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Posts posted by Ricki

  1. That must have been exiting! Do they have a fanclub already?(:naughty: )

    Or a website? What is the name of the band?


    We have some video...just need to figure out how to upload it, then I'll send a link. Their fan club consisted of their wives and a couple friends. The people who ran the bar were like you guys are pretty good and I guess will be scheduling them to play again. Their name is Camo Electric ( which is stupid...but all they could come up with on short notice that everyone agreed with)

  2. My husband has suggested getting a drum kit for our son, but he's only 5. Do you think that's too young to be thinking about anything other than a toy kit?

    (bearing in mind the money and space that a real kit would use up)


    We had a toy one for my son when he was 4 and it broke in two weeks. We got my son a real drum set when he turned 5 he loves it. My husband and I don't know how to play so we can't really guide him in learning and I think is to young to start lessons but he loves to bang on it. He can keep the beat pretty well. We do have it in the basement so it doesn't take up any room in the house.

  3. I dont get it?? is it a U S thing?


    Wendi am I allowed to go now that some one else has turnred up - dont want to leave you all alone. . . .


    When they hunt here they camoflauge outfits so the blend with the surrounding. lectric is (electric) I guess they left the "e" off just so it flows better. Really have no idea. I told him I hated it and thats where we left it. I had no interest in how they came up with it.

  4. Hey, Ricki, haven't seen you in ages and I've been dying to ask... what name did your husband's band decide on in the end? I don't know why I remembered that particularly but....


    They are going with Camo Lectric for now. For the record I really HATE it. I guess it has something to do with hunting. I think they just settled cause they couldn't come up with something original in a short time frame.

  5. Hi Cadnboys - what's House of Blues?



    Ha ha ha!!!




    Hi Ruth- enjoy the big city. I haven't seen either of those shows yet, but I hear they're very good.


    Hi Pooh:thumb_yello: How's Gary getting on now?


    I've seen the Lion King on broadway...to great for words. Hope you enjoy

  6. Hi Anna and Diana. How are you this evening.

    I'll be okay, I don't intend to let this get me down. I'm determined to get back on my feet and do what I want to do.

    I've been kind of feeling restless for a while, I guess the roadtrip in November confirmed things for me. I might just travel around for a while, just as soon as can get my van back up and running, good thing about being a courier, you can get work anywhere, heh heh.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where life takes me now, not letting myself be restricted anymore. Done that most of my life and it seems to have got me nowhere.

    It's good to be able to share this with someone, my friends seem to be behind me, but I feel that some of my family aren't.

    I feel closer to you guys right now than my family, apart from my big nephew, my oldest niece and my auntie, who all think I should do what I want to do. Sonthat's what I'm gonna do.


    Didn't see what brought this empowerment on but good for you. You need to take care of yourself and if this is what you need...go for it.

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