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Everything posted by coloursule

  1. coloursule


    Haha yes he's gorgeous but I prefer his normal hair
  2. God XD I was the first to arrive here with my friends hihi But we had to leave right after the show because we had to take the subway heh xD Lucky you Natie Next time I will wait with you for sure Mika is so talented and passionate I had never seen someone with that much sparkles in the eyes I love the way he is So human So touched by the public So simple And he does such a great show Mika - you're fantastic
  3. He has success even if he's different They cant stand it They are jealous Anyway Mika looks great and he wont change for them
  4. "George Michael pour l'imploration, Freddie Mercury pour les envolées lyriques. Ajouter les Bee Gees pour le disco, Bronski Beat pour l'électropop années 1980, et Elton John pour les ballades pianistiques. Punks, passez votre chemin." Fisrt I dont see the need to compare someone to someone else... And also, "punks passez votre chemin", I saw people of every style who love Mika... I dont like this article... really not
  5. I think the only thing we can expect from his next album is to sound "mika" So it depends of his feelings and everything
  6. with striped pants: I spy Mika with Brian May
  7. hehh actually it is just burlesque I dont see what's wrong with that O.0
  8. I really dont understand why those people are so obsessed by his sexuality... and just because he's compared to gay people doesnt mean he's gay O.o! Heh Dont worry Mika We dont care
  9. O.O OHH I love Rufus And adore Queen O.O Cant wait
  10. I answered "open a restaurant" pretty sure it would be delicious... but I didnt really know what to answer... he could do almost anything doenst he
  11. 1. The song's really cool 2. His hair's back 3. He has silver "suspenders" (wich are printed on his shirt heh XD) Thats nice ^^
  12. I prefer his curls but actually the most important is what he likes the most about himself lol
  13. "Oh wait! Oh noo I have a blank! I won't sleep til I remember what I wanted to say!"
  14. The lyrics are terrifying And her video looks like a mix of Pierre Lapointe's Deux par deux rassemblés (that most of you probably dont know...) and the beginning of Dope Hat by Marilyn Manson Thats quite strange Her music is not that bad on some songs But again the lyrics scare me XD
  15. That post is totally crazy (O.o MikrazY?) It made me laugh a lot (and I must seem crazy because I'm in the computer lab of my school's library and I laugh alone in front of my screen XD)
  16. Haha I cant wait to see it ^.^ Actually I dont have internet at home so I can watch mika on youtube only at school ... This DVD means I can watch it anytime
  17. Hi everybody Well my name is Ursule I live somewhere in the province of quebec I heard Mika for the first time on my friend's MacBook Actually... I study music And I want to become a singer-songwriter So thats it Au revoir
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