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About kristy5188

  • Birthday 03/01/1980


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    Mika Groupie
  1. Hi guys!!! Thanks for all the welcomes! It's great to be here! Im sure ill catch up with everyone sooner or later
  2. Hi all! I just wanted to drop in and say. I found this fan club by accident, and SO glad that did!. I cant actually remember when it was that i first found Mika, but i remember it was seeing the film clip to Grace Kelly, just before it was realised in Australia. I was stunned by his talent. Regretting that i didnt live in Europe to go see him in concert, my friend accidently came across a small concert he was going to do in Australia on a promotional tour two weeks from the time we found out.. So i just said book tickets , i booked flights to Sydney - i didnt even know how much it was costing me, see Mika had no price limit. The concert was AMAZING... I cannot believe how amazing he is!! It was the best night!!! I cannot wait to go to Europe next year, definately going to one or two or three of his concerts. I have never been so amazed by a singer, as i have with Mika, his song writing, his singing, his theatricals are amazing!!!!!!!! He is the best.
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