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Posts posted by MIKA_OBESSED

  1. Chapter 4.


    Aubrey went to get some coconut's and banana's from there tree's.She got 4 each,2 for her and 2 for Mika.




    Aubrey:Your welcome.


    Aubrey:Listen,about that outburst-


    Mika:No,no it's ok-


    Aubrey:No,I feel bad about it.You were right.


    Mika:Thank you.And it's ok.


    Aubrey:I have a surpraise for you.




    Aubrey:Follow me.


    They got up and went behind the coconut tree.


    Aubrey:I made a hut for us!


    Mika:Great!You did a fantastic job!


    Then,Mika kissed Aubrey on the cheek.Aubrey blushed.She felt like crying tears of joy!


    It was 8:45 p.m.,and Aubrey decided that they could have a cook-out of fish and...coconut's.


    After they ate,they went to bed in the hut.It was the best night sleep they had since they got to the island.


    In the morning...


    Mika was the first one up.He made breakfest of...more fish and more coconut's.


    Aubrey started to smell smoke.She quickly woke up.


    Aubrey:Good morning!


    Mika:Good morning.


    Aubrey:I smelled smoke,so I got up.I'm hungry!


    Mika gestured for her to sit down next to him.


    Aubrey and Mika ate,and Aubey asked if he could sing a song.


    Mika started to sing Lollipop!


    Aubrey though:I love this guy.

  2. Chapter 3.


    It was the next morning,and of corse,it was cold.Aubrey woke up and was looking out on the horizon.She couldn't see anything but water.She was absolutly terrified about her family.The whole night last night her and Mika were talking about their families,other bands they liked,and their lives.They found out they had alot in common!


    Mika:Aubrey?Are you up?




    Mika got up and walked over to her.


    Aubrey:I'm really scared.What if we die here?What if no one ever finds us?


    Mika:I know.I miss my family to.


    Aubrey:Who knows what happened to them!?


    Mika hugged her.


    Aubrey started to cry.She couldn't help picturing everything that could have happend.Drowning,sharks,even an Pnemonia.But what if they were alive?


    Mika:It's ok.


    Aubrey:No it's not!


    Aubrey got up.


    Aubrey:It's not going to be ok!It's never gonna be ok!We're stuck here forever,possibly even less!We're never going to leave!No one's gonna come this far!We're never-


    Mika:A plane!A plane!


    It just passed right by them.


    Aubrey:I told you.


    Mika:We should never lose hope.If I lost hope,I wouldn't be here right no-ok,bad example.


    Aubrey:No,no your right.


    Aubrey sat back down with him.She hugged him back.


    Aubrey:Do you know what time it is?


    Mika:Yep!I always do!


    They giggled.


    Mika:It's...10:12 a.m.


    Aubrey:I'm gonna look for food.



  3. Chapter 2.


    Aubrey:Oh....my god!


    Mika:You know who I am?


    Aubrey:Of course!I love your music!


    Mika:Thank you!Now,are you ok?


    Aubrey:I..don't know...


    Mika:Where did you come from?


    Aubrey:A cruise ship...it crashed and-


    Mika:I was on that ship to!


    Aubrey:My sister said that-oh my god my sister!My mom!My dad!


    Mika:You were there with your family?You look 14 or 15 years old.


    Aubrey:I'm 11,I'm just tall for my age...


    Mika:You passed out on your way here...I saw you and took you here...it took a long time...


    Aubrey:Thank you so much.Your nicer then they say.


    Mika:Now,how do you think we could get back?


    Aubrey:I know one thing!




    Aubrey:Never drink ocean water.


    Mika:I already knew that,but thank you.


    Aubrey got up,being wobbly.Her clothes were ripped,she had no suitcase with her,and she didn't know if her family were dead or alive.


    Mika:Are you sure your alright?




    Mika:Then you just lay down.I'll look for some things around here we could use.


    Aubrey layed down under a coconut tree and fell asleep.


    A few hours later...


    Aubrey woke up,and noticed Mika was trying to make a fire.Aubrey wasn't wobbly anymore,so she went over to him.


    Aubrey:Thanks for rescuing me.I would have probably been dead.


    Mika:No problem.


    Aubrey:I was going to see you on August 10th,to ee you perform,but now we both can't attend it.


    Mika had a sad look on his face.


    Mika:I'm so screwed.It hurts me to think I'm going to let down millions of people.


    Aubrey:Just be glad your alive.And that you can hear someone else besides yourself.


    The fire came up.


    Aubrey and Mika:Yes!


    Aubrey and Mika laughed.


    Aubrey:You know,this might not be so bad...

  4. This is my story.



    On a luxorius cruise along the Atlantic Ocean,a girl and her family are having the vacation of their lives.And pop singer Mika is taking a vacation.Just when Aubrey,(pronaunced Aw-bre)is walking over to meet him,the ship hits a huge rock,and starts to go down.


    Aubrey:I can't belive it's already been 4 days out of 2 weeks of this vacation!


    My sister:Mom said that famous people come on this cruise!Iv'e only seen Hilary Duff...*shivers*


    Aubrey:I was hoping I'd be able to see Mika here,but what would be those chances?


    My sister:You always think your gonna see him,so jst give it up.


    Aubrey:Well,this is a luxury cruise,there are better chances here then anywhere else I said he'd be at.






    Aubrey jumps out of her seat,and right then,the side of the ship she was on collapsed!She was hanging on to a railing!




    My sister:AUBREY!!




    The railing collapses,and Aubrey is in the fierce ocean and is swimming to a life preserver on the other side of the boat,but she passes out!


    34 hours later...


    Aubrey is still kinda out of it,but she looks around.She's not in the water anymore!It appers to be nighttime,and she just lets her head fall in the sand and goes to bed.


    Anoymous,(for now):Hey,wake up...wake up...




    Aubrey slowly opens her eyes.The voice sounds terribly familiar,but dosen't care at the moment who it is,as long as their willing to help.


    Anoymous:Are you ok?


    Aubrey:Y-yes,I think so...


    Aubrey opens her eyes,then thinks this is a joke...




    Stay tuned for Chapter 2!

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