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Posts posted by ajbollin

  1. OMG! I just discovered my favorite "Mikaface"! When he's biting his lower lip and smiling! Does anybody have any of those readily available to post? CUUUUUUUTIE! Also, any of him with bag(gier) pants? I know that's his "thing", wearing tiny pants, but I would LOVE to see him in some bigger ones.


    Sorry, but I don't have a huge Mika Photo Collection, and I know some of you do, so I would be SUPER greatful for some of those!!




    PS: Such as:


    Found it on a previous post. KUTE WITH A KAPITAL KAY!!!!

  2. DAVID.jpg


    David! I LOVE the cover of your folder!!! You drew it?


    Oh, and this is some advice that I wish I'd gotten when I was in high school: It's not the end of your life. I was sooo depressed in high school and was so afraid to be myself and wear certain things or say certain things. But as soon as I started an after school job when I was sixteen I made so many friends. When you leave school, you can be whoever you want to be and you can find people with the same interest as you and that really understand you.


    Good luck with everything, and stay true to yourself!

  3. Linkin Park (who were SO fun in concert this past weekend!)



    Also HIM was there and I REALLY don't get the appeal. Pretty much the most boring part of the whole concert. Maybe he was just having a bad night. Sorry guys!


    Ryan Reynolds!!!




    Also, I REALLY like this pic of Jake Gyllenhaal because you can see the tippy-top of his butt and it's super cute!



    Last two!


    Robbie Williams? Anybody? Yes? No?



    And my husband, Grant! Woo Hoo!!!!


  4. How do yous guys make those little videos to put in your siggies? Like the zipper zippin up and the others? They're super-cool.


    PS: Where did that zipper one even come from? Gold metallic pants?!? Outta control!!!

  5. erm.. idk


    i think he has pretty big feet


    && yuu know what that means


    Big socks :wink2:






    Loves it.


    Plus, look at this. Somebody sniffing cocaine?? :hoover:

    Why does that little emoticon exist?

  6. Hell, I want everyone to be so happy, they'd want to dance in the streets singing 'Love Today' at the top of their voices. I even want people to be happy at my funeral, because I don't want to depress them! I'm gonna have a great big happy carnival instead of a normal funeral :biggrin2: and there'll be loads of caffeinated things and sugary things to eat and drink, so people can get REALLY happy!

    I'm-a shut up now XD


    I love this! EVERYDAY should be like this! I'm even adding this part to my signature ---> loads of caffeinated things and sugary things to eat and drink <------- with proper credit, of course!

  7. Don't worry! I bought his CD in June and now there are, like, 3 scratches on it, so I went out and bought another one to to keep it in the plastic to look at!! lol :biggrin2:


    You guys are so silly! Where do you put your LICM decorations to look at? Hehe!


    ANYWAY...my husband found another one for me at Wal-Mart, where he works, but it doesn't have the extra tracks at the end like my other one did! So I have to go to Best Buy on my lunch break and see if I can find one.


    PS: I was in Sears last night and they were playing Mika! My ears perked up at the first note! And it wasn't even one of his singles! I don't know which one is was because I don't know the names (blasphemy AGAIN!), but I did get excited!

  8. Okay, so I'm gonna let it all out.


    I BROKE my MIKA CD in HALF!!!! I shoved it the center console of my car so I could listen to another CD (blasphemy!) and when I shut the lid it BROKE in HALF!!! I just KNOW its the Mika gods punishing me for taking it out of my CD player! Oh well. I'll just have to buy a new one and increase his album sales. Good for him, bad for my wallet.


    Damn you Mika gods!!! Why have you forsaken me?!!!

  9. Where we come from, things are only insulting when meant as insults, this is just the way you pronounce Nik & Jay in Danish - they are two Danish singers and they are actually white, if we really have to point that out, don't think they would be terribly insulted.


    I'm sorry! After I posted I read a little further and it was explained to someone else. Its just that, in a post before that I'd read about people not liking rap music and then I saw that post...I've learned not to be so hasty!

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