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Posts posted by Me-Mi-Ka

  1. Part III




    After hours of talking and sharing information about our family and historie, Mika suddenly grabbed Steffi's hand.

    'Come, lets take a dive!' And he ran on the beach, Steffi ran with him.

    Once in the water they had the time of their lifes. They ran, dove and played till the sky was getting orange and they headed back to the beach.

    'That was a lot of fun, was it!' Mika said, he was totally happy.

    'Yeah, we should do that more often!' Steffi really liked Mika, she knew he was nice, but like this. He was deffinitly the nicest person she knew.

    When they were back on the beach it was getting some colder, Steffi was shivering.

    'Come here,' Mika putted his arm around her and pulled her against himself,

    'Im going to get some wood, for a fire. Can you make a fire? Because I cant.' He laughed, Steffi laughed too.

    'Yes. I can make a fire. You go get some dry wood!' Steffi tickled him and gave him a little playfull push. She sat down on the rock and stared to the sun, that was getting dark yellow and lowered in the water.

    She putted her arms around her knees and thought about her mother, and father. Maybe she'd never see them again, never.

    Mika returned quickly, with wood.

    Steffi took it and made a fire, it took quite a while. But it was a fire.

    And after 5 min it was burning good and it gave enough warmth.

    She sat down next to Mika, she thought about her family again.

    'What's wrong, you're very quiet..' He looked in her eyes, but she couldnt stop it and started to cry. Mika putted his arm around her and putted his head against hers. Steffi felt a little bit better now but still cried.

    'Maybe we'll never leave this place..' She whispered into his ear.

    'We will, I promise.' His hand stroke her hair out of her face and he placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Steffi putted her head on his chest and cried. She couldnt stop, she kept thinking about her family.

    Mika didnt said anything, he just stoked her hair and kept her warm.


    The next morning the fire was burned out and they had coconuts for breakfast again.

    'Wait, you have something..' Mika streched out his arm and removed a bit of coconutfruit from the corner of Steffi's mouth.

    'Thanks.. And, um.. sorry about last night. I was getting to emotional..' She turned her head away.

    'Hey,' Mika walked next to her and sat down,'its nothing to be ashamed of.. You just want to go home, I want to go home. But Im glad im here with you.' He grabbed her hand and squised it softly.

    'Just imagine, being stuck here with a..' he stopped and smiled. He never finished his sentence. Steffi putted her arm around his shoulder and hugged him. That was hugging a little piece of heaven, and after that Steffi putted a little kiss on his cheek.

    'Thanks..' she muttered. She jumped up and walked to the sea, she picked up shells she liked, so she could keep them as a present. For her family, if she would see them again.

    Mika lay down in the sand, staring in the sky, doing nothing. He looked to peacefull, it made Steffi relax and she felt really comfortable. Steffi ran towards him and felt on her knees beside him. She looked into his beautifull brown eyes, he looked back into her blue eyes. Steffi bend over him and gave him a soft kiss on his lipps. It felt like they were kissing forever and it made her feel happy. She lay next to him and grabbed his hand. If they could be like this forever.




    Well, I didnt wanted to let them kiss. But it would be so romantic, so I did it anyway. :wub2:

    I'm not Steffi. She's just a made up person.

  2. My Part II, didnt know how my first part ended but I will continue




    The girls opened her eyes softly, but still saw the light of the sun.

    'What.. what?' She mumbled softly and looked around.

    Oh forgot, stuck on a island, she thought.

    She wanted to get up but she felt an arm around her. The girl looked beside her and saw Mika sleeping. She'd better not wake him.

    Softly she removed his arm from her shoulder and put it carefully on the ground.

    'Food, Im so hungry..' she mumbled. She licked her dry lips and looked around again. She stared in the distance.

    Is that a coconut tree? Really? The girl started to run towards the mighty tree, and when she reached it she stared into the leafs.

    She started jumping but couldnt even reach the lowest leaf. Darn!

    Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

    'Need any help?' She heard Mika say.

    'Wow, you nearly gave me a heart-attack..' said the girl, still in shock.

    'Sorry, wont do it again. I will warn you next time..' He said with a big grin on his face. This made the girl laugh, it made her happy and she thanked god that she was stuck here with him.

    'Come, I know how we can reach the coconuts.' He putted his hands on her hips and slowly lifted the girl up. She grabbed a leaf and immediatly there felt some coconuts from the tree. The girl searched for more coconuts, with a good result.

    'Can you put me down, I cant find coconuts anymore..' She said to the now red Mika. He putted her down and after a few good breaths he turned into his original colour.

    'Let's bring them to our home sweet rock, shall we?' He grabbed some coconuts from the sand and started walking. The girl grabbed the rest of the coconuts and followed.

    'Well.. you possibly know my name allready.. But what's yours?'

    'Um.. Steffi..' She mumbled.

    'Okay, hi Steffi.' he said with his sweet smile on his perfect face.

    We arrived at our rock and threw the coconuts next to it.

    'Okay, give me 2 coconuts.' And Steffi gave him the 2 coconuts. With a handy trick he splitted them into two halfs. 2 halfs for Steffi and 2 halfs for himself.

    We enjoyed our breakfast, and they talked for hours. He was pleasant company and so was she. Steffi felt comfortable with him, and Mika felt comfortable with her.

  3. Originally Posted by Fmbm

    I just found one of THE most Mikagasmic things I've ever seen! Are you ready for it?


    Too bad, here it comes!




    If it was already posted, my bad, but its not like anyone cares if I repost...this..


    Are you trying to kill me?! Hot, hot, hot...

  4. Originally Posted by Eir

    We should send them an audio of us laughing har at them...




    SG (stupid guy): oooh I hate Mika , I've done this wonderful page to say it to the world







    poor you..


    Lmao! You're so right.

    I think they're just sad. They arent just insulting Mika but they are insulting gay men too.

    So sad..

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