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Posts posted by sweet-dreams

  1. Today I found out that the junior rock band at my school is performing 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' at the performance night this Thursday! And they're really good. I hope that they do it well!


    I wish I had started playing piano for them at the start of the year when I had a chance to. If I had known that they'd be doing Queen...


    I love that song so much. :wub2:

  2. I was two months old when he died and I also miss him! It's just one of those things that, because you will never find someone like him, whether or not you actually grew up with him you still get upset because you missed out.....


    I wasn't born until about 6 months after Freddie died. So I guess I was partially alive (at least I would have been conceived)! I miss him too, because I feel the same way. It's as if the World and I are missing an amazing person who lived an amazing life.


    It was really cool, last 24th November it just happened to be Colour Day at my school so everyone was dressed brightly...and I decided I'm going to make that my tradition. Freddie was such a beautiful colourful person, and I like the thought of celebrating his life instead of his death.


    I completely agree. He would have wanted us to celebrate all of the good times of his life instead of dwelling on his death. He was definately beautiful and colourful.

  3. I listened to Innuendo a couple weeks ago cos I hadn't listened to it for a really long time. I told myself "You're driving in the car, it's impossible that you'll get emotional and start crying...."


    Of course, as soon as TSMGO came on I started to cry...LOL!!! *sigh* Always gets me...


    'The Show Must Go On' always makes me emotional too. It's one of my favourites though. :wub2:

  4. Ugh, I know what you mean...I have a theory that I was born 50 years too late because I am OBSESSED with anything to do with the 60's and 70's. All my music is from that era, and I would give everythng I own to be able to see some of those concerts because so many great musicians have died...

    *sigh* I shall just have to wait for Queen's album release tour at this point, though.


    I'm the same! I love 70s and 80s music!

  5. That most definitely is the best live Queen dvd they have out in my opinion. Spectacular!


    I love Is This The World We Created?


    Me too! Well, I love them all!


    If only I was the age I am now back in 1986..


    Maybe a little older.

  6. Definately!


    On another note, I bought my 'Queen - Live At Wembley Stadium' DVD yesterday (very late I know but I'm only a fairly new Queen fan) and watched the whole concert last night. It was incredible! And I started crying when Freddie said "We're going to stay together until we ****ing-well die", and through 'Who Wants To Live Forever'.


    But yes, it was so so so good!

  7. It was so cute, today my church celebrated All Saints Day, and we had a bunch of little kids dress up as saints and then we had a parade and marched into church. I was behind these three little first graders, who all started singing We Will Rock You. It was so cute, they were correcting each other. I felt like a proud mother.



    Aww cool! I had a similar experience after school today. We were all standing around waiting to be picked up and a few year seven girls started singing 'We Are The Champions'. I was just watching them, making sure that they were singing it properly. :naughty:

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