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Posts posted by cmc1112

  1. Hahahah.... That's bit like the one my cousin taught me:


    Miss Mary had a tugboat, the tugboat had a bell. Miss Mary went to heaven, the tugboat went to hell-o operator, get me number nine and if you disconnect me I'll kick your big behind the yellow curtain, lay a piece of glass, Miss Mary sat upon it and it cut her on the ask me no more quetions, tell me no more lies. The boys are the bathroom doing up their flies are in th city, bees are in the park, Miss Mary and her boyfriend are kissing in the dark is like a movie, a movie's like a show, a show is like a TV and that is all I know I know my ma, I know I know my pa, I know I know my sister with the 44F BRA-VO!!!!



    :naughty: I have too much spare time!



    Hahahahaha! Nice

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