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Posts posted by Iron_Man

  1. Oh loool. I haven't read the whole thread, just parts of it but MDRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (= lol in French).


    You crack me up, Iron Man ^^. :lmao:


    I guess I have thousands of questions, but right now, I don't know :P


    :lmao: I can't beleive girls have a million questions and when it comes to the point of asking them they go blank!! :roftl:

  2. And now my question:


    why does a guy hold you close when you're cold.. taking your hand when you're scared during a movie... talking almost only with you on his own birthday party... hugging you like he doesn't want to let you go everytime you say goodbye... looking into your eyes for ages to figure out the exact colour... giving you a ring made of wire and putting it on your finger saying oh look we're married......


    and then again you're just friends !! and you'll never be more then a friend to him and you know that for sure (believe me I know)



    So why does he do these things ?? :boxed: I'm sorry this is not really a question you can answer I guess... I just needed to tell somebody :thumbdown:


    Even though you guys are 'just friends' and according to you will never be anything more ...... deep down inside this guy LOVES

    you very much :wub2:


    Maybe he is scared if he is ever anything more he would somehow lose you and cannot take that chance because you are far too special to him.....

  3. :lol3:


    Well, what if a guy just comes up to talk to you, but just you. Like he passes by at least three other girls to talk to you, but doesn't ask you out or anything? :blink:


    Just being friendly, right...?


    If a guy passes up three other girls and stops just to say something to YOU - he fancies you... or otherwise he would have just kept on walking.....


  4. Oh snap that's a good answer...ladieeeees. Haha I don't know why, but if you say "ladieees" in a deep voice after everything you say, it makes everything oh so creepy.


    Ah I see, that makes sense I suppose. I guess you guys aren't too happy that you can only ask ONE girl to a school dance, right? ;)


    No, you may not have a tummy rub. You may have a doggy treat; Go fetch!!! *throws biscuit*


    bark bark


    *pants like a dog* :licks_lips:



    Heh try to answer that one!


    Anyyywayyys, on to a proper question. So is it normal for guys to plan who they are going to ask to prom 10 MONTHS before prom? It just seems a bit drastic to me...I dunno...


    The square root of my face is Yo' momma :bleh:


    Yes, but it could change over and over again - that is why we wait till the very last possible minute to ask a girl! So MANY girls so little time!


    Can I have a tummy rub....

  6. Wow this thread is...interesting.

    I've been stalking around for a while, you see. :naughty:


    Hmmm, questions, questions, questions...I must have at least ONE question, yet nothing comes to mind. I shall return! DUN DUN DUHHHH!


    :lmao: it is funny how girls always say they would like to know what guys think ... then when it comes down to it - they can't think of anything to ask!!!!! :lmfao:

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