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Posts posted by Bellatrix

  1. Yes, I think my hubby thought this was a passing fad, too... but there's

    just something special about Mika... :wub2:




    Well, married 26 years last December. But we started dating in January 1980.


    Before Bellatrix was born! :naughty:


    For someone who usually has a short attention span, I guess I'm

    going OK.


    So is your husband named Brian, Shari? Mine too! :thumb_yello:




    Something very special :wub2:



    Haha. Way to make me feel young :tears:

  2. Actually, I'm more into Mika than I have been with any of the others. I grew up near Jimi, so I was into him because he was so accessible and I got to go on the tour bus. That was fun! I still love his music! But, even he knows that Mika has taken over. LOL!! He's even sick of hearing about MIKA! Oh, and yes, I made him join my Mika myspace. So, he hears alot about him.


    Mika has beat all the others out. I never talked about the others like I do Mika. There's just something about Mika! And, Deb's right..ONE WORD: MIKA!!


    Yep, Mika just happens and you are left wondering what hit you.


    :roftl: I love that everyones sick of hearing of Mika. I think my friends are too. I start flailing about Mika and posting an obsessive amount of pictures to them...:blush-anim-cl: They just stay quiet until I'm done.

  3. Deb: Obviously Mika should just. Be mine since I'm loyal to him. :roftl:

    I'm sure I will find someone [lmao I wrote something first :lmao:]


    Charlotte: That's really great. :biggrin2: I wish I could stay loyal to other bands. I mean, there are some that I've liked for years and years like Linkin Park [7years bb], but I just don't listen to them much anymore and I don't really know why.

    Oh and I love Josh Groban too. He's fantastic.


    But nonetheless. There's no one I'm as into a fandom as I am Mika.

  4. LMAO! Yes, I find that I grow tired of those fast. It's hard to find a nice one.


    :roftl: Oh gosh I was thinking of this problem in bed the other day because I get so sick of things so fast. It's a miracle I still love Mika after [Oh my gosh I think I'm about to have my 1 year anniversary of finding out who he is] this time. But at least that means it's true love. :mf_lustslow:

  5. I guess the tatoo thing was a bad example. LOL!! I could never get one and if I ever did want one, I couldn't because I would be tired of it soon. I can't even keep the same bedding more than a year without getting tired of it. LOL


    So, don't get one. I know of so many people who wish they never got them because their preferences changed over the years and what they liked then, they don't like now. So, they go in for laser. YUCK!


    :roftl: I have the same problem! I get sick of things so fast! I'm never going to find a boyfriend. :roftl:

  6. Too late? :tears: Oh and I tried to hard.


    I have the same problem with a tattoo Christy. :roftl: I've been wanting to get one since I was 14 and now 4 years later and still can't seem to make up my mind on what I want. I want to get lyrics. And from there I don't know because I find new ones all the time. :annoyed_h4h:


    How are you all this morning?

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