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Posts posted by undeuxtrois

  1. You know, I must be blind, because I can't see when it happened on the video. I know they didn't air the exact moment, but someone said that they caught Mika wiping his mouth afterwards. I don't see it...


    Right after the song ends... Don't watch for Mika himself, watch the big screens to the side... :thumb_yello:

  2. Last night I had a dream that I came on here and that new US dates were listed here...LOL...I was SO happy when I saw that St. Louis was included in the line-up... :roftl:


    You nearly gave me a heart-attack, because for a second, I thought the new US tour dates were already listed... :roftl:

  3. Well, it can't be that recent, since Mika has more than 214,000 friends on MySpace now, whereas in the interview he had about 160,000... But then again, MySpace can propagate like no other, so it might not have been very long ago that he 50,000 less...


    Is "Mizz" a British magazine?

  4. Please Don't read this summary....tongue-in-cheek::bleh:

    Wow, I’m sure glad I read this thread because I was so confused before and now it is so nice to have the answers, you know…..

    because I care so much. There is a lot of information here, I’m going to try to sum it up:

    Mika was born with a name that was not Mika. His mother said over her dead body would it be Michael (did you see Mika’s teeth

    when he said that, sucking in his breath, like it was a pretty serious thing….yeah, I like that about that interview) and she did live

    to tell us about his middle name…so that part seems a bit convincing, having no dead body for proof and all. Many mispronounced

    the name (or nickname as the case may be) and so he chose Mika for his fans to call him, however, we choose to call him other names

    anyway, cause we are as ornery as he is (and many fans don’t really care, even though they choose to read the 24 pages of the post

    they don’t care about). Sorry for the run-on sentence. well... Then comes the interesting part, about who is actually signing the

    autographs. …if I understand the posts correctly then….. I think when Mika found out that Mel Gibson, Jr. was a dead ringer for Mika,

    they made a deal that Mel Jr, would sign the autographs, therefore, giving Mika a rest. Mel Jr. refused to sign Mika and just signs Mel.

    Since he looks so much like Mika, no one really cares? Do they? :shocked: (That was in this thread, wasn’t it….or was I drunk last night

    and imagined that part? I hope I am not digressing here) Mel Gibson does not write the songs, but Mika’s father could be given credit

    (where credit is not due)

    And the whole Holbrook- Cupcake middle name sounds just like a mispronunciation. Just say it several times fast, while a bit intoxicated,

    and you will know what I mean…We all know it is Cupcake, since the mother lived to not call her son, Jr, but to call him Cupcake.

    (I can’t imagine a mother who wouldn’t, at some time, call their beloved sons’ cupcakes. I do that a lot to my son, and I also call him,

    Chunky Monkey, (my son, not Mika) not that any of you really care, huh?). I did find out that most Mika fans really only care about

    Chipmunks anyways, so the rest is rather meaningless. Although there was the post about Deek being female…..was that from birth

    or is that on the passport? Well, not that I really care, or anything, just thought I would mention it too….because it did come out in this

    thread. And there was that one marriage proposal between two Mika fans, correct? Not that I will mention any names here, other than

    the ones we are trying to figure out.

    The one thing that still really confuses me after reading this thread (a bit haphazardly, perhaps) is about John’s cat, George.

    Do you guys know if that was the cat’s birth name, or maybe the cat was renamed, George ,after he was adopted into

    his new family? I wouldn’t care too much except I have heard, through innuendo and rumor, that George really likes Chipmunks,

    (deek didn't tell me that so it is a rumor) and therefore as a Mika fan, I do find myself caring about George’s real name, don’t you?

    I hope my summary will help others who don’t really want to read the 24-25 pages but are looking for the REAL answers that they may

    care about a bit more than they will admit, but definitely not as much as the Chipmunks..not that the Chipmunks care about us,

    but I thought we cared about the Chipmunks, or am I confused?

    Ps I really like The Bees Video, (What was the question) Who cares. THanks for sharing, I am now off to the knitting thread

    where I can take my thinking cap off for the night and just knit and purl away. :naughty: Perhaps I will knit a new thinking cap which

    will help me think better?


    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

  5. As for his name, Deek already confirmed to us that it's Michael Holbrook... and she told me the same thing, and that he likes to tease. Though Yop, I don't think I've seen an interview where he said his full name, do link me to it?




    Wait, you've talked to deek? huh?

  6. DEEK DEEK who the f* is deek (sorry got carried away by all this talk of alice).


    not that I CARE about any of it at all, in fact I must be the most careless person I know.


    Visit the "Okay, Here's the Deal..." thread in Members Only Discussions... around page 6 or so... it goes into pretty deep detail...

  7. I was browsing a website, and I saw a lot of pictures that I have never seen before, so I'm going to post them here... I am terribly terribly sorry if these are all old pictures (or if, for some reason, I shouldn't be posting them? I don't think any of them are paparazzi pictures, but correct me if I'm wrong)!






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