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Posts posted by ZoZo_the_Terrible!

  1. His relationship with Harry is fascinating as well...


    *hides the various 90s cds in her car*


    I don't embrace it :fisch:


    Nah, I'm embaressed by it, but I love it.



    That sounds like me... except of course I protested I didn't want to know after I found out.


    It was still sad reading it though :tears:


    And the 7th book was sad... she went on a killing character spree



    Yep... back when the book came out, gave those of us who had read it a chance to discuss it with others who had..


    We're all freaks :naughty:

    hehe, you should see my various 90's cd's!!! Am listening to 70's now though...

    Oh and I didn't want to find out either, especially as OotP was ruined for me by the radio... they had said Sirius was killed... was so devastated...

    DH was sad... I cried and cried when Dobby went... and was devastated when it came to my Tonks!!!

    *agrees with freak statement*


    :naughty: 'tis verra OK Zo-Zo ........... :wub2::thumb_yello:

    *huggles again*


    I love them too.. And if I wasn't afraid of the repercussions of posting an embarrassing photo of me *points in DC's general direction* I'd post an award winning photo of me in the 80's..

    And you are shiny too!! :glasses3:



    hehe, I know Tegan has some good pics of me in the 80's... but I have some good ones of her too!!!

  2. And I knew someone who was convinced Dumbledore would come back... but I wasn't.

    hehe, I used to argue about it on HP sites... saying he's dead...



    His character was fascinating, so much hidden beneath the surface.

    Oh I know!!! Everything's fascinating... from him loving Lily (which I've read some good fanfiction about those two) to his relationship with Dumbledore and Voldie!!!



    Alot of the 90s music I was into is the stuff I'm embarressed to know nowadays, but which gets sung along to loudly anyways :naughty:

    same but at the same time I have a tendancy to embrace it...



    We had a few... mostly because I like to anaylse and discuss things. It was killing me the fact that I would always be first to finish it, and have to wait (of course... in the 6th my brothers read the last few pages and spoiled that for me)


    HP convos pop up on here from time to time

    when I got the sixth book I went to see a mate who flicked through to the end and gasped... I was like "what? WHAT?! Did Dumbledore snuff it? Is Bill and Fluer getting married? Did Harry and Ginny get together? What about Ron/Hermione? Remus/Tonks? WHAT?!"

    He just looked at me and called me a freak...


    And Tegan was telling me about the fact you guys do have HP convos here. we were actually talking about it today...

  3. Every decade had something great about it :thumb_yello:

    If I could choose a decade to have been 20 in, I would choose the 60's..

    What a wild time that would've been.. :das:


    Ahh the 80's were fun.. But I have to say I'm scared when my niece goes through the old photo albums and finds photos of me in 80's clothing... :doh: Which she did recently.. :thumbdown: and laughed at me :naughty:


    *doesn't often get colds due to faulty immune system running too high*

    *stays out of HP convo*

    *agrees with Johnny Depp*

    *can't make smiley bleed*

    *loves whenever the word "shiny" is used to describe something associated with her*

    I'd lean towards the 70's if I had to choose to be honest but I adore the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's...

    Oh and you should see the "gorgeous" 80's clothes mum used to put me in... they were very cutting edge!!! :bleh:



    hehe, and you are shiny!!!

  4. I always get a really bad cold, even though I always have the Flu Vax:thumbdown:


    I also had trouble convincing people that Dumbledore was gone...they all thought he was going to miraculously come back to life. I love the way JK did use Dumbledore in the end though, that was cool.

    LOL, you know my sis Nico_collard used to go on all the "dumbledore is not dead" sites... I knew Jo had diffinitely AKed him...



    OH!!! and I wasn't all that surprised that Dumbledore was gay... When Eric Scull from Mugglecast told me I was like "oh, cool..."

  5. I tried to tell everyone for years that Snape was a good guy:wink2: ...I'm such a great judge of character, pity I can't do it in my love life....my taste in men reeks:roftl:

    hehe, I was one who believed Snape's character was a flawed one at best... I believed he worked for the side of good after regret but I wasn't too sure what the regret was. I reckon he'd have to be the best, multi-layered character in the series... I loved reading Snape!!!


    I grew up to 80s and 90s music but was made in the 80s (even if it was in the tail end of the 80s).



    Now I still listen to the older songs




    *boogies to some 80s music*

    hehe, I was in my teens in the nineties so I'd say the nineties music is what really got me going though as a kid dad always had 70's stuff going on so it's all good to me!!!

    Ick ... colds... but I catch them every season... I catc every cold around.



    And I was the same with snape... I swore he was a good guy.... even though alot of my family were convinced he was evil.


    *adds self to HP convo*

    I don't think I had too many HP convos with the family unless it was with Tegan... We'd have heaps of them... or I'd talk and she'd listen and sometimes add her two cents... You know Tegan...



    Oh she's going to love the fact I'm having a HP convo in here!!!

  6. ZoZo the terrifika!!!!!!!!! Just MFCing to extremes.. How you doing?



    Ahhh the 70's.. All good things were invented or born then :fisch:

    Kelz!!! *huggles* I'm groovy, thanks for asking!!! Gotta love MFCing to the extremes!!! :biggrin2::bleh:


    Oh and speaking as one "invented" in the 70's, I'd have to agree with you there!!!

  7. 1979...close enough!


    Oh, I love Harry Potter....I'm a bit of a tragic actually:wink2:


    Only problem is, when we get the rain, we'll all be complaining because it's made things so sticky and yuk!


    hehe, yep I'm tragic too, so don't worry!!! hehe, I mean the first time I read a Harry Potter book was when I was 20 and didn't have a child... I'm now nearly :S 28 and have a 7 and a 1/2 year old :blink:


    and yeah... it's funny... we pray and pray and pray for rain then when it finally comes we whinge about how sticky it is... have to say that's that good thing about where I am, it's a dry climate and is like 4 hours roughly from a beach so stickiness is at a minimal!!

  8. Hi there!


    Nothing much doing....frantically praying for rain but that's about it. You?

    Hmm, that's a shiny idea, actually... I'm from country NSW so rain would be nice... plus it would make it less hot...


    Well, me, I'm currently multitasking... I'm checking out the MFC, looking at the lolcats, working on a bit of fanfiction (Harry Potter stuff) and also listening to 80's music... actually currently it's the Police... Message in a Bottle to be exact!



    Edit: actually now I think back Message in a Bottle is more 1979... *shrugs* ahh well...

  9. Yeah I know, I've been reconsidering it now. Just the initial shock of it ... thinking about needing to wait 6 months for the second half ... Yeah, it's true. They can't really cut anything out of it. But turning one story into two will still be :boxed: I wish I could look at the book right now. I'm fretting over where their going to cut it. :naughty: I'm thinking after Ron returns? I dunno...


    I had actually heard the rumours and hints about it for a while now so it wasn't all that surprising... not that all the rumours in the Harry Potter world comes true... ANYHOW, I'm fretting over the cutting point too... Was thinking maybe it could be at Godric's Hollow, the "silver Doe" (or the silver Tegan as Tegan means doe like features in welsh) or even at Malfoy Manor... I think maybe there as that has a good climatic ending... though it would be murder if they did... I mean ending the first part there??? ARGH!!! Jinkies, they have definitely given everyone a lot to think about!!!





  10. And on a random Harry Potter note, Deathly Hallows is being made into two films, directed by David Yates, and released Nov 2010 and May 2011. Sounds pretty stupid. Cutting one of the shorter books up ... may as well stick with the one-film cut-lots-out thing they had going.

    I'm actually keen on it, the whole splitting the book in two... I mean they really have to put everything in Deathly Hallows because unlike Order of the Phoenix and Goblet of Fire, there's no subplots that can be taken out... everything needs to be in and everything needs to be done well to send all the characters off properly. They had actually considered splitting Goblet of Fire up at one stage because of everything in it... but obviously didn't split it :D . My only concern as an avid fan is where they're going to split Deathly Hallows...

  11. Apartments are good... expensive in some places but good.



    I shall put my melbournite knowledge to the test.


    (oh and you can have 3 bed rooms travelodge for about 100-130 a night off the top of my head... or a double bed and a sofa bed... at least that was the price last time we stayed there.... anyways, I shall help with the research.... though suites are always better)

    That sounds good... Oh and Brittie will be coming too but she can sleep with me!

  12. *ponders same thing*





    How much per night you willing to pay, what sort of quality you after, how close to Melb, and do you want breakfast included? :naughty:


    I can help look since, despite being located in Melb vicinity I'll prob be joining you in the staying part on the nights I can make it :wink2:


    Plus, despite from being a local, my qualifications include a handy dandy gostay accomodation guide notebook :wink2:


    Well I was looking at nothing too drasticly expensive, close-ish to town and we're thinking of staying a week roughly... oh annd am thinking of getting something like an appartment where we can organise our own breaky/food etc.

  13. Good afternoon Zo-Zo the Terrific!! We are fine..

    And how are you now that you've awoken and seen what a lovely day you've missed half of :naughty:

    I is goods... I needed a really good rest today... had fell asleep last night at like 5am... And I was up at like 8am, droped my daughter, Brittany to school (after getting her ready) THEN I slept...


    Hmmmm *is pondering how Tegan's day was at school*

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