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Posts posted by LebAngel

  1. HEY !!

    I'm here!!!!:cool:


    Well, I'm quiete happy of my week...tired but happy!!!! (& proud even if sometimes I think I'm crazy!!)


    THIS IS my Report:

    Everytime I was at home, I was listenning to LICM very out loud!!!!

    So all my neighboors (in a diameter circle of 50m maybe) can listen to it for free!!!!! :roftl: (sorry hope u understand my english)


    Moreover, last day, we were listening & singing GK in the downtown with one of my friend & we were almost dancing in the street!!!! ( we're 23 & 26 :blink: , luckily my little sister didn't see me!!)


    Finally my mom is now totally Mikamastic(??)!! she told me: "I adore his style, He 's a very clever boy!!!"


    As u can see It was a very busy week!! Ouf!!:biggrin2:

  2. I know that it's a another silly threat but we all adore it!!!


    I saw in an another threat that Mika left a bag with:


    a cucumber

    a bag of carrots

    some pears and clementines

    and popcorn


    He seems to be very healthy. The first thing I thought was: "No meat! Is he vegetarian?"


    I'm a vegetarian girl (not vegan because I drink milk and eat eggs)!


    I'd like to know if someone saw him eating meat!




    Good Morning everyone:biggrin2:


    Pamette, where did u see his bag or who saw his bag & how???

    (sorry I just woke up & I'm a bit surprised by this bag story:bleh: :roftl: )


    But he's not vegetarian coz he loves spaghetti with meatballs, I know.. I've already seen him....:das::cheers::naughty:




  3. WELCOME to our spanish friends!!:thumb_yello:


    Very happy to meet great people here in the MFC & to see the list going little by little longer!:biggrin2:



    I've received a mail there's some months ago with beautiful pics about Lebanon & can't wait anymore to share them with u :roftl:

    Hope the attachement does work..











  4. I've already noticed her haircut in GK but never really seen her in Love today (maybe coz the video isn't yet on french tv)


    But now, I've watched it maybe 4 or 5 times, with making -pause- every time she's on the screen....


    Well, she's none of her sister, but she looks like her...yeh maybe a cousin...

    I REALLY would like her to be (only) his cousin ...

  5. I don't think it's Paloma ...I've already seen her on a pic....maybe Allegra...cause I've already seen this pic with the name "Allegra" on it.

    I don't know how old she is...16, 17?

    If it's the case ... I think the girl on the pic is Allegra....

  6. Oh God, this is terrible!!! I watch the news and cry my eyes out. I don't even know whether my Lebanese friends are ok or not... This is so unfair, all I can say is I'm with all of you, Lebanese people. I couldn't agree more with you, LebAngel: it's clear they want to ruin the Summer season again, they won't let Lebanon become a summer resort because that would mean much less bussiness for those we all know... But in the meantime lots of inocents are dieying and suffering in this nonsense. Please, STOP THIS MADNESS!!!

    Hope all your loved ones over there are fine. All my love to you and them!


    Thanx a lot BlackQueen for your support & hope all ur friends are fine.

    all my family & friends, luckily, don't live in these regions, but I have a lot of pain for the people who suffers from this situation...hope that the other regions will be spared...

    thx again for all of u who sent their nice thoughts...

  7. Hi everyone,


    OMG - did you see the news of the 2nd car bomb tonight? I was going to go into Beirut tonight but decided against it thank god because the bomb was on the route I take.


    I watched the news crying - I feel a bit stupid but I know you understand that when you see the pictures on tv of the country you feel strongly about, it's just too sad...


    I mean, I curse the place most days (like everyone who lives here) but there's no way I want to see all of this happening. I dunno, it's just a mess.


    Cubes, I hope your family here is ok and safe.


    My Mum and my brother and sister are worried sick and want me to go as soon as possible (as I was planning to go to London so I can get a job there) but I can't leave until I've finished my things here and anyway, why should we be bullied in to leaving? Look at all of us, spread all over the world because of war... and when I left Gaza, I thought I wouldn't cause my family to worry anymore.


    Sorry for ranting on but I had to say it to someone.


    I hope you all ok, and thanks for reading :)


    OMG :shocked::boxed: the bomb was in achrafié ?! my aunt lives there...i'd better call....i'm really really sad about how things are going there....Lara ur 100 % right....i just feel like i'm gonna cry...Why ? Why ? why lebanese people must suffer ?!!! why can't they leave us alone just to live !!!!!!! i have just one thing to say STAY UNITED !!!! there's a french proverb which says : l'unité fait la force.....i think what's happening now is still much more worrying than what happened last summer....that's how our 15 yrs of war started...i hope ALL the lebanese have learned not to play with fire by hoping to get some help from that country or that other country because no one really want to help them...that's why they should stay united...and beleive in laicity and tolerance....lebanese people I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!




    First of all, 7amdellah 3al salameh Lara.


    Yesterday when I saw what's happened in Verdun I was very very angry & sad....those scenes of terrors...Oh my God...After Tripoli & Aschrafieh...

    Just wanted to say STOP!!

    Stop destroying Lebanon! Stop destroying what have taken years & years to built!! Stop trying to keep us 15 years back!

    Stop trying to ruin our Dream!!!


    They want to ruin the summer season as usual..they want to give a bad image of Lebanon abroad ...but they can't!

    I agree with u cubes, ppl have to work hand in hand to get through this...

    & i keep the faith of a GREAT LEBANON, independant & united!!

    As I've already said the end of the tunnel is close...


    I pray for all our relatives & friends living there & all who loves Lebanon


    Take care of u all

  8. My thoughts are going with u ( sorry for my bad english)

    I've discovered lately what happened in Lebanon...and it's very very sad...unfortunetly, we are used to see those kind of things since 2005...I feel the same way as u even if I'm far away from Lebanon.


    Lebanese people have always been strong & Hope that the end of the tunnel is very close.

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