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Posts posted by MIKA_OBESSED

  1. I know!!!! That is the whole reason we are doing this!!!!!!

    We miss everyone SO MUCH!!! :huglove:


    I can't wait till MIKA comes back to NYC so we can all be together again!!!!

    Hope things are better next time! :wub2:

    Get there before the crack of dawn like we did :mf_rosetinted:




    Miiiiiika. :wub2::kachinga:


    Lmao crack of dawn.

    50/50 lol.

  2. I am designing my dress -- and my mommy is going to make it for me! She is SO talented! You can call me Princess Holly :mf_rosetinted:


    I can't wait either!!!! But, all of the plans are REALLY stressing me out!!!! :insane:

    WISH I had MORE money!!!!!! :boxed:


    That's great your mom is making the dress!That's a nice talent to have. :-)


    It's gonna be so great to see you all again.I haven't seen any of you guys since the concert! :boxed:

  3. THAT is a GREAT idea! I know Alex said she was gonna make her own mask! I think that is more 'special' !!!!!!


    Goodwill would be an awesome place to go -- sometimes they have the MOST fabulous dresses in there!!!!! :punk:


    Yeah they do! :king:

    I can't wait!!!! :woot_jump:

  4. MAYBE --


    We can find a TALL -- SKINNY -- CURLY-HEADED

    guy and dress him up! With a mask on -- *no one would EVER know the difference* :das:


    JUST AN IDEA -- I am throwing out there :lmao:


    I don't know anyone who looks like that. :fisch:

  5. There's a craft store that my sister goes to and I can buy a blank masquerade mask that you can decorate yourself!


    We can also go to goodwill and find clothes.I'm considering getting a dress.I don't know how formal I should be lol.

  6. Holly :wub2:

    What wonderful prose. Thank you for including me (us). Gee, did we really make seem like the whole thing wasn't worth it because some &%*@ couldn't see that Aub was just a kid who wanted to be a little closer?

    I truly believe that if they were up front they would have probally gotten hurt and then it really would have been a horrible time.


    In reality it was a breif time that was "yucky". We still had all that time before and once I relaxed and stopped swearing that the guy needed a good swift kick to the balls, we had the concert. We had the whole experience.


    I was able to give me girls something, an experience, and though I would want to "Erase" that bit it was still just a bit.


    We learned a valuable experience. Stop drinking 2 hours before show and that he pizza place closes at 6:00!!! and that adult diapers really wasn't such a gross idea after all. :shocked:


    I remember after the concert you and Lucy and someone else talking about the crush and a wave ran over me and I was suddenly grateful the smug, tight

    ass was a smug, tight ass.

    But then I remember that there were two women to the left who saw the situtation and ushered Aubrey in front of them. Even though Aubrey decided to turn back and we had one other run in on our way to our spot we had a spot and got to see the amazing Mika work that stage like nobodies business.


    Meeting all the MFC'ers, and how welcoming you were to my daughters and I, the walk off, the singing (screaming) hamming it up for Andy (where did that footage go anyway?)

    The kindness of the diner owners letting us use their bathroom for free and for having some good soup and grilled cheese.


    Thanks again for putting this piece out there Holly. :huglove:






    I told you that was a great idea I had lol. :naughty:

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