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Posts posted by Serendipity66

  1. Got 2 copies from Amazon yesterday. All I can say is "BRAVO, BRAVO,BRAVO"! Listened all last night and couldn't wait to put the disc in my car to listen to it this morning.

    Off to order a 3rd copy for myself (so I can have it wherever I go) and copies for family and friends. It is THAT good!:clap::thumb_yello::wub2:

  2. What is this other new song HMDYLM that people are talking about? I can't believe I missed it. Can someone provide a link?


    More about Rain--I am glad that Mika does not seem to care if he makes it big in the US, because I don't think Rain (for one) will bring in many fans. Not that it is not radio-friendly (which it isn't)----cause the new ColdPlay album does not have many radio-friendly songs on it, and it is going like wildfire here in the US.


    It is just that Rain sounds to me....like off or something...I can't explain it.

  3. Thanks, Greta, for the article and for your translation. Looks like hard work!


    Things are looking good in the US!! On Amazon.com US, Viva la Vida is still holding as #1 sold album.


    ALSO, ALL their previous 3 studio albums are NOW in the top #100 on Amazon.


    I think Viva is bringing in a lot of new fans who are anxious to hear some of their earlier stuff. :punk:

  4. For those who missed the Today show last Friday: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/25409438#25409438


    Thanks!! I forgot about them being on, and only caught the tail end of 24.


    My first time seeing them perform (I am a new fan)--- Chris has TONS of charisma and really connects with the audience, doesn't he? Love the way he moves, too!


    So, since Friday, I have bought Spin magazine, ordered Parachute and A Rush of Blood to the Head. Getting obsessed maybe?


    Not really. I just need kind of a "semi-obsession" until Mika starts coming round again. Another tall, lanky, curly hair, piano-playing Brit. Do I see a pattern here?

  5. All righty! I just found this thread!Yipee!

    I was into coldplay, but I wasn't like FAN, but now I bought the new album, it's damn great! I've become a fan!!! YAY!:punk:


    Yes, I said the same thing! Their new CD is fabulous and over the top! Made me go from "okay" to real fan-dom!

  6. Oh, to be 15 again!!!! lol


    As much as we all love Mika, I agree with your mom (sad to say). Gotta take care of numero uno (You!) first.


    And just think--when you get to finally see Mika in the US, you will be looking all cute with your shiny white veneers.


    I wish I could get them!

  7. New FAN HERE!


    I was always so-so about Coldplay but picked up their new CD, Vida La Viva, and WOW! Complex music, not easily-accessible--the kind that I want to play over and over again.


    Chris Martin ain't bad looking either (lucky Gwenyth). Genius and good looks tied up in one, I like that kinda guy. :wink2:

  8. His North American tour-----I remember being blown away when the camera scanned the crowd in, I think, Montreal, when he played to about 11,000.


    I can't even imagine 55,000! What a trip! It is so good to see such talent recognized--sometime the world does work the right way!

  9. I don't know much about the Ivors, but I got the following quote from their site. Must be quite prestigious, I am so thrilled for Mika. He must be elated.



    I remember coming here the very first time with my mates John, George and Ringo. Sitting back there just as little kids we were … and it was just fantastic to be part of this songwriting thing. It was always the greatest award – the greatest thing to get for songwriters. I think it still is.” Sir Paul McCartney.

  10. :roftl:

    He seems so fun to hang out with...

    Anyways, sorry if this has been posted before!! I wanted to make a new thread of it so you all could see it easily.


    :lmao: Enjoy!! :wub2: Hahaha...

    I don't know where or when it was by the way. :roll1:

    But it says it was added a while ago.. so you might have already seen it? This is the first time I saw it..


    Anyways.. Just watch it!!



    Never have seen this, thanks! He is such a delight and so full of fun and life. :biggrin2: Love the dip/hip thrust move!


    I went back and watched LICM this weekend, because I found myself forgetting him.:sad: And I don't want to!!!

  11. Thanks, NoAngel! It was great to see all the little Mika cutenesses again--adjusting his earpiece, flinging his head back during Billy Brown, etc. All those endearing things!:wub2:

    Nice to know he is alive and well.


    Oh, and welcome to MFC!! It is lots of fun here--wait till Mika starts making appearances again, the board will be buzzing!

  12. This is a good thread. Thanks! We can all use a stroll down memory land---this lack of news is a wasteland!


    Although I did hear a bit of "Big Girls" on Good Morning America this morning. They were doing a piece on the large girl who is in the running for Miss London or Miss England (or something like that). So "Big Girl" starts playing and I dropped my makeup kit to run into the bedroom hoping to get a glimpse. Ha ha--I am desperate!


    Hope this video has not been posted already. I like his vulnerability in this one. How he sips his Coke and holds the glass with two hands.


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