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Everything posted by Star

  1. I'm going to go now everyone! I'm tired. I'm gonna get some sleep and dream of Mika! See ya!
  2. He is soooooo cute and funny. He comes up with the funniest things.
  3. Like i said, I WAS an innocent 16 year old. I am no longer innocent. Especially after this thread!
  4. I was an innocent 16 year old until i joined the Mika fan club!
  5. In this teenage magazine called 'sugar' when Mika was asked, 'would you prefer hairy hands or hairy feet?' he replied : "I'd rather have hairy feet. Socks are very handy...especially when you are naked.Ew,what an image.Sorry about that." If i was the interviewer i would of said "oh no that's actually a VERY nice image!" Imagine it girls, Mika in just socks!
  6. He has very hypnotizing eyes that have the power to control every female. It definately looks like he is thinking "come get me. You know you want to!"
  7. I've just watched Grace Kelly as well. It is true.
  8. Yes manly parts are VERY interesting!
  9. I've just looked up what my name means on the internet and apparantly it is Latin for christ's birth. What a weird meaning!
  10. Hiya! Well i was on this thread a few hundred pages ago.
  11. I'm going now Going out for a meal at a restaurant so see ya everyone!
  12. I don't care either! Hiya! I'm Natalie. I haven't seen you before on here. How are you?
  13. Whose comments??? Who and what we are talking about???? I don't know because i couldn't be bothered to read the last 100 pages on this thread that have appeared since i've been gone.
  14. Hello everyone! I used to have a tamagotchi years ago. But i kept forgetting about it so it kept dieing.
  15. I'm gonna see Mika again in November. Stars better not be there or i will be having an arguement with her!
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