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Everything posted by radiodelicate

  1. haha yeah I think it'd be too much for him, too
  2. yeah he's hot, but he's not as good as an actor as Bale.. (but the kiss between him and Ewan is sooooo hot!)
  3. haha.. I just hate it that they zoom out in the end, instead of zooming in on him and Ewan and then when they meet in the bar 10 years later, and you can sooo tell that Arthur still has a huge crush on Curt. so cute xD
  4. okay ^^ well.. first movie I saw him in was Velvet Goldmine (where his character actually has a rockstar-crush on a character played by Ewan McGregor). Then that Psycho movie... and Batman, and then just a couple of days ago I saw Mio In The Land Of Faraway, and he's in it! He's playing Mio's friend, and he's like 10 years old or something, and sooooooo cute! I've wanted to see The Machinist, but I've never got around to..
  5. I'll see if I can find it then oh and 28 days later... it's been quite long since I saw that one.. And we've forgotten about Ewan McGregor! He's great too (at least I think so) what movies have you seen with Bale?
  6. haha. it's not THAT bad tho, I just wish Oscar Wilde was hotter, because really he's a bit too ugly for all of those prettyboys Jude Law on the other hand... but yeah.. Cillian Murphy. I haven't seen Red Eye, is it good?
  7. lol.. I'll have to warn you tho It's a gay movie xD
  8. lol I'm a bit the same. Maybe not with english tho (yet ), but very much when it comes to swedish :3 I almsot never make any spelling mistakes..
  9. It's a movie about Oscar Wilde. Stephen Fry is playing Wilde, and Jude Law plays his "friend" Bosie. Saw it recently n_n'
  10. YES I KNOW! they're like.. the BLUEST eyes ever! I've seen 28 Days Later too! love it! haven't seen Red Eye yet tho. he's also awsome when it comes to handle different kind of characters...
  11. oh yeah.. Orlando is cute. I don't like him that much tho.. did you know that he actually has a small part in Wilde?
  12. ooh, Bale is great, isn't he! ^-^ I love how he can handle so different kind of characters! what movies have you seen him in? Cillian is awsome too! He's in Batman Begins, with Bale. He's playing Dr Jonathan Crane (Dr Scarecrow). but my fav movie with him is Breakfast on Pluto. He's playing a young neurotic transgender. Very sweet movie.
  13. I was just gonna suggest that we should talk about fav actors xD seems Johnny Depp is popular? well I've gotta admit that I like him too, I mean, who doesn't like Johnny Depp? But my two fav actors are actually Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy who are your's?
  14. but he's not running around like some blinkin fruit xD
  15. I still can't really take that he's 44... I mean.. look at him http://feber.se/article_images/1795.jpg how can he be f-cking 44??!! that's like.. two years younger than my dad. and my dad is fat... and old...
  16. yup! well, I don't know who you think we're talking bout, but yeah, Peter Siepen is 44, I have no clue about Marilyn Manson's age
  17. eaxctly!! I really can't believe it! but then again, he's like... always been around. I don't even know when I heard about him the first time, he's just always been there.. yeah on TV that is seems kinda weird to be so meterosexual and extravagant at 44...
  18. he usually has A LOT of jewellery as well.. like.. giant hotpink earrings and stuff xP OH MY GOD! HE'S LIKE 44 YEARS OLD!! I just found out I can't believe it! he looks MUCH younger
  19. lol yeah I know. I was looking for the show on youtube, but I could only find one sngle clip, from when they went to a rollerskate derby. and it wasn't even funny, compared to most of their other "missions"
  20. most stuff you read/hear about MM isn't true anyway
  21. lol I just watched the swedish TV show Rocky & Drago. It's a dude and a chick who like... travel over the world and they do weird stuff.. like missions or something. Both are quite famous swedish tv personalities. The guy, Peter Siepen is just... soo weird. The biggest meterosexual EVER. no, he's actually MORE than just meterosexual, he's developed into something of his own, lol. he's EXTREMELY camp, and is very flamoyant (sp?) and everything, but he's not gay. just weird. I can't decide wether I dig him or dislike him.. just look at him, lol
  22. it's because he shaves them, durr usual goth behaviour, lol
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