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Posts posted by coloursule

  1. Time for my report !

    I arrived to the Bell center at 11h30

    I was the fourth people in line and I talked to the people there ,they were very nice ! it was a long wait in the cold but we managed to warm up inside.

    At 4h30 my husband came and bought me a white boa we sing with other fans the whole album and jump to warm up! It was very fun !

    I saw Sunshine931 and talk to her a bit and wave at Cassioppé and marilou

    they were more mfc's there but I was to shy to talk to them sorry girls !

    At 6h30 the doors open and I was so nervous , Bell center is a big place and I was in front of the stage for the first time in this arena I was in front WOW!

    The atmospere was electric ! all the people was doing the wave so beautiful !

    2 bands before Mika,they were very good (The midway state and Creature)

    Now Mika's turn ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS ! he was very energic jump all around

    He sing the whole album + Holy Johnny + How much do you love me and intro

    Sexy back with When the dove cry. For the encore Lollipop (beautiful job girls

    you were absolutely great with all the moves !

    and after the encore they went backstage.We screem so loud and the fans went crasy when he reappear and sing for the second time Relax (my favorite) What a fabulous time , what a night !!!

    At this moment my legs hurt me still for jumping and waiting all day !

    After the show we went to see if we can see him !We went to the parking and wait for him!he finally appear to the other side of the barrier and talk to us and he sign some stuff that people had !While he was signing my cd I said to him you know I went and saw you in Boston and I give you a t-shirt with you in a parade and he said oh yes! you came in the bus to Boston and he said How are you ! and I said very good and you gave us a amazing show!

    and I said bye !(all the talking were in french)

    After we went to the other side his driver stop the car and he was so nice talking to us and taking picture with us and he said bye !I didn't have my camera and CaroLollipop take my picture with him She was so nice Thank you again !

    What a beautiful day ! He is soooooo nice !!! What a star !!!!

    I hope you like my report i'm not to good in english and I make mistake but

    I try my best!

    I'm gonna send my picture in a few minutes.

    Oh yes ! I forget my husband caught the drumstick of Cherisse !

    Natie x






    How are you ! I said to him that was good and he did a super show


    God XD I was the first to arrive here with my friends hihi

    But we had to leave right after the show because we had to take the subway heh xD

    Lucky you Natie :P

    Next time I will wait with you for sure :P


    Mika is so talented and passionate

    I had never seen someone with that much sparkles in the eyes :P

    I love the way he is

    So human

    So touched by the public

    So simple

    And he does such a great show

    Mika - you're fantastic :)

  2. "George Michael pour l'imploration, Freddie Mercury pour les envolées lyriques. Ajouter les Bee Gees pour le disco, Bronski Beat pour l'électropop années 1980, et Elton John pour les ballades pianistiques. Punks, passez votre chemin."


    Fisrt I dont see the need to compare someone to someone else...

    And also, "punks passez votre chemin", I saw people of every style who love Mika...


    I dont like this article... really not

  3. And can someone come up with anything for this one? It looks like he is having a headache or like he's hypnotising someone:naughty: :



    "Oh wait! Oh noo I have a blank! I won't sleep til I remember what I wanted to say!"

  4. lol i see...me too i feel very ashamed i mean the lyrics are...:shocked:



    :shocked: The lyrics are terrifying :shocked:

    And her video looks like a mix of Pierre Lapointe's Deux par deux rassemblés (that most of you probably dont know...) and the beginning of Dope Hat by Marilyn Manson

    Thats quite strange

    Her music is not that bad on some songs

    But again the lyrics scare me XD

  5. Hi everybody :)

    Well my name is Ursule

    I live somewhere in the province of quebec

    I heard Mika for the first time on my friend's MacBook

    Actually... I study music

    And I want to become a singer-songwriter

    So thats it :)

    Au revoir :)

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