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Posts posted by babyblue

  1. Wow...Baby...

    Hi there...

    Girl, you do what you gotta do OK. But know that we will ALWAYS love you and remember and cherish the times we all spent together. You really are an amazing person and will be sorely missed.


    *feels all choked up*

    Goodbye love...I hope this isn't the last time we'll ever talk again...

    *hugs Baby really tightly* You won't be forgotten...ever...


    Thanks, I won't forget you guys, even if I am closing this chapter in my life.

    Maybe I'll pop in for time to time, to see how the stories going.


    Anyways, goodbye *waves*

  2. "I'm not sure guys, I really don't think it's safe to continue."

    Finn glanced up at me teary-eyed as the restof the pprs looked up at me from my tall stature ontop of their coffee table.

    I held Soa's stick on my hand and I began to walk it against my other hand to get order.

    "SILENCE." i sileneced the slow murmer that filled the living room.

    "We need a plan to keep us safe! We help people we shouldn't pay--"

    "Do we even help people?"


    Kelzy slumped back in her lazyboy and Soa patted her back convincing her that she loved her.

    "SO as I was saying"

    I glared at Kelzy

    "We need a full-proof plan, and I think that Babe and Cal will need to rejoin us to make us stronger. With babe's cunning wisdom and Cal's tallnosity we could actually scare them off, if not get mr tall guy to let me climb up his back--"

    Artsy giggled from the top of the stairs watching us.

    "and get into Tentacle's room and entrance him and then baby could come because she's so small and wuvable and BAM BOOM BAK! take him out of the window as he had fallen madly inlove with moi."

    "How do you know that he won't love you and be soo OMG U SEXY THANG over n3l?" asked Soa curiously.

    I shook my head.

    "We look the same so...c'est la vie. HE LOVE ME."

    Finn chuckled.

    "N3l is pretty hot."

    I slapped with him my stick.

    "Now for the blueprints."


    Mum and I were locked in a hug, both crying.

    "I don't know what I'm going to do Baby, he was my son, in every way that counts," she sobbed.

    "I don't know what I'm going to do either. I guess we just have to go on with life," I said.

    "I know, but its hard. I don't know what I would do if I lost you too," she murmured, stroking my hair.

    "Lets hope that doesn't happen," I said, as she smiled softly.

    "Thanks, for making them bring him back here to be buried," she whispered.

    "Its what he would have wanted. Australia was his home,"

    "Look, I have to go talk to the others. They need my help now," I murmured, as she let me go. I headed into the loungeroom, as Calvin came out.

    "How you holding up?" he asked, his voice touched with concern.

    "How do you think I'm holding up Cal?" I snapped. "My brother died, and I don't need you asking that every 10 minutes."

    He sighed, and pulled me into his arms. "Lets go outside, you don't need to go in there just yet," he soothed, as I sighed. He was so concerned for me. Sobbing quietly, I let him lead me to the balcony.

    "I just can't believe his gone," I whispered, as he nodded.

    "Neither can I, but you're still alive. I don't know what would happen if I lost you," he murmured, his arms around my waist as I stared across the yard, unseeingly. I didn't see the man hiding in the bushes, didn't hear the shot of the gun, or Cal's anguished cry as he tried to shove me out of the way. I didn't even feel the bullet entering my body, and piercing my lung.

    "Cal? Whats ha..ppening?" I gasped, as he let out a shout, laying me down on the deck.

    "Babe, you were shot, but its okay, I'll get Lolly, she'll fix this," he said.

    Gasping, I grasped his hand. "Don't leave me, please... don't... leave me," I pleaded, feeling nothing as blood slowly flowed out of me.

    "I won't leave Babe, just don't die. You can't do this to me, don't die," he pleaded, as he sent out a mental plea.

    *Help, someone help* he cried, in his mind, as Kelzy suddenly sat bolt upright.

    "OH god, somethings wrong," she cried, as they all looked at her, then headed outside.

    They were just in time to hear me say. "You ... have to... rejoin... them. They need... you," I gasped, my breath coming in short gasps.

    "No Babe, I can't, not without you," he said, staring into my eyes as tears fell out of his own. As he turned at the sound of the others, I noticed the hand on his shoulder was fading.

    "Lolly, you have to help her," he cried, as I tugged on his hand.

    "Its.... too...late. The ...hand,.... almost.... gone," I gasped.

    "No!! It's not too late, you'll survive," he cried.

    "Let...me go Cal.... You're strong,"

    "Not without you. You've been my strength for so long Babe, I don't know what I'll do without you,"

    "Love... again. Don't forget me..... but... open.... you're.... heart.... if .... someone new.... comes along," I said, as Lolly, who had gone upstairs to check on Artsy, finally arrived, and pushed through the group gathering.

    "Babe, don't go," Cal cried, as Lolly laid her hands on me. But it was too late, I had breathed my last, telling Cal to move on.

    As I floated towards the light, I took one last look at my group. Tears were in their eyes, Artsy stood towards the back, disbelieving, as the others shook their heads. Kelzy had leaned against Soa, and both were crying, M4l was wrapped in Finns arms, everyone was upset. They had only got me back.

    And my mother, my poor mother, she had just come out the door, and was sobbing uncontrollably, pushing her way through and throwing herself beside me. She had lost both her children, in such a short span of time.

    I tore my eyes away from them, as I felt someone touch my arm.

    "They'll be okay Babe, they always are," Kevin whispered, as he held out his hand and, together, we headed to the light.

  3. Hey everyone, long time no chat, and it will be even longer after this.


    I don't have the time to be online anymore, real life is calling. I was actually doing the cowardly thing, and avoiding this place rather than saying goodbye, but I thought I should at least say bye.



    So here it is. I'm going to do one post now, and then leave you to it. I'll always remember the fun I had posting in this story, I just don't have a spot in my life for it anymore.



    Hope you all have great lives.


    So I'm going to post now, and then I'll have to get going (Got a date with Ryan in 2 hours, and have to get ready)

  4. Sara closed her phone and turned to face the salon. It didn't seem that busy, but the hairdressers were working and making themselves look busy. Sara entered and a hairdresser walked over.

    "Hello, I'm Jenna, how can I help you?"

    "Hi, I'm looking for a worker named Tammy..." Sara mumbled.

    "Okay, she's doing something at the moment, but she should be finished in a moment. Please wait here." Sara sttod stiil for a while, looking at all of the dolls. Eventually, thoughts and memories filled her head. A lump formed in her throat as she thought of Micheal.

    "Hey, I was told you wanted to speak to me?" A woman with a long penil skirt and white blouse was standing infront of her. Her brown hair was up in a tight but perfect bun.

    "Yeah." Sara said, breathing deeply. "M4L sent me... could I have your room key to the Plaza?" Tammy looked at her for a moment, confused and then smiled.

    "Oh, I know you! Your one of the PPRs! Yes, of course you can, I just have to go and get it." Tammy off, towards a door with 'Staff Room' on it. Sara felt relieved, as she had felt awkward asking someone she didn't know for a room key, and expected a bunch of questions.

    Tammy emerged with a small red drawstring bag.

    "Here you are. Just leave it on the bed when you leave, I have a spare." Tammy smiled. Sara thanked her and headed to the Plaza. She checked in (and got a funny look from the receptionist) and headed up to the room.

    She put the key on the bed and pulled her phone out.

    "M4L? I'm at the Plaza... What should I do now?"



    Calvin and I had ended up splitting our time between the uk (and scotland in particular) and Australia, working on his album. We both missed the group antics and everyone, though we saw Artsy and Kevin when they came to Australia, and Kelzy had popped around a few times. Soa had just released a new book, and invited us all to the launch the night before the tickets came.

    We'd arrived back at the small apartment/flat we had brought when it became to difficult to stay at my mother's to find a letter waiting from us.

    "Whose it from Babe?" Calvin asked, as he unlocked the door, and let us in.

    "Mika," I said, examing the envelope as he looked confused.

    "Really? Thats a long time no hear case. Open it up then," he prompted as I continued to stare at it until he finally snatched it out of my hand.

    A few seconds later it had been read, and passed to me, as Calvin examined the tickets.

    "Can we make it?" I asked, as he looked at the date on the tickets.

    "If we fly straight from glasgow on leaving the hotel that morning, and be at the airport by at least midnight to fly for paris we should be able to swing it," he said, as I nodded gladly.

    "It doesn't leave much room for chat though Babe, apart from before the concert. If you wanted to you could stay the night in London (it was London yeah?) and meet me in Paris afterwards" he said, as I glanced up at him, and then reached out and hugged him.

    "No, its fine. We don't even know what will happen at the concert, and maybe its best not to spend too much time remincising. It'll just want us to start things over again, and right now we have your tour to worry about," I said, leaning my head against his chest, as he hugged me tight.

    "I'll rsvp then," he murmured a few seconds later, as he picked up the phone, and I set about finding something for lunch



    She's just trying to bring up her own career. I give her credit for trying so hard, but just like any other fighter, you should know when to quit. You've released five albums honey and you're STILL not successful. This is just 15minute fame. Once it's over, it's OVER. Go work in a shop..


    Dunno why the New Zealand guy is getting involved though. Same as Sophie I guess, just with less reason xD He's clearly a tad more successful than she is.


    That was so long winded.



    Sophie is in the right

    Mica is not.

    Mica will only change name when entering Belgium

    Sophie will shut up

    Maori will continue to rave because he is a drag queen, and therfore a natural diva.

    Any questions? :roftl:


    I find that last sentence completly stereotypical (yes being a dra queen prob means his a diva but...) and am going to point out that NZ Mika has, from the article, already discussed this with Mika's people over a period of time. As this is only just comin to light, I don't see him as 'raving' so to speak about how someone stole his name. He just seems concerned that he still be able to use the name.


    (no offence)

  6. Okay, but really, it's not a big deal or humiliating if you don't get questions. You're not alone if any of this or anything, I don't want you to be unhappy. There's not much to lose or risk at all, and I'm sorry you feel that way. Really, it's not a big deal at all. I hope you enjoy your hotseat, though. :original:

    I don't care if I don't get questions, and thats not will make me not want to do another one. I just think, after this attempt that that will be enough.


    (and I will get questions :wink2:)

  7. This goes for every timezone, and I'm sure there must be some Aussies on when you are. They'll ask questions, and people will make questions after they see the new thread when I post it, it's not like you won't get any. If you're only available for three hours of the day, it's not a big deal. Other people will ask you questions, but many, many people only have a few hours or less when they're in the hotseat. Since there will be a second round soon, it's okay. We all work and go to school, mostly. It's one thing if you're not going to have access to a computer any time that day, like if you're away on vacation or something, but I can't make special requests for everyone's hotseats. Again, I can't really guarantee a narrow time-slot I'd be able to put it up at night, as that varies. I'm sorry, it would just be getting too complicated for my time constraints. Some people do get less questions because of many different factors, and that's what second rounds are for. So I can't really commit to making special requests. Don't worry, there will be a second round, and you will get some questions. Are you still up for Thursday?

    I can honestly say, that if I didn't get questions I wouldn't be willing to risk a second round. I know thats not your fault that I got skipped, but all things considered Thursday is going to be my last try, questions or no questions.


    So, just put me down for it please

  8. I'd be willing to have another try on thursday (the 8th), however due to the times I can be on, (and knowing you only get a decent amount of questions if you're here to answer them) can I request that you make the thread before you go to bed on the wednesday. (and maybe suggest you do similar for other Aussies.)

    You can leave the other hot seats running of course, so that they get their fair 24 hours.


    Due to time constraints even with the fair 24 hours, I would only have had maybe 1-2, maybe 3 hours tops today, and most of that is at a time when nobody is on.


    Sorry to be a bother about it.

  9. I think the hotseat should have an ETA(or approximate starting time in a time zone) in the front page, so that those of us in different time zones are aware that the day they signed up for is the actually not the day they'll get.


    I was free on the 2nd, and I was free on the 4th but I should be spending very little time online on the 5th (today) because I need to study. I feel that knowing the time in your time zone in which you start the threads (and I am aware things can come up) would be helpful for not only me, but for others in similar situations

  10. Sure, I'll add you right after babyblue decides what she's doing.

    I might be doing things towards the end of november(road trips etc) and am being dragged off to bed now. I was thinking, maybe sharing a day earlier on if possible, maybe tomorrow, or one after thursday if its not too much trouble.

  11. GK on school bus, mom heard GK at work, mom heard LT in Giant tiger, Relax on radio (tech version), relax on radio once again, relax again, relax again, GK school dance, love today hills commercial...and probably more times but I'm old forgive me :bleh:

    Too funny... I wasn't asking you to list where you heard MIka (unless you want to)... I'm talking personal andecdotes like the others gave, and like you gave in your hearing him at the disco stuff




    Lists are good too though :wink2:

  12. Just heard Mika some place and want to share your expeirence and excitement. Well this is the place.


    Okay, so I noticed that we tend to get alot of threads along the lines of

    "I heard Mika at my school dance"

    "SITM played while I was shopping"

    "Wow, they just played my request... yes relax"




    So I thought, why not save forum space and incorporate these threads into one big one.

    If you're brimming with excitment about just hearing a mika song in a place, expected or unexpected this is where you can let us know

    If you just made a fool of yourself because Meeks came on the radio tell us here

    If you just lost your voice singing along to mika we want to hear it.

    Post away girls

  13. Ok just to make myself clear


    I never said he was FAKE


    And if people have interpreted that from what I have said then I apologise.


    I was merely trying to say that there is more to Mika that we know, and because of that we can never say we truly know the 'real' mika. That is the Mika his family and friends know.


    But FAKE was not what I meant.


    That is all :mf_rosetinted:

  14. I totally believe this...if we try to tell the world who we are completely...it might not be that healthy...somethings we still have to call our own and private. As a performer...there are some things I don't tell the public...and I totally believe there is much about MIKA we don't know wants to keep private. Its part of survival.

    Thank you Elanorelle, I'm glad you understand.



    And Emz, sorry if I upset you. I never for a second wanted you to think Mika is fake, just to understand that there is more to him.


    Mika is different to other artists out there, thats for sure. His not singing about grillz (a deep and meaningful song I'm sure of it :mf_rosetinted:). He sings songs with a message which he makes more attractive by the big, happy sounding music (cue lollipop, don't have sex too soon message).


    And as such, we love him for who he is, for that small part of himself we're lucky he shares with us

  15. We're not saying that and we're not saying that the Mika we see isn't real, only that it isn't the real Mika in the sense that it isn't all he is.


    Mika is so much more than what we see, and he may be different than what we expect. We only see a small part of him.


    Yes he does have a passion for his show, and he loves what we do, and we see that and love that. But there is more to him than that.


    Its like when you first meet someone and get talking to them. As you get to know them more, you discover more about them and find out that that first part they revealed to you when you first meet was only a part of them, and that the 'real' them is that part of them combined with many more parts, that they are more than that first part you came to like.

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