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Haley & Megan Meyer

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Posts posted by Haley & Megan Meyer

  1. We're definitley in!!!!!! So are we doing the certificates or the trophey or both? I think it should be both. Shooting out ideas for the trophey we could have a lollypop but the lollypop could be the world. We don't know we're just thinking of ideas. That would be cool though for the certificates because we all couldn't participate in the making of the trophey. The trophey is a great idea because we think he would be so happy in receiving it. You all are a hoot and make us laugh all the time.:roftl: It's always fun to come on the MFC and just talk with you all.


    Love Love:wub2: :wub2:

    The Meyer Twins

    Megan and Haley

  2. Tonight we were out with our cousin shopping a bit. About a couple weeks ago we left our Mika cd in her car and tonight she gave it back to us. If we didn't have his songs on our ipods I would of drove to her house that night a couple weeks ago and got it. Anyway she said something like she had turned on her car one day and Mika came on and she was like that's not my cd and noticed that we left it in her cd player. She said she had Grace Kelly blaring in her car. She must of really liked it. She said a couple weeks ago that she didn't really care for it and me and my sister got mad. TeeHee. She always finds it so interesting that we discovered Mika on a cell phone commercial and they had Love Today playing. We made sure that we got the cd back tonight.


    We made a stop by Wal-Mart tonight also and we went in to the Subway to get a drink because he were parched and we heard Grace Kelly play on the radio. We let out gasps and just looked at eachother and we were saying "It's Mika!" "It's Grace Kelly". We were so happy. Weve never heard Grace Kelly on the radio before. The only Mika song we ever heard on the radio was "My Interpretation" when we were in the clothing store New York and Company. Our cousin was wondering what the heck we were gasping for. Hearing that on the radio made our day. We couldn't wait to share it with the MFC!!!


    Love Love:wub2: :wub2:

    Meyer Twins

  3. We are so dissapointed! At least Mika is himself, does Avril have to win everything? Her songs are okay but Mika's are way better. The first time I heard Avril sing Girlfriend on Jay Leno, it was horrific. It is plain that the girl uses technology to throw her voice a tad. Mika sounds perfect on stage and albums. Oh well, everybody on here should give Mika an award.


    Love Love:wub2: :wub2:

    Meyer Twins

  4. This is so neat!!!!! Hopefully you'll get to see him and give him the sweets! We can't wait to see what he says if you do get to see him. We can't wait to go to one of his concerts because we haven't ever been to one and have been fans for a long time. Hopefully he'll come to Chicago or St. Louis or around any of those areas. We missed him earlier this year when he played in Chicago. Can't wait till he does a U.S. tour again!!! Anyway just to tell you that hopefully it all goes well for you!


    Love Love:wub2: :wub2:

    Meyer Twins

  5. My internet is acting up, and i'm using my loptop... but it's battery is low so... I can't update the front page just yet!


    the good news is that I got the braces that I ordered today! and I'm wearing them as we speak lol


    anyways, I might not be back on for a while until things are back and running.


    Oh and I should let everyone know now that Thursday I won't be around a computer because I'm going on an overnight retreat with my senior class :)


    so, just a heads up!


    love you all,




    Have fun on your retreat Melanie!!! Me and my sister graduated in 2004. I wish we had gotten to go on a senior trip. There was only about 30 in our graduating class and we raised a lot of money for proms and stuff but they just wouldn't let us go on senior trips.


    Can't wait for the finished mag. Love the braces!!!


    Love Love:wub2:

    The Meyer Twins

  6. Some of my family (we live in IL) were going to The Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana this last Friday. Me, my sister Haley and my cousin drove in her new car, and my mom, grandma, aunt, and my aunt's mother-in-law went in another car. Me and my sister brought our ipods which are loaded with Mika songs and we brought our ipod thing that hooks up to the lighter in the car. It's like a 2 hour drive and we let our cousin listen to him almost non stop. She had never heard of Mika until a couple of weeks ago and thats because we told her. Of course we were singing along to them. We're 21 and our cousin is 27. She said that she actually liked him and liked I think "Happy Ending" but she HATED "Grace Kelly". We were like "YOU HATE IT?????????" We couldn't believe it. If I had a bar of soap, I would of washed her mouth out with soap. Hehe!!! How could anyone not like Grace Kelly???


    Love Love:wub2:


  7. OooooOOoooo marvellous, and after seeing this pic




    wouldn't you just LUURVE to see them do Dude Looks Like A Laydeeee with Mika (well come one he is one pretty guy).:biggrin2:


    That picture is absolutley great!!!


    Love Love:wub2:


  8. Kath is going to the Oslo gig, and hopes to get interviewed again, by

    Mika's own film crew. If she is, she is going to mention the petition.

    Robi apparently has something to share with us about the MFC and Mika - something that happened at the concert last night - but Robi is very tired, and has lots to attend to at home, so she wont be posting her news till tomorrow!! :thumb_yello:


    Wow!!! I can't wait to hear the news!!!


    Love Love:wub2:


  9. A boy was born in a land of war,

    Where the bombs and bullets fell,

    But thankfully, this precious life,

    Was taken from that place of hell,

    To find some safety and to grow,

    To be a man man we'd come to know.


    A beautiful, creative mind,

    A soul, which is, for music, made,

    A brilliant brain with a cruel flaw,

    He could not read the notes he played,

    Yet still, he played, and songs were born,

    Out of the darkness, came the dawn.


    To share his music, was his dream,

    Recording companies disagreed.

    A cannon, loose, beyond control,

    Could not be what the public needs.

    But his cheesey smile, his voice, his songs,

    We're what we'd needed for so long!


    A voice which soars to the stratesphere,

    Found the world-wide internet,

    The world discovered Mika there,

    Soon after, his career was set.

    To those who spurned him, he gave some 'welly'

    It topped the charts! It's called 'Grace Kelly'!


    The world no longer spins, in space,

    Instead, it spins in cartoon motion!

    Mika is throwing his worldwide party,

    On every shore, of every ocean.

    And so, to God, this prayer I'm sending...

    Thank you for Mika! He's our happy ending!


    I just thought I'd write this poem as a homage to Mika, and to encourage everyone who's voting on this exciting thread!


    Love today, from Marilyn



    Great poem Marilyn!!!!!!! I'll keep on voting!


    Love Love:wub2:


  10. The only pic I have seen is "Mika and a Camera" I absolutley :mf_lustslow: LOVE:mf_lustslow: that one. The rest of them I haven't seen and they are great!!! Your artwork is great too!:thumb_yello: The paparazzi pics are wonderful and I love how he's smiling and stuff too.


    Love Love:wub2:


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