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Stormy Weather

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Posts posted by Stormy Weather

  1. Coool!))))

    So, today I've bought my first Mika poster. What shuold I do with it?


    I think you should buy thousands more and show your whole city how amazing Mika is!!!


    I am from Vancouver Canada and the only Mika-ish thing I can find is a article in a British magazine from the book store :emot-sad: no posters nutting boo hoo!!

  2. OMG Sweetie!


    No one deserves to be called things like that no matter what the situtation is. Try remember the positive things about your family and hopefully you will feel a bit better!


    Here is a HUGE hug for you! (((Shireen)))

  3. i wish he was a pilot.. then he could give me rides :naughty:


    do you know all of his siblings names?? the only thing i think i know is that his sister's name is yasmine i'm not 100% sure


    Sorry if this has been answered already, I don't have much time to read the posts properly this morning.


    Fortune (with accent on the E)



    Palloma (she sings back up vocals on Big girl)

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