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Posts posted by Aaurora

  1. Courtesy of the Photoshop Thread:




    As a general rule: if you've thought of some freaky combination trust that someone else on the MFC has not only already thought of it but Photoshopped it. :mf_rosetinted:


    wow.......thats disturbing :naughty:


    I admit that I have a mind that is not normal - some of the things that go round in my brain would certainly not be photoshopped....and if they were, they could not be posted on mfc :naughty:

  2. I always forget who watches biggest loser BUT did you guys notice that in the weigh in room when Michelle is making her 50k announcement JJ is not there!! I think he's gone. He's totally buggered off.


    and OH GOD this is so embarrassing but.....I kinda like Cosi. I think he's....cute. :lmao: saaad.

  3. i agree 100% with you! people are WAY to obsessive, including me, not that i cried because i didnt meet mika, but mika is basically my life! and the poking is just...wierd! :lmao: but i would do anything to be able to poke lukas on the other hand....:fisch:


    Seriously, if you only get one chance to poke the poor bugger in your entire life, would you choose his back?? I think not :mf_rosetinted:

  4. If you did not write "Mika" or "MFC" you could have been describing any fanbase in the entire world :)


    It's not just Mika that obsessive, irrational behaviour is linked to - it's all celebrities. Even the celebrities that you think would not have a crazy, crying stalker, yep, they've got them.


    Of course this does not deflect away from the artist nor does it put all their fans in the one box. Some people, I remember by their stories, managed to behave in a mature, rational way by waiting for their special time, not bothering him. Unfortunately, they were a minority at that particular party :thumbdown:

  5. What do you do, btw? I'd be interested in a job that would allow me time to do such productive things.


    I'm an inventory clerk :naughty: My boss doesn't care - he's online looking at his greyhound racing :lmao:


    I'm up for it, send it when it's done.


    Alarmingly several people do. They may be in contact with you shortly. It's all underground, y'know.


    Who on earth do they pair Mika with? Andy, Luke or Mikey or a mixture :blink: I really would like to read something, come on you underground slashies :naughty: Pairing M/A together will be good, they can use the camera :thumb_yello:


    One of the things I enjoy most about MFC is the ability to see what Guests are reading..


    Yesterday a guest was reading a thread in the archives called "Goodnight Kelzy and Suzanne" (Suzanne is Elanorelle) which was made by Stormy Weather the day I joined MFC..


    And right now, I see a GUEST is reading MY INTRODUCTORY THREAD in the Archives..

    GET A LIFE!! I'm not THAT interesting!!! :lmfao:




    That is so funny, Kelzy! What a weird guest. BUT....you are stalking the weird guest, no? This makes you a tad strange also :roftl:

  6. Ah yes, I've yet to reach the OMFG-I'm-so-bored-that-I'm-going-to-write-fanfic stage.


    What sort of fic is it?


    (Translation: send it to me. :P)


    My work is the most boring job EVER. But I get to do productive things, like make baby name lists, draw pictures, work out my budget....le sigh.


    The fic is slashy...man/man pairing. I've sent it off to someone to beta (read over) it for me and to see if it's any good. It does not involve Mika so you may not be interested LOL I've never read any Mika fics (if I did, I would only be interested in slashy ones, don't know if anyone writes them?!). If anyone's reading this and writes filthy, dirty Mika slash pm it to me :roftl::naughty:

  7. Lunch break over. :thumbdown:


    I'll sneak back on later. :fisch:


    God, work is so boring. :blink:


    Scutty, I don't think your job is as boring as mine. Do you want to know what I did to keep myself amused on Friday? I wrote SLASH FICTION. Although, I had to stop when it got....erm...well, you know. I continued that part at home :roftl:

  8. I'm not aiming this at the Aussies specifically, but I think many people's expectations of Mika to tour their area within a short timeframe are ridiculous. It takes most artists 2 or 3 years to get back on the road and cover the world from one album to the next.


    At the very least I think you want to put a fairly positive spin on any attempts to get him to come to Australia because he will come one day no matter what. I'm sure you'd prefer that he's enthusiastic about it and looking forward to seeing his fans, rather than feeling obliged and a bit wary.


    At the height of Mikas popularity, his airplay on commercial radio was phenomenal. I have not heard Grace Kelly for months, and thats the truth. New artists have come along and Mika does not get the airplay he deserves. I am concerned by the time he gets here, people just won't care anymore. But hey, thats good for me as I have more of a chance to get a ticket :thumb_yello: I know he will come, and I am positive it will be this year. I don't mind waiting - although by the time he gets here I will be 'with child' and will not be able to enjoy myself as much :sneaky2: But at least I can have wild, rampant fornications with him backstage and not worry about getting preggers :lmfao:

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