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Posts posted by McFista

  1. i was in munic and in düsseldorf - thank you petra for your ticket!!!

    it took me hours to read through both threads - here my short impressions, the reports that far were great!


    munic was a great performance - amazing, you could see, how sick he was - but düsseldorf was just terrific!!!!!


    in munic you could see, "that he is doing his job" he "warmed up" after every single song - i think, he was in such a better mood at the end of his gig!


    but in düsseldorf he came in like "here i am - let's make party!!!"


    i don't know, maybe he was happy, that he felt better and don't have to cancle the concert, although he still seemed really sick! it was so cute when he turned over and blow his nose in a tissue!!!


    it was just amazing to see the difference between the munic and the düsseldorf concert!!! also the audience was different! in munic there were a lot of little kids between 6 and 10 with their parents who were not really interested in the concert! that was a little bit "down-turning"!


    well anyway - after more than 2.000 km driving the car - less of sleep - it was a spectacular weekend and i will remember it the rest of my life!!!!!


    my new favourit slogan: "who needs f***ing ema's"!!!!!" that's what i've got from munic :biggrin2:

  2. i have no idea! she posted one day, that she will report after the frankfurt gig, so that we know how early we have to be at the venue ... so i was thinking, she's gonna be online today!


    it's just strange, that rak1 can't reach ioana at the phone and as far as i guess, they were together at the gig!

  3. btw, thanx to mcfista for all that new ticket info and the link, she posted it on the german forum, and i just passed the info on here. :wink2: so the credit goes to her! :thumb_yello:


    don't mention it! :blush-anim-cl:


    i keep on sneaking around in the net for more lotteries and will post them also at the mfc. i'm just kinda shy, specially writing in english :blush-anim-cl:


    so, thx mellody for doing the translation job - the more mika fans go to the ema's, the better :thumb_yello:

  4. it took almost three weeks from the time i orderd them till i got them. but you can also buy them and pick them up at a lokal store on friday. maybe it's faster inside germany. you can also call the hotline and ask for that.


    i also got tickets for munich :biggrin2:

  5. i'm from austria and i'm a fanatic mika-fan since i heard grace kelly the first time on the radio - i think it was at the end of february. i heard it during my job and i had to stop working at that moment to download it from itunes. at that time his album wasn't out here and at itunes there's an austrian electronic band listed with the name "mika" and i heard those other songs and thought "what ****" :thumbdown:


    well, after i found out about the rest of his songs, i got really addicted to his music!!! my favourite songs are "at any other world" and ... "psst" ... i'm actually not allowed to listen to it - but i told you - i'm addicted - it's "overrated"!!! actually i love all of his songs, grace kelly and lollipop are still my nr. ones, always depends on my mood :wink2:


    i also want to remind everyone to vote for mika at the mtv ema's!!!! that's a way, to give back a litte of the joy, his music brings to us!!!


    and please excuse my bad english!

    have fun with mika's music :thumb_yello:

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