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Posts posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Woo for acting your age!...and maybe even a little bit younger occasionally...:naughty:


    Yeah, he's cool. At first I thought he and that other guy were doing some weird tribal chant or something. But then later on I figure out it was the beginning of I Can't Get No Satisfaction.:shocked::roftl: :roftl:


    Yay! Yeah he acts like he's 13 haha. :blush-anim-cl:


    Ahahaha that part was funny. He also does a lot of impersonations of other tennis players like federer, nadal, and sharapova haha. So funny!!!

    I have a video that I took of him on Friday when he was practicing and all of a sudden he says "Smack that! Down on the floooor!!!" hahahahah. I can't figure out how to upload it though!

  2. :shocked:


    :lmfao: :lmfao: ! I like him!!! He's weird!:punk: "Jackie Chan!"?! HAHAHA. And is it just me and my rediculous fatigue...or does his laugh kind of sound like Mika's?:wub2::blush-anim-cl:


    ...But, not as melodious, of course...:naughty:


    Yeah he's really random, and down to earth. A bunch of the young tennis players are so serious all of the time, but he just acts his age and has fun!

    I think their laughs are similar!!!!

  3. It was! I was happy for the rest of the day.:blush-anim-cl:


    So, I should be hearing about this future husband of yours pretty soon, huh?


    Awwww haha how sweet! hehe.


    Maybe...if he wins this tournament he should be on the news...I think. AND he will win it, because he's amazing and brilliant and yes...haha. Some people sitting near me when I was watching him play were supporting the other player just because of the whole controversy in Serbia right now (because Novak is Serbian) but that's so immature, because they should support players because of how they play, not where they are from! I don't really support the player from Britain, so there! HA! that'll show them ahah :roftl:

  4. Ah, I see. Well, yeah, that's cool that he had a not-so-famous girlfriend. It reminds me of Tom Welling (Smallville guy that I had the biggest crush on for the longest time...:roftl: ). Hahah! Jay Leno! I haven't seen that show in ages.


    :shocked: #3 is amazing! He must be really, really, really good! And you got to meet him! At least you're a fan before he gets all super famous. When he does, at least you'll know you've been there from the beginning.


    I had a Mika dream too a few nights ago. It was AMAZING:blush-anim-cl: ! Usually, I can't tell when I'm dreaming, but if I DO figure it out, I immediately wake up. So I was having this dream that Mika was at my house at 3:00 A.M. and we were watching the dvd. I thought to myself..."Brittany...uhm...you're dreaming. Wake up." Why I told myself to wake up, I have no idea. But I didn't. So then I got freaked out and thought it was real and tried waking myself up a few other times and it didn't work. I got really excited and had the mindset that I was really watching Live in Cartoon Motion with Mika at my house at 3:00 in the morning :roftl: :roftl:! It was the best feeling.:blush-anim-cl:


    ...I wiiiiish...


    I luv that show haha but I never get to see it because it's on so late!


    Yeah, I mean, he is super famous in the tennis world, but he's still not "epic" status yet, because this time last year he was like number 20 or something and basically nobody knew about him. And most of the people who were there this weekend are just obsessed with the American or Spanish players, so there weren't that many people stalking Novak...yay!


    Awww haha that sounds like a fun dream! Hahaha that's weird! :roftl:

  5. You sure can dream!!!


    It's weird for me though. I think Mika is extremelly attractive, but I'm not really attrected to him like that. Does that make sense? My one friend said it doesn't, but it does to me:naughty: .


    If I had the choice, even if all conditions were right and I wasn't seven years younger than him...I'd rather be his REALLY good friend than his wife. Lol. Like, I daydream about me and him hanging out rather than making out:roftl: :roftl: .


    ANYWHO, yeah! Three years! Not bad at all! And the "too famous" thing..anything's possible right?:thumb_yello:


    I get what you mean completely! I think I'm at the stage now that I'd rather be his good friend, because I guess I've been obsessed with him too long to still be in the "OMG LIKE MARRY ME" stage. I had a dream the other night about me, him, and johnny depp going to disneyland...it was really funny.


    Yeah, 3 years is barely an age difference! And he's soo nice because his girlfriend is from his home, and she's not a celebrity or tennis player or anything, so that makes him seem nicer because fame hasn't ruined him...yet...He was on the tonight show with jay leno on Friday I think! I taped it :naughty: Hehehe. But I'm just worried that he's going to get way too commercialized like Roger Federer...because novak is #3 in the world, and so he's really going to start getting tooooooooo famous really soon

  6. Yeah, I was right, I don't know him...:blink::naughty:


    "My Future Hubby" :roftl: Let's hope!!:thumb_yello:


    Aww well, you'll soon know him because I'll talk about him non-stop for the next week :thumb_yello:


    Yes. Mika used to be "My future Hubby", but I'm thinking that the 7 year age difference and the fact that he's waaaay to famous now might not give me much chance. And Novak is only 3 years older than me, so maybe...but he's also waaaay too famous...but oh well. I can dream, can't I!!!

  7. Yeah it was soooo amazing. It's probably the equivalent of meeting Mika...yeah. Well...sort of...I don't know. Haha.

    I got 2 photos with him and I basically stalked him the entire time! Haha I took a photo of him playing soccer with his coach and he was topless hahaha I felt so weird taking that photo!

  8. OK hello California!!

    Um, so my loverly aunt is visiting from Wisconsin and between having her here and my sister sharing a room with me...my MFC time for the next few days will be unfortunately probably very limited. So I'm just letting you all know. I'll try to get on as much as I can!


    Awwww, well we'll miss you!

    Although I won't be on the MFC much in the next week ):


  9. Two.

    US History and English.

    I took Euro History last year.


    Fun stuff :mf_rosetinted: Hahaha AP's are AMAZING! um...yeah.

    Hehe. Yeah I'm taking US History, English, and Chemistry. And last year I took World History (but I wish my school had offered Euro). Bleh.

    And I still don't have an English teacher! I'm really worried because we haven't learned ANYTHING!


    I have to go sleepybyes! Night night!

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