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Posts posted by xx_emily_x

  1. Yes, longer than me! :jawdrop:

    And Yay! I forgot to think of you while I did my physiology one...


    Me too! I thought I didn't do too bad, but today everybody was talking about how horrible it was and how they definately failed. And I was like "Oh, yes, I agree... *cough*"


    I have a presentation tomorrow. I am so horrible at public speaking. But today I made my group let me do a speaking part all the same, because it turns out the markers ask questions to people who don't speak, and I don't know fricking anything more than what I wrote. I don't even understand what I wrote.


    And this morning my parents decided it was suddenly neccessary to empty my bedroom. So I spent a good while before school shouting at them to just leave it and let me do it when I get home, because they are going to throw all my crap away, and they don't know whats important to me and whatever. Came home just now and had to go through every single bag in the bin and pull out all the stuff they threw away. Not just all the scrapbooking items, ticket stubs and articles and whatever, but they threw away REALLY obviously valuable things, jewelry, gifts (ALL the stuff from my mikamail), warranty papers, and MY FRICKING FRONT ROW CENTRE ROSS NOBLE TICKETS! And they weren't even on the floor or anything, I had them very specifically placed on my bookshelf - WTF!!!


    What do you make of people taking down missing cat posters? I put up about the 8th set on the noticeboards at the secret harbour shops today. People aren't just putting their own crap over them, they're actually takign them completely off, and leaving everything else on...

    My mum seems to think someone has stolen him and they are taking the posters down. That seems ridiculous. There are thousands of cats put down everyday because they needs homes, why the heck would you go out of your way to take one that obviously has a family already.


    at least the exams are over..

    but my actual school exams start in two weeks!!:shocked:



    they threw out all your stuff?!

    i keep EVERYTHING and anything, and my mum yells at me coz i have too much 'junk'..



    :( aww..i hope you find your cat..

    it's stupid that people are taking down the posters..:thumbdown:

  2. I recommend:



    Anything by Chuck Palahniuk.




    - You may be familiar with the the film Fight Club, which is based of his novel (better than the film!).

    - His fiction novels are satirical horror stories.

    - Some work includes:

    Fight Club


    Invisible Monsters







    Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon

    Stranger Than Fiction: True Stories

    - Great books if you like twisting plots.

    - I personally recommend Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke, And Survivor.

    - Don't read if you are easily disturbed/frightened/nauseated.



    ooh, he's one of my favourite authors!

    the last book i read of his was 'Rant':thumb_yello:

  3. You too?!? The collection of perfumes/body sprays etc in my room is good to choose from (I have maybe over 40...)


    The Britney Spears one smells really nice.


    Hmm...Mika perfumes would be a good idea. A shower smell, a laundry smell...but Mika inspired nice!!!


    wow, that's alot of perfume..


    i know! i have 'fantasy' and the other one..i forgot what it's called..

    it's in a greenish bottle.



  4. With all the good things I'm hearing about it...maybe I should try it some time.



    i've got heaps of perfume at home..

    so each morning it takes about 10 minutes to decide which perfume i'm going to spray on..

    surprisingly..britney spears' perfume smells really good..


    hey i have an idea!

    mika should have his own range of perfumes..

    wouldn't that be nice, and we could all smell like mika..:roftl:

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