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Posts posted by yuppymunch

  1. im not really worried what he will think of me cos i dont think he will ever see me! the chances of me meeting him are pretty damn slim id say.


    if i did meet him id be worried about what to say, but im pretty colourful so i'd hope he wouldnt find me boring!! i have some insanely bright jeans, he can always borrow them! i bet he doesnt own a pink pair yet. or yellow!

    so HA. anyway, why have bright jeans suddenly become really popular? they are in all the trendy shops where people buy clothes to look like everyone else. i've been buying them for YEARS, cos they WERE punk, and not a trend. now i feel common. ok rant over!




    you hit mika with a salmon?!! was it a raw salmon?!! ahhahahaaahhhaaa thats actually really funny!! man, you have cool dreams!! :D :D

  2. I just think it was your fears coming out in your dreams, nothing more... and nothing to be concerned about. :wink2: I'm curious, was it a vividly colored dream or a technicolor/black-and-white sort of dream?


    it was very vividly coloured!! why? my dreams are always really vivid. man, how wierd, me and my mate talked about dreams LOADS tonight.


    its past midnight, and i come on here after a night out?


    my friend is offiacially annoyed at me cos apparently i have been talking about mika all night. wine is not good for me............ raaaaaah!

  3. my advice:


    while you can at work, save every pic and video of mika that has ever existed so you can watch them / look at them in the week you cant come on here, so you wont feel as deprived!!!!!!

  4. Well, some dirty talk from Mr. M...:mf_rosetinted: Why not? :bleh:


    No, seriously don't worry. It maybe only means that you care a lot about what he might think of you...:wink2:

    And if there is a reason for him to hate somebody - LOL I'm in the front row :lmao:


    front row for him hating you? WHY!!


    anway, mika is no way a hater.. pft, what a hippy!


    well he's OBVIOUSLY a lover. apart from when he killed hs tama.

  5. Don'r worry, it's just dreams. Mika is so sweet with everyone that have met him, he won't be like in your dreams if you meet him!


    I only dreamed about him once and I was sitting on his knees talking and laughing with him!


    And for the tear, I guess it's normal. When I feel emo and don't wanna cry I avoid some songs like any other world or happy ending.


    HAHA 'when i feel emo'.. that actually made me LOLLLLLLLLL! yeah well. a psychic told me he was going to ask for my hand in marriage when i actually do meet him!!














    I WISH!

  6. ITS TRUE!!


    everytime i have a dream about mika, he says horribe things to me! it really saddens me!! last night, he told me that i am boring, and have lame style!(apart from he used swear words alot)! and another dream i had, he told me to F off! boyo, i really hope my dreams dont come true! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!


    i hope you guys' dreams pan out better than mine!



    on a lighter note, i cried a tear for mika. i was listening to his album in my car, and i dont know why, but 'my interpretation' brought a tear to my eye! in a good way i guess!



    well its stuff like that i like and need to know!! thankya!!


    just as long as he hasnt walked through my village or anything and i missed it!






    man mika is HOT.


    aaah i had to add it in there!

  8. i havent been able to stalk the mfc forums as much as i wouldve liked to this week!! and last... and the last.


    NOOOOOOOO i feel like im missing out on LOADS of gossssssip!


    is there anything amaing been happening, or being talked about that i should no of? i dont get much time to come on here nowdays!


    i need my weekly mika fix! HEEELP!





    I couldn't find a thread for this so i started one! ANYWAY... i havent been here in a while.. so HI.


    and, who is going to this gig?

    i bought tickets yesterday, and i am REALLY WORRIED.


    BECAUSE.. i asked my dad, shall i drive or get the train to london, for the gig, and he said, where is it? i was like.. brixton london.. and he was all... F me i wouldnt leave your car there.


    BECAUSE apparenly brixton is the BIGGEST ever ghetto in the uk, full of black people who carry knives and guns (that isnt intended to be racist or anything) but now im just scared!! i guess i worry too much, but i think i have a right to, thinking of the sickos out there this day and age, and two young teenage girls in a strange city? AMERICAN HORROR MOVIE alert!!


    i may sell my tickets!

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