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Posts posted by Lyraucia

  1. i think i may have pushed my family over the edge with all my mika interview watching and listening to the music 24/7 and talking about him so much..


    Heh ^_^ Same here! My brother's room is next to mine and the walls are quite thin...He'll come in and ask me if I'll stop watching the same interview for the 5th time (or something like that)


    what's your favorite mika song?

    Me and my mum like Love Today, Lollipop and Grace Kelly the most..


    (but i like all of Mika's songs anyway ((except maybe Erase..)))

  2. Haha! Finally i've finished reading the whole thread! :biggrin2:


    <3 all the stories :punk:


    As for what I would do.................i would not worry about huts and shelter and stuff unless it was really cold/hot or a storm was coming....I mean, it's not like people would just go "Oh really? Mika's stuck on an island?" and do nothing..


    I'd probably..do something that would make him never forget me :naughty:

    No, not anything actually naughty though:wink2:


    Kinda random for this post, but not for this thread:


    Me: You know, i read a thread on MFC about this exact situation

    Mika: :shocked:



  3. 2 days - thats nothing, i know people who can go for 6 days.

    wear once, then turn them so that you put your leg through the section for your body and your body through one of the legs (only works for the evil skinny people) then turn them again and do the same.

    Then - turn them inside out and restart the process.

    rather disgusting.


    :blink: :blink: :boxed::shocked:



  4. Yes, I see your point- I suppose that because I don't like it (rap) I just don't listen to any of it if I can possibly avoid it, so I can't even tell the 'good' ones from the 'bad' ones....:roftl: But I still don't like it as a genre!! Or its image for that matter.


    Same here, i try to avoid rap in general. I just can't admire it in any aspect somehow :blink:


    I don't know who is worse- the writer or the morons who posted all those comments, where all they are illustrating is their own tiny intellectual capacity.....sigh...we should really feel sorry for them, as it cannot possibly be their fault that they are so....inept.


    I think that they feel like they need to knock him becuase they are threatened by him....there are not many singers nowadays who can (like Mika) actually sing, and have talent, so I think that these people are just narrow minded little people who cannot see further than their little brains.

    It makes me angry so I will just stop posting to avoid writing something that I regret later.



    Relax, take it easy :winksmiley02:


    Why waste anger on such people? They won't know talent even if it hit them in the face..

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