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Posts posted by ajbollin

  1. confuzing brittish terms

    a little help please???


    braces are suspenders right??


    did he really mean lolipop or is it a ufanism??

    Girl in the blue with the big bust on????

    is is a shirt a top is she busty??? (im confused)

    who is freddy?? he said

    "I tried to be like Grace Kelly

    But all her looks were too sad

    So I try a little Freddie

    Ive gone identity mad!"




    what is up with billy brown I know mika isn't gay????????????


    is the butterfly lounge somthing he made up or is it a real place??


    what is up with happy ending and ring ring

    I thought he only did HAPPY songs???




    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!






    Braces are suspenders.

    Ufanism is not a word, and lollypop is about being careful when all guys want is sex. He wrote it for his cousin, or something.

    Freddie is Freddie Mercury the late lead singer from Queen.

    The butterfly lounge is in LA.

    Mika might be gay, he hasn't said either way.

    Mika writes pop songs. They aren't necessarily all happy.

    The other I don't know about.

  2. Edit: FYI, the body behind the Brit awards came down hard on those who posted any Brit Awards content on YouTube - that's why all your links are borked.


    Thats what I figured. That's why I asked about an official site. How in the world does it hurt the almighty powers-that-be if a little video is on Youtube? It's free. Geez-Louise.

  3. There are probably eleventy-billion links to it on here, but I'm too super lazy to look for one. I had saved it on Youtube to look at later and now it's later and the video has been removed. Boooo. So have all the other Brit videos I saved. Is there an official Brit site that I can go to or something? *sigh* Please help! :blink:

  4. I went to 2 differend proms at 2 different schools, neither of which was mine, and I've regretted it ever since. So to all of you seniors thinking about not going to yours, get a dress (it doesn't have to be the big expensive kind I got mine @ JC Penny in the Juniors section), go, dance, and have a blast! For me! And request the DJ to play Love Today.

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