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Posts posted by Barenaked_Lady

  1. God I'd love it if he had a tattoo - I think they're tasty (when done in taste of course!) I have two: a frog on my right shoulder blade and a llama on the base of my spine. My partner designed the llama one for me and I designed the frog. I'm desperate for another but am still working on a design... decisions decisions!!

  2. My partner and I got VIP tickets to the Somerset House gig last year and I was chatting to Mika's Mum... when we walked away, my partner was like, "do you normally talk to random people?!"... but then he saw who I can only assume is Mika's brother (a very tall, skinny chappy the spit of Mika) and worked it out! His Mum was lovely and you can see where he gets his manners from! They were both enjoying the popcorn too!!

  3. To be quite honest. How can one truly love someone you don't know?


    Very true... us who've "been there, done that" can say it's lust! But I also understand it's all part of the teenage angst to have a crush on a celebrity that you just can't have.


    I also agree with Indigo's point that all most of the people on here know of Mika is from what we've read. I've been lucky enough to have a conversation with him (and I feel very lucky that he took the time to chat with me and my partner), but that doesn't mean I know him any better than before... he was just a pleasant guy... which we already knew!

  4. I'm sure he would be the first person to say that his fans should keep their adoration of him, in perspective.



    I couldn't agree more. It's one thing to be a fan, but entirely another ball game to be obsessed - as I think the original poster may be. When I was younger, there were loads of celebrities that I would love to have run off with... obviously didn't happen, but it didn't do me any harm to think they might. I think I was able to distinguish between fantasy and reality which was the key. I'm happily in a relationship and have been for 8 years, but it doesn't stop me dribbling over Johnny Depp or my partner fancying Christina Ricci - it's just natural! It's when these things interfere with "normal life" that it gets out of hand. Yeah, it's nice to have these fantasies, but you mustn't pin all your hopes on them... as they are just fantasies.

  5. SRO told me about the next series in April when I called them about tix the other day and they told me to try again then, which I probably will, but I wanted tickets for last week as it was my birthday, so I was kind of disappointed not being able to get them then.

    As far as him being on shows, we don't know he hasn't been approached to do them, he may not want to do certain shows, did anyone see Buzzcocks the other night with Patrick Wolf on, where Simon was baiting him about calling Mika a twat, he can easily turn it around on the big guy if he went on there, which I'm sure Mika is very well aware of. Don't get me wrong I like the show, but it can get a bit bitchy sometimes, and I would hate for Mika to do what Preston did and walk off and not come back, even though he could most likely hold his own and get Simon back.

    It is possible that Mika only wants to appear on a few tv shows, and would rather do live shows with people who apprieciate his music. I know it's frustrating that he doesn't do much promo stuff, but he hasn't done too badly first year off the blocks.


    I wasn't talking about Mika being picky with TV shows, I was talking about Graham and how he has nothing to do with the final cut of his own show. I know what you mean about appearing on shows that showcase Mika's musical talent, and this is why I'm so miffed at So! for cutting so much of Relax out!


    I was chatting to Mika and one of his mates after the show about Patrick Wolf as my sister was his tour manager at the time of the Somerset House gig - I think he's an idiot, Mika's mate didn't seem to enthralled and neither did Mika. My sister agrees that it's a case of the big green eyed monster with Patirck... maybe if he did his thing and that was it instead of calling people names (including his own fans), he might have a bit more coverage instead of being known as "that w@nker that slagged off Mika through jealousy" (as he's known in my house).

  6. I still have no idea as to why they cut him out - not just the interview, but so much of "Relax" too. The people in the editing suite clearly have something wrong with them! I do know that the director and producer both like his music and that Graham only has people on the show that he likes and finds interesting, but ultimately it seems he's not involved in the final cut, just the scripts and guest choices. I still can't believe it - but there's a nre series in April so fingers crossed for another Mika visit and more coverage of him! :das:

  7. I'm so cheesed off! They didn't film a Cool Down and didn't show Mika's interview - it was a great interview too! Mika got all shy when Graham brought up the best selling single thing and did a cute little giggle and well, he was just lovely and they cut it out! Mind you, the filming was over two hours and they cut most of the show out anyway... BUT THAT'S STILL NOT THE POINT!! We wanted the interview, and with no Cool Down we'll not get it now :thumbdown: Mika was still good though - even though they cut the bloody song too!

  8. :naughty:


    If I were his Gran, I'd be plying him with Sanatogen Wine. Anyone remember that???

    My Gran used to swear by it and make us drink it when we were little, if we were looking peaky. I don't think she realised it was alcoholic :blink::roftl:


    But maybe he just had a late night on Tuesday. Hope that's all, and he's not poorly again. :biggrin2:


    No, I don't remember that, but my Nan used to give me whisky and ginger when I was small... start as you mean to go on! Whisky's very good for the throat apparantly (well, that's what my Nan used to say!).


    Mika didn't appear too tired last night, but was keen to get away - that could have been because the green room was heaving with people - even Graham wanted to leave early!

  9. Oh really, he didn't seem like that to me at all! I thought he was quite chatty, but I can see that he probably was tired what with all the rehearsals in the afternoon and the two takes. Hanging around waiting for the show to be filmed is knackering too - it was a longer show than usual! He did down his wine and get out sharpish at the end!

  10. Morning peeps! Mika was fantastic last night - as ever! He was also really lovely in the Green Room but kept getting harassed when he was trying to leave... that's the problem with being so nice and not being able to say "no" I guess! I thought it was funny that although Graham gave him syphillis (watch it tonight!), Mika was more worried about herpes and cold sores! Bless!! Relax sounded great too, and we even got treated to two perfomances!!

  11. Can you get tickets? (no harm in asking! :blush-anim-cl: )


    Sorry Babs, I can't as I've already filled my little quota with my family (my parents like to see how the show is filmed and as it's the last one I thought I'd take them!) - but I might be able to next series if he comes back on! Sorry matey!

  12. Hi people! Just to let you know, Mika's on a "to be confirmed" status as it's still unsure whether he'll be attending the show... my partner is in the graphics team and says no one's sure whether he'll be on yet. But if he is I'll be able to go into the Green Room and say hi like I did before when he was on with Dustin Hoffman (which was hilarious!) He'd better turn up after pulling out of the London gigs and rescheduling for when I'm on holiday :sneaky2: Also, Russell Brand's on today's show (that's being filmed today but is the Christmas special!)

  13. Oh sorry... not on here much. I agree with the not having the same hair everyday, it's just that's a big change... and no I don't go from curly to straight and back every other day (I don't have a hairdresser to do it for me!) People are quite tetchy on here aren't they?!

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