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Posts posted by Milou

  1. I read this about 5 minutes ago, in a dutch magazine. I don't know if it has been posted before of not, but I will post it anyway. I'm sorry if their are some little mistakes (translation, etc.) in it!


    To Bi or not to Bi.

    Is Mika gay or not? He refuses to answer this question for months, so experts will do it for him. Language- and sexscientists (?) have studied the words he uses and his profiles. Their answer: Mika is gay. What does he say about it? "I don't believe in putting people in boxes as in straight or gay. For me that doesn't work" Eh.. doesn't that mean you're Bi-sexual then?


    Seriously.. HOW SAD are you when you study someones behavior, who has the right to keep his private life private, just to see if he might be gay? I think you are very pathetic then.. But anyways..it's their life..:thumbdown:

  2. I read it, yeah. I'm always hoping on more news on Mika, on his blog. But Mika's rarely on it, in my opinion. So my heart jumped up and down when I saw this. I really like the picture, and the comment too.. :P


    has anyone noticed Mika's arms? I think they are in quite a sexy shape ;)

  3. Oh I love 'em. He does need to take care of himself, but I think he sorta does, because he takes time off.


    But wait a second. Wasn't he afraid of water?!

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