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Posts posted by K@koL@ndon

  1. If I win the lottery Mika will totally be SCARED of me -- cause I am gonna follow him all around the world :insane:


    MAYBE THEN -- he will remember my name :mf_rosetinted:




    good way to spend money:naughty:

    remember to come to italy when u will be sooo rich:wink2:

  2. OMG I AM SO HAPPY *this has to totally be an {American thing} :roftl:


    Okay --


    so I just got back to work from my lunch break --


    I went to Publix .......


    to use the bathroom *they have the cleanest public restrooms of ANY place I have EVER seen before*


    .... and to get a pack of gum {juicy fruit - yum}


    ---- and as SOON as I walked through the doors GUESS WHAT I HEARD


    ..... ah ah ah -- is there anybody home.... who will beleive me won't decieve me won't try to change me -- ah ah ah IS THERE ANYBODY HOME


    MY HEART just about JUMPED OUT OF MY CHEST!!!!!!!!


    I can ONLY imagine what the shoppers MUST have been thinking as I started jumping up and down like a 2 year old -- going OMG OMG -- THAT IS MIKA!!!!


    One man looked at me like :shocked:


    I just repeated myself -- DO YOU HEAR THAT? THAT'S MIKA!!!!!

    He looked at me -- as to say -- alrighty then!!! :naughty:


    OMG -- that is the FIRST time I have heard MIKA out like that!!!!


    So I totally bought a lottery ticket!!!! I mean COME on hearing Mika OUT is totally good luck!!!!!!!


    Oh and last time I heard Mika OUT -- I got a strike bowling :mf_rosetinted:

    *even though I am the one that played him on the jukebox*


    Guess it still counts as good luck!!!!




    this is the italian thread...loool:naughty::roftl:

  3. scusate ma c'è qualcuno che mi può spiegare cosa vogliono dire LOL e OMG?:blink:

    ragazze io oltre che ad essere un pò anzianotta sono anche un pò ignurant in materia e non riesco proprio a capire cosa vogliano dire...grazie:naughty:



    LOL è l'acronimo di "laughing out loud" e il glossario dice che si usa per indicare uno stato di estremo divertimento e risate:naughty:


    OMG sarebbe "o my god" = "o mio dio" :wink2:

  4. per la perty è questione di minuti credo.............:wink2:


    per lo spostamento del thread...stiamo indagando!:naughty:

    nessuno sa chi lo ha spostato e perchè...ma se becchiamo il colpevole............povero lui/lei!:bash:


    soprattutto perchè nessuno ci ha detto niente.....:blink:


    lo rivogliamo nel chin wagging?

    facciamo un sondaggino?


    a me va bene anche solo per i members....nn ho problemi, ma vorrei che fosse una decisione unanime...ai mod/admin nn importa dove sistemarci...tanto nessuno ci capisce niente!:roftl::roftl:


    però...se vogliamo attirare fan italiani in MFC...deve restare visibile a tutti, no?



    D'accordo per il ritorno in prima linea:thumb_yello:

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