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Posts posted by chickpea_90

  1. awww :( maybe they will catch on soon lovemepls


    i dont get the radio where i live *grrr* silly hills, they are nice to look at though, lol


    although the two times i have been into the city i heard love today it made my day, lol

  2. Well i haven't done maths in the 11 and 12grade woop woop.. if I told you before !


    i didnt do maths in year 12, it was compulsory in year 11, i sorta regret it now, and i dont have regrets often, only because most of the uni courses i want to do have maths as assumed knowledge, oh well i will find a way around it! it wont be too hard

  3. I think I'm going veg too. I almost gagged when I smelt bacon the other day. It just doesn't...make me smile anymore


    same! my dad brother and i used to have a ritual where we would go for a walk then have bacon and eggs every sunday morning, i cant stand it now i sleep through it, lol.


    the smell of lamb cooking makes me gag really bad:thumbdown:

  4. HAHA 'yikes! give her to zane'


    that is the funniest video i have seen in ages. i cant believe i havnt seen it before. i had no idea ibiza was his first gig, i love it, esp. the beginning of love today *melts*


    haha, his pants are shiny! and he looks so happy after he made him poke his stomach out

  5. i am a vegearian too!


    argh, computer just erased a huge post i typed!


    anway, first of all, make sure u get enough protien, by eating lots of legumes and that sort of thing otherwise you will end up lethargic and feeling yuck


    ive been a vege for about two years, i made a gradual transition because i didnt have the heart to tell mum i wasnt going to eat her food, but i just ate less and less meat until mum said it wasnt healthy for me anymore.


    i became one because i felt sick at the though of eating lamb whislt watching all the sheep in the paddock across from our dining room window and (like someone previous said) i watched a heap of videos on the PETA website.


    ahhh well, i really should go and study (stupid year 12! and exams in three weeks)

  6. can you go to one of those paint places that scan something, and then can mix paint to make that colour? i wonder if that is only in australia


    ohh i love the cello, elanorelle, my hands are heaps small it is so annoying even when i am playing violin! the cello always has a much nicer tone


    i have heard love today on the radio twice in two days, it makes me want to dance, i was with someone who has no idea who mika is and they started singing to it, lol

  7. lol i just ran around and took this in a couple of minutes the batteries were so close to dieing, but the good old *Shake the camera* trick brought them back to life


    it is our puppy dog all curled up in bed, lol she was so good for me, she just layed there and sniffed it a bit, can we have more than one photo? knowing me i will think of something genius as soon as i have posted this. ahh i may as well put a couple of our 'photoshoot' up lol





  8. Hi Chickpea90, Welcome at the MFC! Have fun here:thumb_yello:


    Now I'm totally confused about the chickpeas: what are they, vegetables? And what is hommus??:blink: (What is lentil?):blink: :blink:


    yeah, chickpeas are like beans/peas or anything like that


    oops i spelt hommus wrong, it is supposed to be hummus


    hummus is a sort of dip which is basically mushed up chickpeas with all different variations on what sort of flavouring people put in it, i pretty much put; cumin to taste, a pinch of salt and whatever i drag out the cupboard

  9. *doubles the strength of sweet-dreams' telepathic message*

    i reaaally hope he comes here im gunna be so excited if he does, lol the first and only proper concert i went to was the 'australian idol top twelve' from season 1, im sure i can be sure that mikas will be alot better lol








    there is a bunch of fairly random screen caps!

  10. hmmm i dont have much experience in seeing plays,

    i was the princaple violin for Oliver when our school did it, that was alot of fun


    i have forgottern what the next one they are doing is called, but im not sure if i will go back to help after i have left year 12, it sounds a bit dodgy


    the person who directed our school performances and musicals has left, and our reputation of professionalsim, quality etc. is spiraling fast. :(

  11. ohh everyones pics are great


    i think i have some lurking around somewhre i remember taking a bunch of screen caps the other day, ill upload them to photobucket and put them on here when my computer is being more co operative


    *shakes fist at windows*

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