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About FetishChick89

  • Birthday 11/19/1989


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    MIKAlicious Fan
  1. Happy Birthday love!!!!!! hope u eat lots and cake and be very merry
  2. I was Stuck in the Middle. i was a lil disappointed til i saw the meaning, then it all made sense:cool: You scored as a "Stuck In The Middle" You are thoughtful and daydreaming. A little bit melancholic. You always fight for what you care, you take care of yourself easily and your friends and family always feel safe with you. You love discovering new things by yourself, you are extremely curious, but you never against somebody teaching you new things. "Stuck In The Middle" 90% "Lollipop" 85% "Grace Kelly" 80% "Any Other World" 80% "Love Today" 75% "Relax (Take It Easy)" 70% "Billy Brown" 60% "My Interpretation" 35%
  3. well i live in eastpointe but in the fall i'll be going to Michigan State University so i'll be in Lansing
  4. hi everyone! this is my very first post ever so forgive if i sound silly. i first heard grace kelly while watching the credits on an mtv show. i kinda just ignored it, but after hearing it bout 5 times i started to like it so i watch the video on youtube and the rest is history. his cd is the very first one i've ever bought with my own money which is sad since i'm 17, but i dont care. it constantly playin in my car and i'm starting to sway all my friends into lovin him just as much as i do <3
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