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Everything posted by chellie

  1. uuh, mun pitäis raahautua anttilaan ostamaan tuo DVD. [Ja olen siis uusi täällä, mutta en ole ehtinyt vielä tänne esittäytymään muttas nyt esittäydyin. Jes.]
  2. chellie

    Hello :3

    Hi, my name is Jenni and I'm a 15-year-old girl from Finland (if you know where Finland is...). I love to hear MIKA and listen his album every day. I don't have any special hobbies, I like just watching movies, reading and drawing. Where I heard of Mika? I heard Relax (Take it Easy) from the radio, and well, I liked it. Next I saw Grace Kelly music video from MTV and I loved the song and the video! That wasn't an ordinary video, it was special and that's why I liked it. I started visiting at Youtube and listened his tracks from the CD. Then one day I saw his album in the shop and I bought it. I like Grace Kelly, Love Today, Any other World, Billy Brown, Stuck in the Middle and Over my Shoulder particularly. I AM really 100% Mika fan. My biggest sorrow is that he won't come here backward Finland in 2007... But I hope that he will, some day. Well, I have mumbled now too much, so I will stop now. :3
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