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Everything posted by radiodelicate

  1. lol I'd rather not tell you my weight XD because you'd all be "OMG that's so much!!" but compared to my height it's quite ok. I wanna get skinnier tho. I mean, I'm tall, so if I lose weight and get rid of some of my shapes, I'd probably become quite androgynous... which is what I really want. I don't have enough willpower to lose weight tho I think
  2. I always take the bike, or walk. I've never drived a car, not a single time.
  3. aha.. regarding heights and stuff... I think I must be the tallest one here, I'm 180cm
  4. my dinner rocked! http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/126/cimg2180zx1.jpg salmon, mixed vegetables, cashews fried in sesamy oil. how awsome is that?
  5. yeah I love sushi too and gravlax salmon or whatever it's called in english aaand... inlagd sill! really swedish stuff.. I think the best translation for it is.. pickled herring! I know it sounds weird XD but it's awsome! we always eat it for all our holidays in sweden.. like.. christmas, easter, midsummer
  6. and fish is awsome too! I eat a lot of salmon, so I suppose that's a good thing at least gonna have dinner and watch some TV now n_n
  7. I've decided to stop eat unhealthy food. I need to work on my androgynity, and I can't really have my lovehandles in that case gonna cut down on the sweets, pasteries, beer and soft drinks. and more water, juice, fruit and nuts. go me!
  8. blah... just a question... how many percent of a nations population is said to be gay (in this I include all sexualities other than heterosexuality), ain't it like... 5% or something? Then.. shouldn't 5% of all the TV-shows on the national public service TV-channels be gay? just a thought. ain't public service supposed to kinda... reflect what the population is like? or something. err.. I can't really put my words in english here.. I feel
  9. america sure is crazy when it comes to age restrictions.. like... you an drive a car and buy a gun when you're 16, but you're not allowed to drink until youre 21? the hell is that about? lol I love europe
  10. well yeah I was 18 too when I was in USA, and I was kinda used to be able to go out if I wanna, and then suddenly I was too young. DISSAPOINTED! I found these really cool clubs, like a glam club, a mod club, indie pop etc... and I couln't go there! D: argh seriously, as soon as I hit that daymn 21...
  11. lol I think I'm a snake... can't really remember. snake.. or dragon..
  12. wow. 20. I've still got like.. 1,5 years left until I hit 20 xD (and lol when I'm 21, I HAVE to get back to New York for some serious clubbing!!)
  13. haha yeah! I'm sooo a 90's kid too! I really loved lime green and bright orange! oh, and the keychains that were like telephone chords. I had one that was bright pink! and I collected pogs, and Pokémon TCG aaand.. GoGos.. I think that's what they were called at least. And I loved Spice Girls! AND AQUA!! totally Aqua...
  14. well.. mostly we say that it should kinda be concidered as a whole different song, because there are like.. no similarities left xP not even the melody. but personally I like it, I've always liked his noisyness, and this sure is a lot of noise
  15. I like it :3 but it's really not the same song at all anymore. it has turned into something else.
  16. YEAH I KNOW. they don't look exactly the same tho, but they're very similar.. Hi Danika! I'm great thanks!
  17. thanks! well, this is VERY much patrick xD lol. all the noise and stuff and the pretty much lack of melody. cool.
  18. well.. I almost thought it would be Patrick too, but then I kinda remember that this guy (now that I think of it, I think his name is Adam), usually have curly hair. Kinda same cut as Patrick, but with crazy curls XD aaaand, he's blonde at the moment.. they're the same age tho. and yeah... getting high is pretty much all he seems to write about, at least when he tells about nights out. never been very aware of it, but there sure's got to be a LOT of drugs in London, right? everyone's seems to do it. Hope Mika stays away from the **** >_> hm okay... any idea how far back, or where I should search or anything?
  19. lol. it's sunny here, and quite hot. went and bought an icecream
  20. uhm. read that Patrick has made a remix of Love Today. anyone's got it? it's not like new or anything, the blog entry in which I read about it was from 11th April.. I like.... REALLY need it. lol. It's so weird. today when I was out walking, I suddenly remembered a british fag I used to chat with way back, and that his style is kind of similar to Patrick's. and I hadn't heard from him in ages, so I just checked out his livejournal. found a nutty story of how he met Patrick, totally wasted and high on special K. lol.
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