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Posts posted by Ceci_B

  1. una chava dijo que habia dicho que vendria....si viene!!!! les juro que nos tenemos que poner de acuerdo y nos juntamos todas ahi...y como en una thread dicen de que le gusta que sus MFC fans se vistan de algo en especial...bueno...si viene al df nos ponemos de acuerdo y ya nos vestimos de lollipop girls o algo

  2. oh guys come on!!! let the bad singing behind....we are not singers...Mika is...and somehow we love him that much that we will sing a song for him...so please!!! guys come on...I hve to find a way to record my video with my web cam...but when I get it I will show it to ya....so...for now, practice the song!

  3. Well...the other day I was singing at school "Love Today" and a friend of mine told me that I sang it exactly as Mika....and as you know I felt flattered...so why don't we make a video of ourselves singing our favorite Mika's song? whatcha think?

  4. Hey there Mika, first of all I want to make clear that I don't try to be a stalker or anything of the like. I want you to know that I truly respect you and your music, for eveyrhting you have done and the great success after your first song. This might sound cheesy, but truly you are a role model for many people, including myself. I love your music and I really hope you come to Mexico. Here , the people is lovely and I bet the people will receive you with a warmth welcome, please come, we love you here!! we do LOVE you and your music.:biggrin2:


    Hope you are taking care of yourself....I'm almost finish with the scarpp book for you.


    tons of love






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