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Posts posted by MIKA-TheBestMusician

  1. wir ham total viel an der schule.. eine gitarren ag (ober und mittelstufe) und eine gitarren ag für die "kleinen",

    eine "große" und eine "kleine" bigband, ganz ganz viele chöre... :blink: also wer will kann bei uns wirklich mitspielen :roftl:


    edit: achja ich hab die ganzen von der schule organisierten bands vergessen xD

  2. i've been to greece/cyprus, italy, djerba (when i was very small i can hardly remember), valencia and.. well germany :blink: so i left europe only once :aah:

    but next summer i'll go to england with our school and i'm reeaally lookin forward to that :biggrin2::thumb_yello:

  3. we do.. but the chocolate tastes like cardboard, well, to me it does. hehe.


    the chocolate is baad but this calendar with those eggs is awsome :naughty:


    haribo_goldbaren_100759311,property=zoom.jpg:aah: they have other sorts, too, but thats the original haribo idea, and still th best :thumb_yello:

  4. I've got the kinder before, it's delicious.. I got something else too, but I can't remember what it was. :sneaky2: oh and one time, she brought me a calendar where you counted down the days until Christmas with little chocolate pieces for each day,,.. that might be an advert calendar? but, I ate all the chocolate the day she gave it to me :roftl:


    don't u have advent calendars?? :shocked::shocked: thats the best-of christmas time :biggrin2: a little piece of chocolate every day :naughty: there are different sorts of them, with chocolate or little pictures, citations or whatever for every day :naughty:

  5. hehe. um, I like reeces, it's like chocolate with peanut butter inside, we have some chocolate that you can only get at the biltmore house in North Carolina, it was DELICIOUS, but we don't really have good chocolate, to tell the truth :dunno:


    maybe other sweets than chocolate, that's the best in switzerland and germany :lol3:


    bye freestyle.. lookin forward to talk to u again :huglove:

  6. okay :biggrin2: i prefer english anyway :biggrin2:

    had a big discussion with a member. and i made a mistake

    i was so angry and just hurt. i blamed it on everyone..i said

    i didn't feel welcome there and then everyone was hurt like

    nessa or bächlein and they were just like you know what

    we don't even like you. and i was so hurt and then i just went away.

    i came back once. but the only one who didn't ignore me was

    the member with wich i had that fight. :boxed:


    uuuhm well.... :blink:

    sure that you didnt just pretend the others were ignoring you? :boxed:

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