!!!!! Wassup??? :biggrin2::naughty:


    Had such a brilliant weekend!!!!! Was great seeing everybody!!!!! Awwww!!!!!! Love ya all!!!! Can't wait for Donny, Newcastle, Brighton AND.......................................L O N D O N !!!!!!!!! Woohhhooooooooo!!!!!!:naughty: x


    Have we got a tenth person yet....?

  3. Hey Carri, Hey Sarahlou, Hey Sara, Hey Freddie, Hey Kath!

    Isn't funny how you forget bits and then someone else reminds you of it, thats why I love you guys. I had such a fabby time! Fred it was great to meet you- now get your ass to London:biggrin2:


    Hi Jems!!!!! Awww!!!!!!! Sorry i didn't say bye to you babe. I know we all sort of just 'went', lol!! Although me and Caz did wait an hour for a taxi that never turned up and ended up walking!!! Ugh!!!!

    Awww!!!!!!! Won't be long til the next one!!! Yay!!!! Glasgow rocked!!! Brilliant to see ya!! Love ya babe!!!!!!!!!!! xxx :wub2:


    Also - Bab!!!(who i didn't say bye to either) You rock!!! I absolutely love ya and it was brilliant seeing you again!!! xxx :wub2:

  4. ok -so am home - ill!! snotty




    Kath - yes am sure he does read this - (We think he knew I was ill)


    Best performance I have seen to date - and palladim are fab - nice young lads must have had the shock of their lives when theysaw us lot in the front row!!


    We managed to hang the Oldies banner over the barrier during the encore and he came over to read it!!


    Aww- cant wait for London now xxxxx



    Ooooh!! Carri!!!!! Sorry i didn't say bye to you - *sends hugs* although i'll see you again soon babe. :biggrin2: Loved your dress!!!! Was a brill weekend weren't it? Awwwww!!!!!! :thumb_yello: xxx

  5. :punk:


    Wooohooo!!!!!!! :naughty:



    What a gig!!! Was brilliant!!!! (Although i still haven't made my mind up about Saranayde) I missed the big girls and i missed the balloons, even though the atmosphere was amazing!!!!!!- loved the way they had a bit of a change round (Cherisse & Miks doing the drumming was cool)


    I didn't really like 'Happy Ending' - sorry, but it's just not the same without Lorna. Erm.......Paladium were fab btw - as usual - LOVE them.......er......Mika is looking very fit and wonderful :naughty:




    Will write a proper review later - way too tired now! :thumb_yello:

    BTW - Was WONDERFUL seeing all my MFC mates - i love you all - you rock! :punk::wub2:

  6. Hi Sara!


    I am not wearing anyuthing too fancy...I threw a few things in my case at the weekend and will have to have a quick re sort out on Friday morning...I currently have five Mika t shirts in there! Are you organised?


    5 Mika t-shirts!!! :shocked: Blimey!!! :naughty:


    No, i'm not - well, sort of. I haven't started packing yet, but i know what i'm wearing. lol!! :naughty:

  7. Hello excited people!


    I can't believe this is my last time on MFC before Glasgow (working all day and evening tomorrow and leaving house early on Friday) ARGHHHH! I can't believe it has almost arrived. Tomorrow instead of concentrating on my work I will be thinking about Charlie, Deb and Tootch preparing to travel!


    Hello Kath!!!! :punk::naughty:


    Aww!!! no more MFC for you til after the gig then? :naughty: Have you got everything ready for what you're wearing? :thumb_yello:

  8. Hello peeps!!! :punk:


    Since this thread hasn't had much response, I'm closing it (if i can???? Maybe a mod is needed to clarify??)


    Everybody else has been talking about their night out after the chinese in The Big One thread.

    So, anyone who visits, might as well go here:



    I thought it might be helpful making this thread because there was only a list for people who were going to the meal, not for anything after. Nevermind. Thank you to those of you who said you wanted to come out with us.

    Doesn't look like anything has been decided for defo, so, i guess i'll be bumming about somewhere.:thumb_yello:


    Thanks again, Saz.:punk:

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